If the $20 one has a vent button like the No-Spill brand containers then yeah it would totally be worth it.
The nozzle design was a change forced upon us by people pouring gas from the can straight onto open fires. Obviously not a great idea, but people do it. The newer design is so that when someone does this, and the flame crawls up the stream towards the can and the user freaks out and either drops/throws/or runs around with it as soon as they quit applying force to keep the nozzle open it will spring shut and keep the flame from going into the can.
That being said, I totally agree the cans sold at big box stores are HORRIBLE. Home depot, walmart, lowes etc... After trying a bunch of different styles I finally found one that is AWESOME that wasn't a $50 steel gas can. Only issue was I had to buy them on amazon as nobody local sells them. Check out the link below and give it a whirl, I promise it's worth buying.
No-Spill 1405 2-1/2-Gallon Poly Gas Can (CARB Compliant) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000W72GBC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_npxExbBPD05DZ
They sell multiple sizes, I have the 1.25gal for my two stroke mix, and a 5 gal for my regular gas (mower, generator, etc).
They can sell these because it should only be used for water cans ;)
Only ones we used to sell at my shop, because we stood by them. never had an issue with mine, and I love how there's and actual button instead of the usual push down nozzle bullshit.
Edit: after reading those reviews, it looks like a lot are missing the O-ring for the nozzle. Might not be preinstalled if you order it directly. I had to put them together before we sold them in our store.
Yup. They made it law to require these anti spill nozzles. But they always break so I end up removing the whole nozzle and pouring from the hole directly. End up spilling a ton.
Recently though I bought a metal can where the anti spill part is in the handle. You have to pull the handle for it to flow. Definitely worth it.
Similar to those one. Highly recommend.
Justrite 5 Gallon Red AccuFlow Galvanized Steel Type II Vented Safety Can With Stainless Steel Flame Arrester And 1" Metal Hose (For Flammable Liquids) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B003FZB3N0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_AM141G2SZ6G3NRWEQBK7
I don't have much to contribute on topic but on the subject of gas cans, Wavian gas cans hands down, I've ran 4 in my past 2 vehicles (ordered 2, got 4 :D), which is essentially an entire extra tank of gas before I have to go fill up. It's been handy the few times I've gone across BFE, USA and needed to fill up between gas stations, but that's usually less than 5-11 gallons at most.
Pair it with the fancy rubber hose + marble thing to avoid having to hold it in place and you have an easy fuel system to throw near the gas tank and drain without much energy too.
You can still buy a decent jug. They're still made. People haul those jugs off into the middle of nowhere on off-road vehicles that get beat the fuck up and the jugs endure just fine. They're vented, the caps are really durable, and ~~they come with a nice long hose spout.~~
Amazon doesn't have the cheapest price on them, you can find them for as low as $24, but the free shipping is a plus.
Edit: I just looked further down the listing and the filler hose is extra, not included. Be sure to get one.
I use the metal "justrite" cans. They are expensive, but I will never buy anything else again. https://www.amazon.com/Justrite-Galvanized-AccuFlow-Flexible-Hazardous/dp/B003FZB3N0/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=justrite+safety+can+5+gallon&qid=1611144073&sprefix=justrite&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXV...
I'm going to second this, but add that I use the one with a built-in hose which has been very reliable. Mine have been stored in my non-climate controlled barn for years with no adverse effects. The valve take a bit of practice to get used to using, but not a bother after that. I use an old wine cork to keep bugs and dust out of the hose.
Also note: I only use real gas and a stabilizer in these cans. For the slight extra cost, I can use it in all of my vehicles, farm equipment, and power equipment without worrying about the ethanol content. I buy the stabilizer in bulk from Amazon as well.
I actually–––in fear of not looking like these people–––didn't fill up my cans for my lawn mower, and 2-cycle mix crap. Didn't notice any of this nonsense at any gas station figure I'll take care of it tomorrow. SMH. If anyone wants a legit can I love this thing I paid $55ish 5-6 years ago maybe wait until this ridiculousness dies down. I have another one for mixed fuel, they're way better than that plastic crap.
You can buy something like this to convert them back to the old nozzles. Sure, you're now at 3x the price of what the old cans cost in the first place, but it's worth it not too deal with the new nozzles.
If you buy the metal Jerry cans you can get a flexible metal spout with a built it vent. Damn things are almost indestructible and work perfectly.
You don't pay Giant $77 because I paid Giant enough points for it--you pay me $77 instead. I have more than enough points to cover the entire purchase of the gas (the receipt will say $0.00 and deduct the points (see under Gas Savings). I don't carry change so Venmo is preferable, probably safer, and this will avoid any physical exchanges. There are better ways for me to get more value out of the points but I feel this is probably the simplest/least sketchy way to do it for both parties so I'm willing to "sell my points a discount".
