I have not tried this specific book, but I have had good results with other books in this series:
In my experience these Schaum's Outline books are written by competent professionals, have clear, direct explanations, and many problems both with and without full solutions.
Also, if you get it and you don't like it, you have wasted only about $20.
I saw some recommendations for Combinatorics and Graph Theory by Harris, Hirst, and Mossinghoff so I picked up a copy of it. I'm more interested in the math than I am in applications at this point though I'll probably circle back to them later.
I graduated with a BS in Web Design and Multimedia. My first job out of college was writing CSS and HTML with some ActionScript for banners on the sites. At my next job I learned JS and then got the opportunity to help out with some bugs on the one iOS app they had.
I wasn't learning as much iOS development as I wanted on that one app so I started making my own. That was 2012 and I've been doing iOS development since and have been doing quite well.
It was only in the past year or two where my lack of formal CS knowledge has started to really be noticeable and only because my manager is grooming me to take over the team at some point.
I picked up two books on Amazon (here and here) in addition to running through the CS course on Brilliant.org.
I've also been reading through a book on design patterns and another on object-oriented analysis and design.
I've failed interviews at Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Spotify... all because I didn't know some of the more general CS stuff that isn't really applicable to daily iOS development (generally speaking). However I've had great luck at smaller companies where I can get hired based on personality and a willingness to learn and I have proven myself each time.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
> The way ggplot2 introduced a consistent and beautiful grammar of graphics
Just to be clear, Lee Wilkinson introduced the grammar of graphics in his book, The Grammar of Graphics. Hadley turned it into an R package.
I also you urge you to consider the tinyverse perspective in contrast to the tidyverse. Lightweight is the right weight.
I've worked through Enderton's "Elements of Set Theory" so I believe I understand your question, and I think Harris, Hirst & Mossinghoff's "Combinatorics and Graph Theory" is exactly what you're looking for.
It doesn't have any prerequisites, it's a gentle introduction to the material; but is completely rigorous, reaches a solid level, and suggests many nice exercises.
I'd recommend graph theory as a way to learn about real math (by which I assume you mean more abstract math that is less focused on computation and more on learning to develop conjectures, prove them rigorously). One advantage of graph theory is that the prerequisites for it are fairly simple, not like say analysis where a lot of it won't make sense if you don't have a good background in calculus. Another is that the material has a ton of practical applications (assuming you will care about these eventually) in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
There are many books out there on this subject, I like this cheap dover book.
Very possible, if you have the development skills and a way to prove that you do. I am not completely a self-learner but only attended a 2 year diploma program (NAIT) and have had good luck in the job market and as a freelancer.
A CS degree is one method of "proving" you have a specific knowledge base. Without it, you'll want to focus more heavily on other ways to show an employer that you've got the chops to develop whatever your niche is in the industry. A project available on your github profile, an online portfolio with case studies of things you've coded, blog posts or other original content, etc.
As a self-learner you do need to accept that some companies might toss your resume in the bin because of your lack of degree. But, if you're the type who doesn't want to go that route you likely don't want to work for those guys anyways.
Also, I would recommend this book: https://www.amazon.ca/Programmers-Guide-Computer-Science-self-taught/dp/195120400X
All of these replies are great I appreciate taking the time for this. I've ordered a couple books off Amazon to sink my teeth into first:
A Programmer's Guide to Computer Science
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
I saw these books' names thrown out a few times here on reddit so I thought they'd be a good place to start.
Any other material that anyone would recommend for theory, as well as maybe getting into technical?
As well, there was some mention of the online sites that have learning you can "pay" for certs. How does that work? Can you take the entire course and then if you decide you want the cert, pay for it at the end?
This is where I start to get into the weeds. If I pursue the career, I want the right toolbox. Having a 4 year degree in ME, I have the initial classes under my belt, and proof that I can and am willing to learn (and good success at it too). That's where I'm looking for advice on the bootcamp vs 2 year vs online with certs vs? I think this is one of my hangups. Or do I just choose one a stick to it?
All of these replies are great I appreciate taking the time for this. I've ordered a couple books off Amazon to sink my teeth into first:
A Programmer's Guide to Computer Science
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
I saw these books' names thrown out a few times here on reddit so I thought they'd be a good place to start.
Any other material that anyone would recommend for theory, as well as maybe getting into technical?
As well, there was some mention of the online sites that have learning you can "pay" for certs. How does that work? Can you take the entire course and then if you decide you want the cert, pay for it at the end?
This is where I start to get into the weeds. If I pursue the career, I want the right toolbox. Having a 4 year degree in ME, I have the initial classes under my belt, and proof that I can and am willing to learn (and good success at it too). That's where I'm looking for advice on the bootcamp vs 2 year vs online with certs vs? I think this is one of my hangups. Or do I just choose one a stick to it?
Introduction to Graph Theory by West is a good undergrad/graduate level introduction.
Beyond that, you have to be a little more specific. There's a lot of graph theory. Spectral, structural, random, etc.
I know this is removed, so I can recommend my tool which builds a graph of products that are often bought together at Amazon.
http://www.yasiv.com/#/Search?q=graph%20theory&category=Books&lang=US - this is a network of books related to graph theory. Finding the most connected product usually yields a good recommendation. In this case it recommends to take a deeper look at https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Graph-Theory-Dover-Mathematics/dp/0486678709
Here's the one I used for the class I took. It's a bit more of a reference though
I liked the Harris, Hirst, Mossinghoff text that I used for an undergrad class. It's a solid intro that builds from the very beginning, and at times has an almost irreverent writing style that references everything from Shakespeare to Kevin Bacon.
The topos of music is a famous example of this. Topos theory is as abstract as you can get in mathematics and there seems to be a lot to be said using this language.
I can't really comment on this since I haven't read it, but maybe someone else can chime in.
I'm currently reading through this, and it's extremely accessible. The way Trudeau starts with the most basic set theoretic definition of a graph and gradually introduces and builds on additional properties of graphs is so natural and intuitive.
It's also available on Amazon for dirt cheap.
EDIT: It's worth mentioning that it's a older text, which hinders it in a few areas. For example, at the time it was written, the Four Color Conjecture was still an open problem. As such, the book focuses on the Five Color Theorem instead.
Trudeau's Introduction to Graph Theory is fantastic and it's like $5. There's also Keller and Trotter from Georgia Tech, which is a fantastic free book.
Yes - yes, thank you! Regardless of peoples' opinions, there is expertise out there in visualizing information. Anyone who's truly interested in what's wrong with this and how to do it correctly, read some Edward Tufte.
You're correct, a pie chart is a legit way of communicating ideas.
However, you're doing this over a period of time. Pie charts suck for that as you have to keep glancing at multiple charts instead of one chart. The OP created not just more work for himself by creating x-number of charts but also created more work for people wishing to view the data.
Basically, OP needs to read some Edward Tufte.
Algebraic Graph Theory by Godsil and Royle is pretty good. I'm neither an expert in graph theory nor in algebra, and I still found this pretty approachable.
I also found the work of Roberto Frucht to be interesting, although ultimately, the problem he posed (Given a finite group G, design an algorithm that produces a graph whose symmetry group is exactly G, and which has the smallest number of vertices of all such graphs) has never been answered.