Look man, I get both sides here. I too, like to smoke. It's a fact of that method of cooking that often you need to run overnight. I start briskets at 4pm to eat at 6pm the next day lol. Some neighbors might not like it, I've gotten the blessing of my immediate ones by inviting them over for BBQ from time to time, but honestly, smoke being generated from ones property is a thing that happens. If you burn wood in your fireplace, smoke. If you burn deadwood or have a firepit, smoke. Neighbors can and should close their windows. You can't lose enjoyment of your backyard because someone doesn't like your smoker. Try inviting her over for dinner and seeing if that smooths things over and if not, well...she can shut her windows.
Also, overnight on turkey legs? My god man, I was tempted to vote you as 'zee asshole' for that. They don't need that long brother. Hour and a half, to 2 hours max! Try this.
edit: If you want to be REALLY NICE and spend some money, invest in a carbon filter and fan combo, 100$. Set the ducting to suck from where the smoke comes out and it'll handle the majority of what your smoker puts out, and control the smell/smoke. But that's only if you are really up on your neighbors backyards.
Search for carbon filter on Amazon and you’ll find a bunch. They’re all pretty much the same.
VIVOSUN 4 Inch Air Carbon Filter Odor Control with Australia Virgin Charcoal for Inline Fan, Grow Tent Odor Scrubber, Pre-filter Included, Reversible Flange 4" x 14" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DXYMBU6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NN2YA3R0B0VMEM2PYMNZ
Oh, sweet summer child...
You've never dealt with a reef tank. 1000+ watts of metal halide lighting is extremely common, several hundred watts of circulation pumps, protein skimmers, heaters, etc. . Oh, and if you think you're having a lid on that sucker, chances are "no". That's all perfectly legal and can't get you evicted. I've personally worked on systems that have over 2000W of lights and at least half that in accessories. That's to say nothing of the hazards that go with marine organisms, palytoxin is no joke.
Now you want to talk about the safety of growing? My whole setup comes in at less than 700 watts. 520W in total lighting (on timers) and the rest is fans and exhaust. My lights use about 3.5 amps of total headroom on the breaker, the fans add maybe another amp. I could talk about startup surges for ballasts or constant current controllers, but considering your fridge or freezer has a much bigger surge for the compressor startup, let's not.
The humidity in the house is actually considerably less than when I ran my last two aquariums, same with the power bill. Don't be a moron, buy a dehumidifier if you need one.
Oh and if you want to talk about smell? I carbon filter; my anti-cannabis inlaws don't notice a damn thing. It's not hard or even particularly expensive to do this. This filter will do a 4 plant grow no problem and will last about a year to a year and a half of near-constant use: https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Inline-Control-Australia-Charcoal/dp/B01MSEVQ3J/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1530731772&sr=8-4&keywords=vivosun+carbon+filter
Marijuana grower chiming into this good idea. Since your going to be needing fans to make positive pressure you can also look into getting a carbon air filter with an in-line fan . Marijuana growers like me use them to scrub strong plant smell so it should clean all that smoke smell for you. This is what I use https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Australia-Charcoal-Pre-filter-Included/dp/B01DXYMBU6?th=1&psc=1
It's 2x2s and grow film. That's around $50. You can get a fan and filter combo on amazon for $150. Like this...
VIVOSUN Air Filtration Kit: 4 Inch 203 CFM Inline Fan with Speed Controller, 4'' Carbon Filter and 8 Feet of Ducting Combo https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B06XFRNPR8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_gTOtCbZWHKCMV
My shop is in my basement. I don't have a window so I installed an exhaust fan that is hung over my soldering station. It uses a standard 4" dryer vent hose.
I'm sure you can find something similar like a bathroom exhaust fan.
I didn't want the fumes accumulating in my basement since that's where the heat/ac unit is located.
I used to do this with a house with a mother in laws suite. It had a closet that was rigged for a stacked washer and dryer. I used a fan similar to the fan in this kit to pull the heat out of the room. Honestly I don't think I'd care too much about the heat. My lab is in the garage in Austin, TX. The fans run a little loud but it works fine. It's been running well for a few years now.
