>(e.g. hit by a bus, win the lottery, stroke, etc.)
Outsourced to MSP.
In any case, sounds reasonable for a one person/small shop to have break glass procedure in place (or rip plastic) -- provide her a print out or USB with the passwords (copy of your Keepass database with the password on an included piece of paper?).
Sealed in one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Evidence-Bags-Paper-Plastic-Sample/dp/B004IOWI0O/ref=sr_1_27?dchild=1&keywords=tamper+custody+bags&qid=1605645537&sr=8-27 and take a photo after she signs off receiving them.
That protects her from accusations in the future of mis-using them if they remained sealed.
There are lots of sources for small cloth bags online. Any one of these could serve to collect the dust. The trick is to make an adapter to mate the bag to the sander. It looks to me that the mating adapter needs to be male; that is, it sticks inside the rectangular opening at the top of the dust chute. (If it were female, it would fit over a protrusion at the top of the chute.) So -- are you up for a little sheet metal work? I would get some aluminum flashing, bend it to form a rectangular tube that fits the chute loosely, then wrap it with duct tape. This will hold the tube together and convert a loose fit to a friction fit.
Decide which face of that homemade tube is the top, and attach a 6- to 8-inch long (15-20 cm) stiff wire (like a coat-hanger wire) to it with another piece of duct tape -- this will support the bag and keep it from flopping down while you work. Bend the wire to make a slight arc, then bend the free end in a half circle so it won't poke through the bag. Even better, cover the bent end with another piece of duct tape.
Finally, attach the bag to the tube with (what else?) duct tape, draping it over the wire. Then insert the lower end of the tube in the sander's dust chute. This is classic Red Green-style* engineering at its most inelegant, but it should work provided the opening in the homemade rectangular tube has sufficient area to accommodate the air flow.
*Google it, youngsters. Better yet, find some old Red Green episodes on YouTube. You won't be disappointed. (My favorite is the one where he duct-taped two Jeeps together to make a Humvee.) Welcome to the Possum Lodge!
Maybe bird netting might be easier to work with than chicken wire. If you have a small area and a fence, it's easy to tie the netting to posts or tall poles you can use the fence to support. I've been using electrical conduit with metal stakes for trellises and it's held up for the most part. Here's the video I got the idea from. More expensive than just wood, but should last longer:
Another thing you could try for fruit-like things would be organza bags.
They come in different sizes and you just use the drawstring to tie it off. I never used them, but I recently bought a bunch from Amazon (not the one I linked). They probably sell it at Ben Franklin. There's a craft shop in Kalihi I remember getting these things from for our wedding, but that was 7 years ago and I can't remember the name of the place.
Did your tomatoes have any symptoms prior to dying? Ewa is really hot, so it could have been the heat. If it was too hot, maybe try giving it some shade with a tall plant or tree, or plant it on the north or east side of your house.
That is how I store my tamas. I use “linen” fabric ones that are a soft, more a cotton texture than a velvet, to avoid lint.
I feel like that would get stuck in my throat but they do make these that I might try now that you mentioned it, I buy the kratom capsules lol and even then somehow could still taste it through, I couldnt imagine eating just a scoop of powder idk ive the few foods that I genuinely dislike are the ones that make me gag so much, mayo hate it texture and flavor, mushrooms hate the texture and earthy flavor (gourmet ones), soft and mushy foods dont do well either.
Someone on this subreddit once said they take awful tasting powders by putting water in their mouth first, then the powder on top of the water, then swallow quickly. There's also edible film sheets or pouches you can use https://www.amazon.com/Blate-Papes-Oblate-Pouches-Supplements/dp/B0978DXTSW
Blate papes are like a rice paper you can use to take powdered supplements. They dissolve almost instantly when they hit your stomach.
Blate Papes Oblate Pouches, 120 Count | Edible Film Bags for Taking Herbs and Supplements https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0978DXTSW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_VSGJMZVJ0G842BXXANP3
None of the above. I use oblate pouches but the price on them has doubled since January. https://www.amazon.com/Blate-Papes-Oblate-Pouches-Supplements/dp/B0978DXTSW/ref=sxts\_rp\_s1\_0?crid=374U19I2MKTBE&cv\_ct\_cx=oblate+pouch&keywords=oblate+pouch&pd\_rd\_i=B0978DXTSW&pd\_rd\_r=6142489e-c310-4ca5-9dac-8d18f61c710b&am...
I love the Ubbi. I have found that the Kirkland bags fit pretty well. You can't tuck it under too far on the ring, but once I got the hang of it, I love it. My kid is almost 2 and I'm still on the first box. Obviously cheaper to buy at Costco.
If you type "muslin bag" on the Amazon search bar followed by the size you are looking for you should find a good cloth bag. Like this:
15x11 cloth bag 6 for $14.
Diana walked pass the Hades table and saw the kid in the corner of her eye. Not being able to see the boy's face much she had no idea it was the camper who hates her the most. So she decided to get closer and placed a small cloth bag on the table.
Ugh. Definitely not. I like to think that when I leave, it's almost as if I had never been there. The linens will need to be replaced and all the surfaces in the bathroom wiped down but apart from that, I'm like the Phantom of the Hotel. :)
(Oh, the trash cans will have to be emptied too, because everything comes in a little wrapper of course.)
EDIT: for anyone in Hotel Management that's looking for an idea, here's one I've always thought would be good. Inside each room have a little bag, like this one. Maybe even with the hotel logo on it. If a person needs more soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc. they can hang it on the outside of the room, and housekeeping could fill it with the little bottles. Basically a way to signify, "I don't need you to take the time to clean the entire room but I would like a supply drop." Right now there's nothing in between full service and nothing. Might cut down on the issue we're discussing here?
Someone recommended using these in the past https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UOTFDO0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_duTgBbTWE8GAF?th=1
My recommendation is to use those bags, and put all of the toys (in their own separate bags) into a big rubbermaid storage container, then buy 4 locks, drill holes into each of the sides of the lid on the container, and lock them up like that.
It may be a big hassle, but i think it would be surprisingly cheaper than buying a big enough lockbox for the job.
I have had a similar issue (though not embarrassing like yours—sorry that you had such an awful experience). Here is what I do to alleviate the issue. I bought these bags by Augbunny that I fill with bulk goods. I just write down the numbers for each bag and at check out I just read them the numbers. That helps reduce the use of the plastic ties too. The checkers love that I have it all set up for them. If they want to check inside the bags to verify, they are welcome to. I also kindly tell them to be careful because spillage is possible so keep the bags up-right (for the ones filled with grains and the like). Sometimes there is a little spillage, but never anything unbearable.
Here in Phoenix, AZ we don't charge for plastic bags like in CA. Sprouts actually gives a 0.05 discount PER REUSABLE BAG! So all my produce and bulk bin bags add up quick. Nevertheless, nobody should be doing it simply because of the savings—the environment is far more important than a few saved dollars a year.
ship product in one of these:
sprinkle nail polish on the seal. take a picture of sparkly dusted seal. post picture on company website coded to device unique serial number.
Anyone use These for hops? Anything to be concerned about with just filling them with hops and tossing them in the kettle?
You know what you can do, though? Buy whatever tin of loose tea you want, and then buy a pack of these.
It helps them get comfortable with the idea of loose tea, but gives them the convenience of bagged tea. Can't really go wrong there.