really early. There are people there at like 8am camping out at the tables and grills. A single person will show up early and take the grill and tables around it for group that wont arrive until 12.
The easier thing to do is buy a cheap portable grill and just grill out on the grass. I have this one just for doing BBQs at Crissy field and you will see other people with similar grills doing the same thing
So it sounds like you can run a propane BBQ (e.g. I've had good luck with this one) on any open grassy space.
Not sure what that's got to do with the other stuff. But I have always wondered why I don't see more random grilling going on.
I'm not the original poster, but, something like this smoke tube on Amazon? Wondering how well that works. My Weber Smokey Mountain is awesome but setup is only worth it, or really even feasible, on a weekend. Hmm.
I filled my water pan with play sand and cover it with a water pan lid. Between that and some gaskets, I rarely worry about keeping temps steady. In fact, there's a brisket going right now that I should probably check on, but I'm not too worried about it.
My dude, I outfitted mine with this:
LavaLock Gasket Kit for Weber Smokey Mountain WSM 18.5 22.5 Nomex RTV Grill Gasket Seal
Works great, and has enough to seal the door and all three sections of the WSM Bullet.
It definitely helps with air leakage which helps somewhat with temp control. The WSM is perfectly useable without the gasket, but is improved with it. I used this one:
I have a smoke tube from amazon. I like it for super long smokes and for cold smoking cheeses. For grilling burger and brats, unless you cook super slow, I don’t think you will add that much flavor. Below is the link to the one I have:
Pellet Smoker Tube, 12'' Stainless Steel BBQ Wood Pellet Tube Smoker for Cold/Hot Smoking, Portable Barbecue Smoke Generator Works with Electric Gas Charcoal Grill or Smokers, Bonus Brush, Hexagon
I use a traeger pellet grill. And I can only do it in the winter to keep the temp below 90°F. I put the cheese on a rack above ice water that I continually change to keep the cheese cold.
They have pellet tubes on Amazon though, I need to buy one. They use the wood pellets but provide no heat only smoke. I guess you fill them will pellets set a blowtorch on them and they smolder
You can get a Weber Jumbo Joe for $70 from Amazon. 18 in charcoal grill. Or check Walmart, or your local hardware store.
I have used these. Works great for about a year-ish. Easy to put on and pull off after they stop working. If you can get them and put them on right away before you use the smoker you'll save yourself the hassle of cleaning every thing first. But either way it's really easy to install and super effective From an add in the link above. I too would recommend Weber. I have wasted time with the other "lesser" brands and have not found one live up to Weber with charcoal. YMMV
Your best bet would probably be this or something like it. Like someone said, the Smokey Joe but I think that might run you a bit more than $40.
A lil bit more than $40 as well but I bought this one probably 6 weeks ago or so, I have used it almost everyday since. It’s great.
Walmart and Ace Hardware both usually have a decent selection of grills and grill stuff, if either of those are around you maybe check them out to see what they got.
You could slowly fill the hole with some 500f rated lava lock adhesive like the include with their gaskets. I filled the thermometer hole in my lid this way.
I just put this on the second grate since I rarely use it.
That one is for the 18”. I could t find the same for the 22 except for on ebay
FYI, even high smoke at low temps doesn't give me a good smoke flavor. I bought a smoke tube from Amazon and it does the trick. You load it up with pellets and light them with a propane torch.
This is the one I bought and am happy with it.
I would definitely recommend a small charcoal grill! I got the Weber Go-Anywhere for exactly this purpose and it has been great.
Given its shape, I don't need to use the top grate on the charcoal grill. I can just lay the skewers across the top of the grill to get that nice kebab set up where they're directly over the charcoal.
Yes! There is something great about smaller grills. They are very efficient, super easy to clean, easy to store, easy to pack etc. I have the funds to upgrade by I am having so much fun with my 14" I really don't plan on "upgrading" any time soon. Hey check out the SmokeyJokey, this is what I use, it could offer a bit more safety and efficiency with the heat. You'll need a lidded machine to keep those delicious burgers from flaring up too! Great minds drink alike!
I have the 22” and bought the 22” version of this pan here:
I don’t even put water in the water pan often and still use it because I find it easier to clean and use than the WSM bowl.
I just foil that pan from Amazon and it’s easy to clean up afterwords. If you use water you don’t need to worry about a greasy water pan.
Smoking is way easier than you'd think. One thing I can recommend is to get yourself a smoke tube. The pellets just don't do justice for the smoke flavor IMO and one of those will get the chemical stuff that goes on when wood actually burns.
They turn those pellet grills into super convenient things that get you close to stick burner results. It's a best of both worlds combo, IMO.
If you're new, do a pork shoulder (sometimes called pork butt) first and make pulled pork. They take a long time but are super forgiving and a good way to get used to your smoker.
A tip for that is to smoke it in a disposable tin. It'll catch all the grease and then you dump that back over it after you pull it. Super good.
I use these to fertilize my snake plant & they've been working pretty well. I think this is the kind of thing you're looking for.
Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Spikes, Includes 24 Spikes - Continuous Feeding for all Flowering and Foliage Houseplants
Amplify your smoke; these tubes are amazing in the smoker! Cheap too! Pellet Smoker Tube, 12'' Stainless Steel BBQ Wood Pellet ...
If you want extra smoke, you can try a smoke tube. We love ours! Here's a random one from Amazon:\_1\_4?crid=31R69OJ5XE3ND&keywords=traeger+smoker+tube&qid=1649453078&sprefix=traeger+smoke+tube%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-4
I always cover my water pan with one of these wrapped in foil, it works great to prevent excess water loss due to evaporation, and it's much easier to clean and care for than trying to wrap the water bowl.
Water Pan Cover, Smoker Accessory Compatible with WSM 18/18.5" Smoker
I have a Classic 3. I don't know about the wood chips, as this is the first time I've ever used the tube. Here's a link to the tube:
Pellet Smoker Tube, 12'' Stainless Steel Wood Pellet Smoke Tube for Cold/Hot Smoking, Portable Barbecue BBQ Smoke Generator Works with Electric Gas Charcoal Grill or Smokers, Bonus Brush, Hexagon
This is the one I used:
Pellet Smoker Tube, 12'' Stainless Steel Wood Pellet Smoke Tube for Cold/Hot Smoking, Portable Barbecue BBQ Smoke Generator Works with Electric Gas Charcoal Grill or Smokers, Bonus Brush, Hexagon
INFO: I live in NYC, so humid air and bright, direct sun is hard to come by. I try to water only when the top of the soil in dry. I use filtered tap water that I let sit out for 24hrs. I fertilize using these sticks about once every 6 months. We try to keep the apartment not too hot or cold but that’s tricky with wall units. I mist them when I can. Prune off the dying leaves. The whole nine, but I can’t seem to stop them from dropping bottom leaves left and right 😥
i believe that's a refrigerant tank, not a LP tank.
but then again my size reference is what's commonly used in the US, so maybe other places use different sizes ?
either way, really great fab work, but at the end of the day the body is cheap steel, and you can buy a portable steel grill for < $50
Yeah, I have a dedicated smoker but you can also smoke with a grill if it's big enough.
Just get a smoke tube with some smoking pellets, and use your grill heat on low on one side with the smoke tube over the burner while placing the garlic on the other side of the grill away from the heat source.
At the proper cooking temp (~225 - 250F, or higher) the pellets are burning quickly to produce the heat you need. At this cooking temp, they aren't smoldering, which produces the smoke needed for flavor. There are these aftermarket mesh/ steel tubes that can be loaded with the same pellets and ignited. They'll smolder and generate extra smoke within your cook chamber.
Here's an example: