Yup! I cant stress how helpful it’s been to include my dog in my vehicle prep too. An extra leash, collar, water bowl, jug of water, bag of biscuits, and dog jacket can be a saver if you forget something or find a loose dog (safety first, beware of unknown dogs and all that).
Carrying an extra flea/tick prescription in my BOB that I rotate out has been a good wake up for just in case. This is also a good time to refresh any stored pet food. I use freeze dried meats and rotate the bin out when I change the flea/tick medicine out (every 6months). My dog loves the freeze dried treats and in an emergency freeze dried meats are good, lightweight protein calories for animals.
Biggest, laziest tip: When you get new shots from the vet, ask them to email you a copy of your pets entire vaccine records and print a copy. Stash those wherever you like and the email copy is easy to retrieve electronically. This saved me recently when my dog’s daycare lost her vaccine records.
I bought these wipes from amazon, and they are so great. My cat is allll white and she was stressed out all day every day at the shelter and slept in the litter box :( but when I brought her home, I got those wipes and it helped both of us get her clean again. Over time he will also get white again as cats always clean themselves so I wouldn't worry too much about bathing him :)
l Starmark Treat Dispensing Chew Ball Tough Dog Toy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0009YD8NS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_WmY-FbMMPN6W1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1. I used this when my rescue was being a jerk. They have to work to get the kibble out and I started with small trips and came back before he was done emptying g the ball. Eventually he looked forward to us leaving because he knew he would get his busy ball.
It also helps to install a doggie waste septic like this one - Doggie Dooley 3000 Septic Tank - WasteDisposalSystem to manage the poop. I taught my dogs to poop in that corner of the yard where the tank is, so it’s easy cleanup.
You can purchase freeze dried liver through Amazon or petco. Amazon is cheaper. It comes in a tub and it's what Athenas trainer uses. I make the dehydrated chicken using chicken breast slices in my dehydrator. I like both of these treats the most because I know there aren't any funky ingredients and because Athena isn't treat motivated by most of the stuff in stores. I've had previous dogs before and they were not this picky. Not sure if this is a German shepherd thing or if it's because Athena is a butt. The dehydrated chicken is tasty to me and the cats too. I've never tried her liver treats though. this is the brand I buy
Athena is like your dog, a bit more toy driven than food driven but it's easier to bring treats in public for us.
If you're lazy like me you will buy something like this http://www.amazon.com/Treat-Dispensing-Chew-Ball-Large/dp/B0009YD8NS/ref=pd_sim_petsupplies_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=1TCJ45HBQN74BBD22RG8
and give your dog meals in it. It gives him/her mental stimulation without you having to do anything. Also, you don't say how old he is, but I'm guessing he will settle down at some point, even if it's longer than you expected.
Good suggestions above, I will just add that the best 'mental stimulation' toy I've found for my dog is this one: Treat dispensing ball. I feed him all his meals in it, and it makes each one a challenge.
This is not exactly what you asked, but you can get one of these natural dog poop disposal systems for your yard. You dig a 4-foot hole and put one of these things on the top, and the poop eventually breaks down. Doggie Dooley
I just sprang for this big ol tub of freeze dried beef liver. Much cheaper than usual, and a good quality single ingredient treat that the pup loves. It also looks like Chewy is price matching some deals, for those who don't want to shop Amazon.
Enzymatic cleaner is vital, stops them pissing in the same place. And agree with the other poster about pads, they just create a bad habit. It's more work but the reward is greater.
What breed btw?
This. We have these PetBotanics Training Treats at our house and I cut the circle shaped treats into 3-4 pieces and feed those to my 5 month old standard.
