Found it!
BestMassage Office Desk Gaming Chair High Back Computer Task Swivel Executive Racingchair for BackSupport with Lumbar Support Adjust Armrest (Racing Style Chair)
This is also on Amazon for those wondering. The white one is $94.99+$9.99 Shipping though.
Same price as on amazon. Might not be as good of a deal as newegg would have you believe.
cant be any worse than these that where the cheap dxracer alternatives that where everywhere on amazon a year or 2 ago. this at least has better head and lumbar support if nothing else. not saying i would buy it myself but it seems to at lease be somewhat better
How tough was it not to buy the scorpion version?
After some digging I think I may have found the chair or at least one that is similar. Here is the link:
Also, OP I love your set up! I’m curious about how comfortable the chair actually is? And how close you are to total world domination? Lol
These chairs from amazon fit your style and budget and they seem to have pretty good reviews.
I'm 5'9" (181cm) and use thisas my main DJ table: with a black drape over it. At its highest setting, it's perfect for DJing.
I can say the chair itself is super comfy. But not $500 comfy. lol.
The $100 ones off amazon are worth.
This is the chair shown in the pic. This one is worth imo.
Unfortunately just my chair from the office. a basic cushy office chair but friends have recommended this to me
Homall Gaming Chair Office Chair High Back Computer Chair Leather Desk Chair Racing Executive Ergonomic Adjustable Swivel Task Chair with Headrest and Lumbar Support (White)
I actually got it at work bc they were throwing stuff away. It was covered in dust and I swindled our manager out of it saying it was trash lol
I haven't had this for very long but I enjoy it and with Amazon Prime is only $110. I wasn't going to spend over $150 on a "gaming" chair and this seems like a deal to me.
OFM Essentials racing style chair from Amazon:
It's been a very comfortable and nice chair for the few months I have owned it and reasonably priced too.
I grabbed this reasonable one off of amazon
Also got one of these butt pillows
and replaced the wheels with some office owl chair wheels.
We bought one of these during the pandemic and our kids were virtual schooling.
They're great as portable desks.
The chair is $3650 going by the link downthread, although it doesn't include the monitors or computer.
If Kongming started working after Halloween, and it's now six months until Summer Sonia which happens at the end of August irl (I didn't catch whether concrete dates were ever mentioned), then he's banked about four months of income without any living expenses other than food, minus all the booze and partying he's done to make connections. So he could afford the chair, it just doesn't seem like a wise purchase proportional to his war chest, so he might have found a way to rent/borrow it for the day or bought it used.
Other sources of income also require some time to rake in the yen, so using connections to get stuff seems easier than using his genius to make money, unless his divination works on lottery numbers. We already know he used strategems to get Kabe and Kido's help rather than paying them, so it fits with his MO.
Here ya go brother
Homall Gaming Chair Office Chair High Back Computer Chair Leather Desk Chair Racing Executive Ergonomic Adjustable Swivel Task Chair with Headrest and Lumbar Support (White)
Probably not since that chair is $250, at least it is in the US. At that point you'd be better off getting the Razer chair. I'd look at a cheap padded office chair like this, for example
Walmart says the chair is 27.95 x 26.77 x 47.24 inches and I'm 6'1. I was able to lean my head back over the top of the chair and I found that to be comfortable. I've only used a few office chairs so I have no concept on what is good so this is my only baseline; the chair I didn't like was this\_1\_12?crid=3APOY0DSOMU18&keywords=gaming+chair&qid=1647147203&sprefix=gaming+chai%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-12
The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem.
Jkjk, this is an epic setup. Have you looking into the scorpion? I feel like you need to evolve into the scorpion.
I wish the seat was slightly less firm but it is better than the basic cheap office chair I had before and it has better back support. When I lean back in it against the lumbar and neck support I say, “ ahh this is nice.“ I was tempted to get the pink/white version but the black/white version was a Black Friday shopping special and coordinates with my mostly back hardware and the PS5.
It is the Homall chair, comes in a lot of colors, inexpensive so the quality isn't super-high but it'll do. It is leather and not polyurethane. It is similar to the GTracing chair often seen in Battlestation posts here.
Sadly it looks like the pink/white version isn't available.
Here’s one I have used that fits your dimensions. It even has a standing mode!
If you insist on getting this style of chair, save yourself some money: or even cheaper:
They're all the same.
I e actually been thinking of using this in one of those gaming recliners. Something like one of these Scorpion Gaming chair
I feel like laying straight down would be disorienting but I could settle for being halfway down
This worked for me. It's slightly over $100 but you can adjust the lumbar support and my back and neck feels pretty good at the computer. The only drawback is the armrests are plastic not something soft, so there's that to consider. Good luck!