Look man, I get both sides here. I too, like to smoke. It's a fact of that method of cooking that often you need to run overnight. I start briskets at 4pm to eat at 6pm the next day lol. Some neighbors might not like it, I've gotten the blessing of my immediate ones by inviting them over for BBQ from time to time, but honestly, smoke being generated from ones property is a thing that happens. If you burn wood in your fireplace, smoke. If you burn deadwood or have a firepit, smoke. Neighbors can and should close their windows. You can't lose enjoyment of your backyard because someone doesn't like your smoker. Try inviting her over for dinner and seeing if that smooths things over and if not, well...she can shut her windows.
Also, overnight on turkey legs? My god man, I was tempted to vote you as 'zee asshole' for that. They don't need that long brother. Hour and a half, to 2 hours max! Try this.
edit: If you want to be REALLY NICE and spend some money, invest in a carbon filter and fan combo, 100$. Set the ducting to suck from where the smoke comes out and it'll handle the majority of what your smoker puts out, and control the smell/smoke. But that's only if you are really up on your neighbors backyards.
Its just a tent I got on Amazon that sits on its side on a table with a space heater under it. I love it so much, I don’t have to worry about contam almost at all, I have only lost a few bags out of 12 and it was just to wet rot. Nothing extra in the tent either, no inline fan or filters just the tent and the space heater under it. I thought FAE would be a problem but so far it is not
You can buy a marso hydro 2x2 kit for 400$ it's a bit pricey but it's a well worth investment find it here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088STYP1X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_SFWBVDQMSRXDBZ9F9DGM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Ontario here too, have you checked amazon? Vivosun has a good selection of tents for an excellent price! Here's the link to their tents, just select one of the 5 sizes -> https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Horticulture-Hydroponic-Obeservation-Growing/dp/B01DXYMQ9M/ref=lp_11914446011_1_6?srs=11914446011&ie=UTF8&qid=1555178839&sr=8-6
My shop is in my basement. I don't have a window so I installed an exhaust fan that is hung over my soldering station. It uses a standard 4" dryer vent hose.
I'm sure you can find something similar like a bathroom exhaust fan.
I didn't want the fumes accumulating in my basement since that's where the heat/ac unit is located.
If you're going with a kit, check out the marshydro kits on Amazon. Running the 2x2 with a ts600 and love it.
Edit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088T8S36S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_T8XG8Z6HKPYN5TAYP54P
Man I just got through putting a “Torture Tent” a 24”x24”x36” on top of my outside refrigerator. So I have a standing room only holding tent. They got to have somewhere to wait. 👍 CoolGrows Grow Tent, 24"x24"x36" Mylar Hydroponic Grow Room with Observation Window and Removable Floor Tray for Indoor Gardening Plant Growing 2'x2' (24"x24"x36") https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076Q5Q61N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_FP9W5488W4XX2Y2FTHBV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I almost with AC infinity tent but so damn happy with this one. Best one I've ever used. Rivals gorilla
MARS HYDRO Grow Tent Kit Complete TS 600W LED Grow Light 2x2ft Full Spectrum Indoor Grow Tent Kit 24"x24"x55" Hydroponics Grow Tent 1680D Canvas with 4” Ventilation Kit for Grow Setup Kit Tent Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088T8S36S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9K14KMKFWRHZMP7BD0JJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I bought the creality one, the smaller one, but ended up returning it and buying a 24x24x36 grow tent off Amazon for literally half the price (like 46 bucks) and it’s surprisingly great quality. The vents are mesh to help with dust. And I just leave the top vent hole open for heat to go out. I didn’t like the creality one cause it was super tight and made it hard to work on the printer, even something as simple as changing filament was a hassle. But this one zips all the way around 3 sides.
Edit: CoolGrows Grow Tent, 24"x24"x36" Mylar Hydroponic Grow Room with Observation Window and Removable Floor Tray for Indoor Gardening Plant Growing 2'x2' (24"x24"x36") https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076Q5Q61N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_FNDaGbYQSV0B9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I'm using 3gal bags, it's a little tight but if I stay on top of trimming I think I can make it work.
I bought this kit MARS HYDRO Grow Tent Kit Complete... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088STYP1X?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Go for it. Grab this, and Fox Farm soil and nutrient trio and you could totally go seed to harvest no problem. This would be almost identical to a setup I started with several years ago before I went on a hiatus. While you're working with this kit and that soil/nutes pair you can observe and learn a lot, decide if its something you want to keep doing, and if it is you can research how to better your setup for next cycle. Maybe consider cloning if it makes sense? If its not you're thing in the end, you're $420-ish in the hole. If you have a successful run and you harvest some decent bud you just paid what you would have for 1-2oz from someone/where anyway.
Good luck!