ACDs will explore their new home in depth whether you like it or not. I’m sure anyone on here can agree that if you follow your dog around saying “NO” to every single thing, you will wind up frustrated and he will chew increasingly valuable things with a grin on his face. Let him get his excitement out and save the commands for the crucial stuff. And get yourself one of these : Stewart Freeze Dried Dog Treats Made in USA [Single Ingredient, Puppy and Dog Training Treats - Grain Free, Natural Dog Treats], Resealable Tub to Preserve Freshness https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002DGRSY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_S46YTXB60PZ395RPK4EN?_
Starmark Treat Dispensing Chew Ball Tough Dog Toy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0009YD8NS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Z3F1K05QSFF4ATS1XMCF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1. I gave my dog his breakfast in this treat ball when I left in the morning. They have to chew it to dispense the kibble. It tires him out and he’s very good motivated. Takes him about a half an hour of constant chewing to get all the kibble. Tires him out….focused on something other than you leaving and after a while he looked forward to us leaving because he always got his “busy ball”. Have faith…it takes some time.
Do you just have one litter box? It’s usually recommended to have at least one litter box per cat, so that may be some of the issue. I would also empty them every time they are used if possible.
I’d also recommend an enzyme cleaner for any soft furnishings that get wet by them that can’t be washed in a washing machine (https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0002I9OA2/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_glt_fabc_E0R6JXQZP4R9H0S57Z7Q). Is one I can highly recommend, I had a puppy with a water infection before he was fully trained to go out, and this stuff honestly saved our carpets.
Thanks for posting this. I had no idea such a product even existed, and after looking into this model, I bought its galvanized big brother, currently on-sale making it the same price and maybe the better bargain,
Now if I can just get them to dig the hole for me....
you can buy the treats separately and insert, but i've also filled it with his own food before as well. he destroys bones to quickly nowadays, but this is less of a chew and more of a lick so it takes him a long time to finish it.
Does he like water at all? Like the pool or anything? You could get a kiddie pool and wash him outside. Another option is to put him in the shower so it feels more like rain.
If he doesn’t like any of this, buy some little treats like these and start slow.
Have him walk into the bathroom and give him a treat. Repeat until he happily goes into the bathroom. Then have him walk up to the bath tub, give him treats. Repeat. Then have him go into the tub (no water), treat, and immediately take him out. Then have him go into the tub (no water), have him stay and keep giving him treats while he stays. Then fill up the tub (leave him outside so he doesn’t get scared of the loud faucet), have him happily get in, and repeat the dry method above. Then (and I know this is crazy weird) smear some peanut butter on the bathroom wall and he will be distracted while you bathe him lol.
Do each step slowly and give him breaks between each step. This will probably take a couple days. And of course you can skip steps as needed. After that he should be good! You won’t have to do anymore of the training stuff except for the peanut butter on the wall
I hope this helps! Good luck!
We use this one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0002I9OA2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_0H9YFbGFRQ5PG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
But I'm sure there are a lot of similar brands in the US.
If the dog pees on a blanket (for example), we were told to use bio laundry detergent. Do not use non bio as it doesnt get rid of the urine as good.
Hey thanks for a really insightful post! I had never really thought of it from that perspective. Even though our house is on public sewage, I didn't think about how it would affect the soil in our area. I think the main reasons my wife and I wanted one was 1)cut down on plastic waste 2) to have a place to dispose of his waste without creating a nasty smell for us and our neighbors (our houses are all 20-30 feet apart so smell travels from yards), and 3)convenience. From the ecological perspective, would something like this be better?
I got a big training pack from Pupford. The salmon and chicken are my pup's favorite, and I love how not dense the salmon ones are--super quick for her to eat. They're also pretty small and low-calorie.
I did try a pack of freeze-dried chicken from the pet store (like these: https://www.amazon.com/Purebites-Chicken-Breast-Dogs-11-6Oz/dp/B000Z3MBRM#:~:text=PureBites%20are%20made%20with%20only,texture%20and%20freshness%20they%20crave.) but they were super big, and made a huge mess disintegrating when I tried to tear them into smaller pieces.
