Yeah, no job.
More seriously though, have you considered freelancing? I got burnt out working at a corporate finance place but freelancing is seriously do-able, especially in today's economy. There's a great subreddit at /r/freelance and many resources for those interested in it such as The Freelancer's Bible. You can also find more information about jobs that are good for HSPs at
This is the best starting point for the development of Medieval cities. It's not heavily scholarly, but well researched, and concentrates on Troyes, France, one of the Champaigne Fair cities during the time of the fairs. It's a beginner book, but still detailed. It's sister books, Life in a Medieval Castle and Life in a Medieval Village, talk greatly about the rise and fall of feudalism vis a vis peasant life at actual sites in England.
However, these books do not deal with capitalism directly, only indirectly. You will have to draw the conclusions relevant to ancapism in general yourself. But they explain the underpinnings of feudalism, its rise and fall, and the rise of the city in pretty good detail.
There's a number of recipes available - I used one I found on some website initially, then I used the one from the book Drinking French.
Ultimately i started experimenting with different components and ratios, but in all cases I use the Mead I make as the base instead of wine.
You replied to the wrong comment BTW, I'll let /u/dr-korbo know in case they want to reply.
>I think you are overlooking that the main form of feminism accepted today, intersectional feminism aims to include equal rights for everyone, regardless of gender, race, sexuality etc.
Which is why they systematically eliminate male rape victims from statistics, systematically oppose domestic violence shelters for men, and systematically oppose any kind of research showing that men face significant issues, and systematically oppose any kind of program meant to address those significant issues men face.
Nothing says you're for equality better than saying "we want you to treat us more equally than them". Bill Burr said it best, feminism treats equality like a buffet, they want to claim equality for all the good stuff but all the bad stuff that affects men, men can keep and they can solve on their own with no help and no sympathy.
> But the feminism in practice varies on individuals. It's a matter of differentiating individual and ideology. Feminism in itself is inclusive, individuals operate differently.
At what point does a group stop being for equality? When 20% of its members treat equality like a one-way street? 50%? 75%?
If individuals are being actively harmful to men explicitly and deliberately because they are feminists, why does feminism get to be free of the blame? When feminists explicitly and deliberately post stuff like "killallmen" and "covid isn't killing men fast enough" and write books like I hate men, spedifically stating that they post that because they are feminists, why shouldn't we blame feminism?
Findest Du? Bin mir nicht so sicher. Gab mal, gar nicht so lang her, Hashtags, die besagten, dass man Männer töten solle, dass sie Müll seien und all so etwas, siehe auch: I Hate Men
Nach mehr Mitgefühl klingt das aber nicht. Vor allem nicht von der Seite aus, die ja gerade für Gleichberechtigung ist. Komisch. /s
Das als Antwort darauf dass Frauen darauf erzogen werden nett zu sein. Was absolut wahr ist. Sogar im Erwachsenen Alter noch wird von Frauen erwartet immer höflich zu sein. Du inszenierst hier ein Bild dass Frauen als Allgemeinheit Männer hassend sind. Und bösartig. (als Kontext, da OP von der Allgemeinheit der Frauen spricht, und du nicht spezifisch von einer Untergruppe redest.) daher der Frauenhass.
Mir wirfst du vor ich lebe in einer monoklausalen Welt, ganz einfach weil ich deine Schwachsinn anders sehe. Daher der persönliche Angriff welcher massiv passiv aggressiv war.
Btw, 66% der Zuhörer von hip hop sind Männer. Laut deezer.
Egal was für eine suche ich bei Google eingebe. Immer kommt raus dass Männer mehr rap hören als Frauen. Langsam wird es ausgeglichener. Betonung auf langsam.
Findest Du? Bin mir nicht so sicher. Gab mal, gar nicht so lang her, Hashtags, die besagten, dass man Männer töten solle, dass sie Müll seien und all so etwas, siehe auch: I Hate Men
Nach mehr Mitgefühl klingt das aber nicht. Vor allem nicht von der Seite aus, die ja gerade für Gleichberechtigung ist. Komisch. /s
Sorry, I just skimmed over the recipe when I read it! Of course you would replace the white wine (Pinot Grigio). I actually was looking on the internet for a copy of the vermouth recipe in David Lebovitz's Drinking French book,
but I couldn't find a version of it online. This might be a good resource for you, because it includes not only a homemade vermouth recipe, but also ones for Vin de Noix (also known as Nocino in italian, from green walnuts), Liqueur de Noyaux (apricot pits), Vin de Sapin (spruce), and Vin de Sureau (elderberry), among others. Seems like many of these could be a candidate for a creative mead substitution.