Buyer drives to pump, I come up to scan Rewards card, and pump will say $0.00. Buyer fills, pump automatically stops at 25 gallons because of redemption. Buyer pays in cash/Venmo and we leave. I understand not everyone has gas tanks to fill remaining gas after their vehicle and I can work something out (minimum purchase will be 15 gallons then--worst case scenario I can come up with two of my gas tanks for myself (I have a couple of these on loan for a deposit). In the past I have had a buyer bring 2 vehicles but a particular gas attendant was not impressed.
I just had this exact same thing happen to me, and after watching this excellent project farm video on gas cans, I went with the 5 gal JustRite metal can and it's been perfect. No issues whatsoever with temp change and it seals with no leaks on both valves.
Only real complaint is that you don't want to fill it all the way full of course, but you can't easily tell how full it is while you're filling it. Small complaint that wont be an issue once I've had it more than just one season and have some experience with it.
I threw away my plastic gas cans. I was tired of all that nonsense. I bought Just-Rite metal gas cans. They aren't cheap, but they work great.
I bought something like this kit and replaced the safety spout with it.
"EZ dispensing nozzle" Do you have a link for one that doesn't leave your hands wet with gasoline after using it? I take a pair of pliers and remove the lock and add a vacuum valve for easier pouring. For the open nozzle end I've found a wine bottle cork fits perfectly and doesn't leak when tipped.
I use this can
No-Spill 1450 5-Gallon Poly Gas Can (CARB Compliant) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000W9JN4S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_H32WKEYQCHMEDJ8K4PYR
With this attachment
No-Spill 206 Flexible Spout Extension https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000W9LRQK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TA7VQ7Q6C6QHZ54WC4FC
I have an excavator for personal use, I am not a contractor. So I fill with 5g gas cans. It sucks to use them on the horizontal fill hole.
Pro tip: Convert your new style "safety" cans to properly flowing old style cans with one of these kits. So worth it.
https://www.huntsvilleal.gov/environment/animal-services/pet-services/animal-complaints/ report him, then when his dog is safely out of his care https://www.amazon.com/No-Spill-1450-5-Gallon-Poly-Compliant/dp/B000W9JN4S/ref=zg_bs_15707861_1/142-3720874-3920304?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=3SHSANPCJWQX7REM0X4M
Just buy the harbor freight one and then find a different cap for it.
Other wise there are some out there if you google, like this one:
If you're really, really concerned about it you could just go ahead and get a really good jerry can. Then you could store it in your garage, outdoors, under your bed, wherever. The cheap ones are all knockoffs that I wouldn't trust, the only one I know for sure is built right is the Wavian ones:
You could take that thing to Phoenix in July, run it over with a pickup, and then let it sit in your passenger seat with all the windows rolled up for an entire day. You wouldn't smell even a hint of gas fumes when you get back in the car that evening.
I don't like the spout that it came with though, this one is a lot better: https://www.amazon.com/VALPRO-Long-Nose-Flexible-Nozzle-Military/dp/B081HZGDDD
I have one of these, I really like it.
My metal Eagle can is also really good. But that No-Spill can is really easy to use, and is more enclosed (there's no funnel whose interior can get dirty, possibly contaminating the gas you're about to pour).
Mostly, you just need a vent hole on the can. A spout to replace the "no-spill" (yea right) spout is also helpful.
Here's one product on amazon that'll do the trick. This isn't a recommendation for any one particular product, but just an example. You can find more by searching "gas can spout" on amazon.
Smittybilt 2798 Jerry Gas Can Holder,Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CLNYPC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_mwc0FbARN02QD
The mount to the Jeep is custom sheet metal manipulation that I did.
>Congratulations to you! I got a white one in the spring, really like it. It got faster as it broke in. I'm sure you'll love it. Yes to the gas can, I got this one, which seems ok: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000W72GBC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
>I put a box on the back which installs real easy, because you can pry off the little black cover on the back handrail and mount directly to that. Don't have to buy a rack.
>Have fun, be careful, and wear a helmet.
Go to a motorcycle shop, sport local, or Amazon, and buy a utility jug. Not a gas can, a utility jug. Also, spen the extra $5 and get the hose bender. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003TTV972/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_uoAoFbJXQS3QK
Funny thing is, you can still buy the old spouts(just not on a gas can). Some of them are marketed as water jugs; they’re the same size, and still use fuel rated plastic. Amazon link, as example..
I have one of these that I found.
I will be buying one more. I currently use my plastic jugs and dump into this one just to make quick fills easier