Are you serious? Besides the regular Kong toy this toy has lasted my Klee Kai the longest! And this which we just discovered StarMark Everlasting Treat Ball, Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012V1G0Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_gL2CCb7EGEGRF
Little pricey but my poodle mix loves these it's 100% freeze dried chicken with no additives. They're his second favorites. He hates the majority of treats especially biscuits and surprisingly a lot of human food except cooked meat and cheese. Another alternative from the same maker of these treats is the freeze dried lamb. He loves those as much as the chicken.
His absolute favorites are these but you definitely have to supervise every time you give a dog a chew like this. Some people aren't fans of rawhides though because it can cause a tummy blockage but in my experience, as long as you don't over-do it giving them too many and supervise that they're actually chewing it down and not swallowing a rawhide whole, it's been fine.
As far as training, there's plenty of youtube videos that can assist you. I'm always a fan of positive reinforcement with clicker training, praise and treat based, gotta find the right treat though. I use small bits of mozzarella cheese because that's the only thing that gets him to pay attention to me outside with many distractions. Really just have to find the right motivation that works for him through trial and error.
I'm not a pet trainer but I've hired one before but he's based up in The Bronx and while it was great to get personalized individual attention, and I'm grateful for that trainer working with me especially with my dog's food aggression, I feel that many of his tips you could research yourself and see what works and doesn't work for you and the dog if you have the time to put into it.
Try to brush her yourself to help with the hygiene if she’s not doing a good enough job. Also, consider changing her diet. What cats eat will affect their skin and hair health. A healthier diet (don’t know what you’re feeding her now though) can make a great difference. Also, if she’ll tolerate it you can try to wipe her down with cat wipes that should help with dandruff like these . Finally, a visit to the vet can always help!
Yes, I think splitting for meals is helpful because then they have more motivation to actually work on the dispenser (because they are still hungry.) This is what we have. It might be nice if your dog doesn't like the wobbler because he can just push it around with his nose and doesn't have to use his paws. https://www.amazon.com/Treat-Dispensing-Chew-Ball-Large/dp/B0009YD8NS/ref=pd_sim_199_7?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0009YD8NS&pd_rd_r=KJ9R09QF6WAE0D2G1VAF&pd_rd_w=Mtwhr&pd_rd_wg=p9P0G&psc=1&refRID=KJ9R09QF6WAE0D2G1VAF
StarMark Everlasting Treat Ball, Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012V1G0Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_LXQqAbV2AKBG3
This is one of the few treat toys my dog hasn't ripped up. She gets through one of the treat disks in an hour by licking and scraping her teeth against it. They also sell replacement treat disks.
I found these toys and the scale the maker uses for them to be helpful
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Earthbath-Hypo-Allergenic-Cat-Wipes-Pack/dp/B001ANBV7W there's specially formulated wipes for this I would recommend. They're inexpensive and good pet shops sell them. Also you can buy mitts that contain the formula so it's like stroking but with the cleaning agent on. The cat thinks they're having a cuddle rather than a wash. Don't use home remedies. My vet only suggests warm salt water for cleaning wounds & I wouldn't put that near their eyes. Cleaning wipes are good for fur & build ups if your pet is unable to wash themselves correctly.
Not sure if they truly work. But I heard there's these wipes you can wipe the cat or dog down with every day. It's supposed to help with the allergy. https://www.amazon.com/Earthbath-Natural-Hypo-Allergenic-Fragrance-Free-Wipes/dp/B001ANBV7W ( I think this is them).
Exactly. Unless the cat got into something, baths are completely unnecessary. Cats are self-cleaning. Plus they have special wipes for cats.
StarMark Everlasting Treat Ball, Large https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012V1G0Y/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_DuayybMD4KE9P
That is the only thing that my pitty hasn't managed to destroy. It's more flexible than a Kong toy, and he likes it more than the Kongs because it bounces back when he bites down. I don't get the inserts anymore because he ends up biting those into large pieces and I worry he'll swallow them.
What I do instead is spread peanut butter on the inside and stuff smaller treats in there and then freeze it. It lasts for a long time and he loves it!