I've been reading Life in a Medieval City and it's been great, it does a good job laying out the basic structures of medieval day-to-day life within larger population areas. They have similar books that are devoted to village life as well.
That is called "I Hate Men."
There were many things from feminists like Sally Miller Gearhart who said, "The population of males needs to be reduced to 10%." Paraphrasing a bit but it was very close to that.
No, the author says that other people might think that, and then goes on to dismiss them.
>These critics rightly insist on an analysis of male power as institutional, not narrowly personal or individual or biologically based in male bodies.
She's using the fun leftist double speak. We can't blame all men on a individual level, just all men on a societal level. Which means nothing other than she doesn't want to admit the her hate filled supremacist she is.
Here's another fun one, it's an entire book:
They were very good friends and cooked often. They actually made a whole series Jacques and Julia Cook at Home. Some eps are on Youtube and if you have Amazon Prime all of the episodes are available.
The recipes from the book are on Amazon although I don't really recommend it. According to Jacques (from some interviews) they really didn't plan the episodes - they just started cooking some there's not really anything new or interesting in terms of recipes.
Feminists are pretty upfront about it.
I don't undertsand why people care so much about defending a word.
A year in the merde:
Me talk pretty one day (David Sedaris)
Already had my first holiday of the year (snowboarding), will probably head over to France in the summer to visit some of my wife's family - and to tick off a few mountains on my to-do list from this book - currently on 2/100
I say go for it. I transitioned from full-time employee to sole proprietor a couple years ago and don't think I'll ever go back to a 9-5. It sounds like you've thought it through and know that there are risks involved, but have planned accordingly.
What's the interest rate on your car loan? If it's low, I would definitely not use your savings to pay it off -- that's your cushion should things go south.
You can get health care through the Affordable Care Act. If you're pretty healthy, you could go for a high-deductible health plan, which have the lowest premiums but offer very little coverage. The one upside to them is that many are HSA eligible. If you can get on one of those plans and then open and max out an HSA ($3,350), do so -- it's triple tax-advantaged.
Other advice... Get this book to learn all the things. Know that you are not alone in feeling trapped and tired by corporate life, and that there is nothing wrong with wanting a different life for yourself. Big one -- make sure to set aside plenty of money for tax time, since self-employment taxes are a bitch. I put 30% of every payment I receive into a separate savings account, from which I pay my quarterlies. Also, keep good records of your deductible expenses so that doing your taxes is not a total shitshow at the end. The book goes into much more detail on all of these issues.
Life in a Medieval City this book covers every thing i've ever wondered about the renaissance era. next up is the calamitous 14th century.
Au fait, pour motiver ton mari, fais lui lire "A year in the Merde" et demande lui s'il veut être "Jake the American" dans le roman.
Thanks. I was on mobile when I posted the above, otherwise I would've hooked it up. This one seems to be slightly different than the one I saw, but I imagine all the points are there.
He did write a book on the topic of the talk I saw.
Edit: Haha he did open up with the same cheese joke when I saw him. This does seem to be the same thing I saw.
Is meant to be good too. Apparently a good companion to the above books. Better for taking with you when you actually go :)
2 books. Just bcz its very rare for two chef megastars to be in one kitchen, abeit, coorperate and have their own series, Julia Child & Jacques Pepin:
For anyone whom still can access the PBS series, their interaction is epic. I believe its the last cooking show that Childs actually did hands on cooking. Her later years of shows inviting guests was good too but not the same.
Classic and practical techiques and dishes.
2nd book.
Techniques and very good advice from many years of experience but steps are pretty complex if you dont have the time nor want to invest in the effort.
It's not entirely focused on Europe, but Travel as a Political Act, by Rick Steves is a good, easy read about why travel is important.
There's a great book about getting the most out of living in France:
"French or Foe" by Polly Platt
Find a copy before you leave. Take it with you!