It’s not for children. It’s a tongue in cheek book like the book “Go the Fuck to Sleep” It is real bible stories though. Here’s the amazon link from Canada; it’s got a decent-sized description.
According to Amazon the shipping weight is 22 pounds. My complete collection paperback set comes in at 18. Methinks OP may have been indulging in a spot of hyperbole.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection
I've wanted this since I was a kid but my parents refused to buy it for me, so I'd borrow it from the library every now and then. Now that I'm an adult, I can afford it but I can't bring myself to spent $130 on it.
Apart from that, I'll probably just get money from each relative. I'm kind of like /u/mnmul-- I don't like the idea of making a list of things that I want other people to buy me. That said, I do like the idea of others telling me what to buy them so there's no guesswork and they get exactly what they want.
Overall though I'm trying to shift away from ultra-consumerist views when it comes to Christmas and birthday gifts, and even when it just comes to my own personal spending. I like BIFL products as much as the next guy here, but lately I've been kind of disgusted with how closely integrated consumerism has become with my regular life. The fact that going on Amazon, /r/buyitforlife, and CamelCamelCamel has become a part of my browsing routine bothers me.
Except that’s not what happens. They eat of the fruit of knowledge which is what kicks them out. It’s an allegory for adulthood/leaving behind innocence, knowing the difference between right/ wrong and being self aware enough to feel shame (hence covering the body.) The creation story is an explanation why humanity isn’t childlike, and living in paradise. A lot of modern translations have tamed down the sexual language in scripture but there is a shit ton of sex, and sex play going on in the Bible. The Book of Genesis by Robert Crumb is a silly read but good at shocking people into realize how much sex goes on in the Bible.
I haven’t bought it yet, but plan to tonight, looks like it will go nice with my other bible-esque books my family isn’t happy about.
The author of this comic, u/MrWeiner of [SMBC](, stops by here sometimes and has a book coming out on open borders with Bryan Caplan:
When I was a kid, my cat got hit by a car and died.
My Mum, seeing how upset I was about it, thought she'd pick me up a present on the way home from work to cheer me up.
I think she bought me a record or something.
It was a few years later that she told me she'd first gone to a bookshop, asked the guy what funny book he'd recommend, and he said 'How about this one - "100 things to do with a dead cat?"'.
[edit] - it was 101 things
Right there with ya, Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, and Farside. Boy, I must have read through those collections so many times. One of my first purchases as an adult in my first apartment was the hard bound Calvin & Hobbes collection.
The other two are alive, yes. When we the players fought C'thun way back in Ahn'qiraj, we fought what amounted to the tip of a finger. When we defeated Yogg in Ulduar, we had the help of a half dozen Titanic Keepers, some of the most powerful beings the Titans left behind. Neither Old God is dead, and even if they were I don't know that it would significantly reduce their threat. After all, Y'shaarj has been dead for millennia and we spent a whole expansion fighting what was basically a few drops of his blood (the Sha in Pandaria).
Most of our Old God lore can be found centralized in Chronicle Volume 1. You could also check out Wowpedia if you want to get trapped for hours.
Most of what we know about the Old Gods happened many thousands of years before the events of the Warcraft games, so a lot of it comes from sources like these.
Edit: Swapped the WoWWiki link for a link to Wowpedia instead. After looking at both, it seems that WoWWiki is pretty out of date.
til that Bryan caplan wrote a ~~graphic nonfiction~~ weeb mangashit on open borders.
!ping WEEBS
Amazon! At the time it was $50 instead of $100. (Paper back but High quality, all of his comics divided into 4 books.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
ngl kinda hyped for Caplan's open borders manga thing.
Some people prefer reading the compendiums . They collect 8 volumes in one book. The first compendium is basically like Season 1-4 of the show.
Personally, I prefer the volumes. . They collect 6 issues in one book. I like these better because the covers are much cooler than the compendium. You’ll save money and space with the compendium but I find those incredibly uncomfortable to read. They are big thick bible books. The volumes are much better for casual reading.
Issues are sold individually for 2.99-3.99 online.
Or you just can just read it online. Links aren’t allowed but you can find it with a quick google search.
just a heads up - The Complete Calvin & Hobbes is heavily discounted on Amazon right now, in both hardcover ($140.49, down from $195) and paperback ($63.36, down from $125). figured there might be a few people who might be interested. this is the multi-volume box set that came out about 15 years ago, not just a collection of the various smaller collections. it's a good holiday gift, if nothing else
Only $52.99 for the paperback collection on Amazon ($105 for hardcover)
The entire Calvin & Hobbes collection is on Amazon for anyone interested. It's got the Bill Watterson seal of approval for those that know how against merchandising he was.
edit* This one.
If you enter this very question "Is there a book anywhere that compiles every Calvin and Hobbes comic?" into Google, the top hit (in anon mode) is a The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Amazon link.
I second this. I got R. Crumb's Illustrated Book of Genesis to read with my daughter. (Highly recommend! The illustrations are perfect, and he actually chose a decent translation. Given his history, I expected something entirely different.)
Such silly stories. Such interesting discussions. We got about 2/3 of the way through Genesis before we gave up. Her comment was, "They call it the good book, but it's not a very good book."
Which is why it's such a shame that, at least in America (and from what I understand many other countries) it's such a unifying position in the wrong direction. Very few positions have such bi-partisan opposition!
I know YOU didn't come here to plug this, but I have no such scruples:
Hey everyone! Check out this book:
World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
World of Warcraft: Chroniken Bd. 1
It is on Amazon in German and in english
This book is fucking amazing for people new to drawing the human form. it goes over heads, perspectives, dynamic poses, etc.
If you don't mind spending a little money: How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way (Amazon Link) is an excellent resource. It suffers slightly from being "a little about a lot" but there is plenty to learn from it and it's entertaining & easy to read.
There also appears to be a Youtube video narrated by Stan Lee and John Buscema. I haven't seen this before today, but the drawings in the video are straight out of the book.
I'd recommend getting them from Amazon. They're almost half off on there. You can get all 3 compendiums (144 issues total) for around $100 vs. $180 retail.
How much are you willing to spend? There are about 150 issues total and the show is about to hit the arc that starts around issue #100. There are three compendiums out that collect 48 issues each. If you want a solid chunk of TWD to get the juices flowing, you'd save even more money by going the compendium route.
The first one is going for $36 on Amazon and it collects #1-48. About $0.75 per issue. If you like/love that, you could either continue collecting the compendiums (and have to wait about four years for the next compendium to come out, since TWD is usually on a 12-issues-per-year schedule except for a few events in the past that had an issue every two weeks), or you could start collecting the trades going forward and eventually pick up the trades that were in compendium one. It's up to you.
Honestly, whilst Nobbels videos are the best way to go in depth on a specific subject, you might find it hard to understand the world and overarching storyline still.
Blizzard are releasing books that compile the lore together, This is chapter one: Amazon
I'm looking forward to chapter 3 coming in a month. These are a fantastic source for beginners with lore, they keep it all in order and don't overwelm you. Then if you want to know more in depth, go to Nobbel.