4inch duct green house carbon filter made by ipower. I use 2x 195cfm 4inch duct fans. When I bought the duct fans they were $25 and the filter was like $40
iPower 4 Inch Air Carbon Filter Indoor Plants Grow Tent Odor Control Scrubber with Australia Activated C for Inline Fan, Prefilter Included, Silver https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E582DV2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_T7KaGb23CGHBP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
VIVOSUN 4 Inch 195 CFM Inline Duct Ventilation Fan Vent Blower for Grow Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7S46YZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_W8KaGbMF6QB4X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use this with a dryer duct from dollar general for like 4 bucks https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7S46YZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_dlC_ndaXFb5JH6KYG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Super cheap lightweight intake to get proper circ , quiet just gets job done for a smaller area
I have that Variac and vortex combo and love it; look for the amazon used section I pick it up for 110 instead. I have this fan and it works wonderful for a 2 x 4 tent PACKED TO THE FUCKING BRIM with plants. Tis cheaper. Edit: it's the one you linked... woops!
I'm just tossing it out there that you can pay with amazon prime card on rapid LED and get this vastly superior light I was told of tonight. I used the prime credit card to get LEDs there. ;)
What are you going to put the plants in?
I got it all separate off Amazon, the filter was $65
iPower GLFILT4M Air Carbon Filter and Odor Control with Australia Virgin Charcoal for Inline Fan, 4-Inch https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00E582DV2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_QokbzbM12FCRM
Here is the cheapest all in one package on amazon. Fan is 190 cft and 48 decibels. https://www.amazon.com/iPower-GLFANXINL4FILT4MD8C-Exhausting-Pre-Filter-Reversible/dp/B00D7M6692/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497493628&sr=8-1&keywords=duct+fan+carbon+filter You would probably want a fan speed controller with this too.
I got this off of Amazon a couple of weeks ago and my wife is smoking in my tent using it. I can stand a foot away from it while she's bonging out and not smell a thing. I like it so much I bought another one so she can keep her 'smoke shack' and I can use the new tent and filter system as my flower room https://www.amazon.com/iPower-Inline-Carbon-Ducting-Ventilation/dp/B00D7M6692/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1536844206&sr=8-3&keywords=4%22+carbon+filter+system
You again! Thanks for your help :)
I've also read that booster fans aren't great if carbon filters are involved and I'd rather have too much power than too little. I'm legally only allowed to grow 4 plants so I don't think my setup will ever expand beyond a 2'x4' tent, 3 plants at a time. Your 10x12 room is much larger than my small tent, so perhaps a booster is sufficient even with a filter?
It sounds like a 6" inch inline fan is almost overkill since I'll likely be running it on low full-time. I also use my grow-room as a small office so quiet is preferred.
I"m wondering if a 4" inline duct fan with a carbon filter is the way to go, or do you still recommend a 6" inline with the carbon filter, at low setting? I'm looking at this fan on Amazon. The total cost is $193CAD including filter/ducting. There's only $10 difference between 4" and 6" so 6" is likely better.
Hey! I bought a filter off amazon and it was garbage. I wrote a 1 stare review saying it didn’t remove the smell and the seller contacted me and agreed to give me a refund if I removed the review. Try writing a review and see what happens. If you happen to be in Canada I ordered https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Australia-Charcoal-Pre-filter-Included/dp/B01DXYMBU6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1542050922&sr=8-1-spons&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=carbon+filter&psc=1 and it actually works. I’ve tested it in flower and there was no smell. Hope this helps.
Yes, I do have a question. Besides being able to monitor the environment with an app. Is there anything special with the inline fan that you suggested? I was thinking about saving 100$ and getting a more standard inline fan like this.
Just use one of these. This is the model I've used and there was virtually no smell outside the tent.
Get a small inline fan to exchange air in the tent. You can even keep the fan outside the tent and just put the duct hose (intake) in the tent.
Without a banana for scale, or at least something that says what size fan that is, its hard to say how useful of a design it is.
Most people will tell you the charcoal filters that are small enough to fit inside the resin printer don't really do much. They certainly are more safety theater than they are increasing your safety. (i.e., they may slightly reduce smells, but not enough to take the dangerous chemicals out of your air)
If you're trying to make using a resin printer relatively safe in a residential space, a more substantial filter that flows a lot more air is necessary.
Thanfully, these days, the huge number of people who are growing plants in their houses they don't want neighbors or the fuzz to know about have made that kind of high-volume filtering really surprisingly inexpensive. Things like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DXYMBU6/
A small grow tent, a high-flow blower and a filter like that will work far better. I used a slightly bigger grow tent -- one big enough for a 2x4' workspace for the printer, part cleaner, etc -- and it was less than $200 total. I can vent outside, but there's no resin, alcohol or any other smell even if I don't. (In fact, the odds are the air coming out of the tent is a lot cleaner than the air going into it...)
I bought a few different blow dryers at Goodwill and use them with a variable fan speed controller like this.
The 'cool air' button on a blow dryer is typically an on/off switch (as opposed to a momentary switch) connected to a spring. If you are comfortable taking apart cheap electronics, you can set the heat on your blow dryer to off and never worry about having to hold the button.
Airflow is key to success so as long as u can create constant circulation, it could work. If u own the home, u could cut a hole in the roof of that closet and put a duct fan or in the cabinet above, put a polyfil filter on the intake side of the fan, and have the fan blowing fresh air into the closet all day. It would be a positive pressure air system. I’ve used this fan with this ducting and it honestly doesn’t have enough power to cause any problems with humidity if ur using monotubs. Just create nice steady airflow.
Plus some pipe from local hardware store. Pretty easy to figure from there?
I had a similar issue where I would get head aches from the fumes. I designed and 3d printed a ventilation duct to fit my windows and added some ducting and fan to vent the room. Something like this. I chose 4 in as that is standard dryer vent size here. https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Inch-Inline-Ventilation-Blower/dp/B01M7S46YZ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=192ZHVFP4WWE5&keywords=4in+duct+fan&qid=1662130476&sprefix=4in+duct+fan%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-5 I don't have it connected to the printer just in the general area mounted to the ceiling to suck fumes out. I also have an air intake on the same window to allow clean air to replace the sucked out air
I found a link on Amazon for something similar.
I have the fan plugged into a power strip with my soldering iron. When the iron is on, so is the fan. I mounted the fan onto a 2x6 that allows me to moved it up and down if needed. I really don't move it though. It sits above my soldering table and is vented to the outside with the 4" dryer hose. If you want a photo, I can post one.
I was thinking of using a used over the stove exhaust vent bit they seemed too costly and didn't move much air in cubic feet per minute. I looked at bathroom exhaust vents too and they too were expensive and didn't move as much air either.
If you don't want to go through all the installation effort, there are fume absorbers available. It sucks the fumes into a charcoal foam filter that you dispose and replace.
A charcoal filter like this
For 3D printing it's a little overkill as I don't find the fumes to be all that bad. But I use a similar fan to filter set up in my grow tent. You can be standing right beside the tent and not know there's cannabis plants inside because of how well the filter works.
A good one will also last for years
Heya! I used THIS fan for the tubing. Its slightly smaller than normal AC unit window sealers but some study material and duct tape fixed that just fine.
No idea what youre trying to do with water.. Just use a fan and make sure its blowing air out the window from inside your enclosure. www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M7S46YZ Tons of people use this method, if its not working for you, you must be doing something horribly wrong.
This kind of fan, plus dryer duct from your local hardware store. VIVOSUN 4 Inch 195 CFM Inline Duct Ventilation Fan Vent Blower for Grow Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7S46YZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8BA6WT4NR7N85NDD73CD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1