I use this with a dryer duct from dollar general for like 4 bucks https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7S46YZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_dlC_ndaXFb5JH6KYG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Super cheap lightweight intake to get proper circ , quiet just gets job done for a smaller area
MARS HYDRO Grow Tent Kit Complete 2.3x2.3ft TS1000W LED Grow Light Dimmable Full Specturm Indoor Grow Tent Complete System, 27"x27"x63" Hydroponics Grow Tent Kit 1680D with 4” Ventilation Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088STYP1X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DBkFFbQKD931R
Good for one plant maybe 2 autos, kind of everything you need to get going.
You'd look for something like this for a tent, but obviously to whatever size you need.
For lights, you should try to aim for about 30-40w per square foot. That's actual draw like listed on the light above, not that's Mars Hydro or other Amazon lights that list equivalents. For my 2x4 tent, I use just one of the above mentioned Kingbrite boards.
Yes, I do have a question. Besides being able to monitor the environment with an app. Is there anything special with the inline fan that you suggested? I was thinking about saving 100$ and getting a more standard inline fan like this.
Shan, my man; I'm s(h?)anguine ;)
Whooa! Hold on! Never, once thought ye were trying to sell me shit!!! Good god, no! Please don't think that ever crossed my mind!
Hell, no. I asked for as many opinions as we could get. You offered yours. Just happened to like the look of what ye showed me.
No. Look, let's start again. K? From the beginning:
I Fucked Up!!!
:) Clear? I asked peoples advice before. They freely offered it. My head was spinning Long before even that point. Something flew off. I fucked up.
Now, at least I have a 3x3, £100+ 'Safe Space', set up in my back room. Looking gorgeous. And into which I shall presently zip myself and cry my fucking eyes out!
ROFL!!! Naah! Fuck it. What's a man to do? Seriously?
And, people were telling me " Black Friday! ". I didn't even (still don't!) know wtf that is. But, I see it's shaved a smooth £Ton off that deal, if I manage to snatch it before the weekend?
" Spider Farm "? That's a Name, isn't it? Reviews are Great. It'll practically Undoubtedly Save me more shit than it'll cause me.
Then, I can get onto bending you poor fukkas ears about the 'bucket of water and air pump' method. I fancy that. Back in the day, I was a south facing window sill and a flower pot of dirt guy.
Dunno. Just buying an expensive meter and taking readings each day actually sound simpler, now, than digging my finger in the pot. Dunno. I'll remain to be convinced otherwise ;)
Thanks :)
Get a small inline fan to exchange air in the tent. You can even keep the fan outside the tent and just put the duct hose (intake) in the tent.
You can def grow peppers indoors but getting them to fruit is going to be a challenge. You will at the very least need a grow light (that is a whole conversation in itself). Check out Pepper Geek's guide here to get you started. I would also recommend looking into getting a grow tent like this so you can control the temperature a bit better. I would avoid soil, insects like to lay eggs in it and you'll get a bunch of annoying little flies and as such, I'd recommend growing hydroponically. Research the Kratky method for a simple set up. I have read that fruiting plants don't do well with this method but I have seen people post here and on other pepper subs with big, beautiful plants grown this way(albeit most had spent the summer outside). I think you should def avoid Superhots, at least until you get you method down. They tend to grow very slowly and in my experience don't yield much in their first year. Good luck!
Nice work so far! honestly though you just want to get a tent and a 100w grow light panel. if you want to get any real product. if you need it to be really small i'll link a 2x2x36 grow tent. same price as the 2x2x48 ones though.
Airflow is key to success so as long as u can create constant circulation, it could work. If u own the home, u could cut a hole in the roof of that closet and put a duct fan or in the cabinet above, put a polyfil filter on the intake side of the fan, and have the fan blowing fresh air into the closet all day. It would be a positive pressure air system. I’ve used this fan with this ducting and it honestly doesn’t have enough power to cause any problems with humidity if ur using monotubs. Just create nice steady airflow.
Plus some pipe from local hardware store. Pretty easy to figure from there?
Ended up buying this tent to solve this problem: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076Q5Q61N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Would rather pony up the additional $65 than ruin a grow I just put a ton of time and effort into!
I had a similar issue where I would get head aches from the fumes. I designed and 3d printed a ventilation duct to fit my windows and added some ducting and fan to vent the room. Something like this. I chose 4 in as that is standard dryer vent size here. https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Inch-Inline-Ventilation-Blower/dp/B01M7S46YZ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=192ZHVFP4WWE5&keywords=4in+duct+fan&qid=1662130476&sprefix=4in+duct+fan%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-5 I don't have it connected to the printer just in the general area mounted to the ceiling to suck fumes out. I also have an air intake on the same window to allow clean air to replace the sucked out air
I found a link on Amazon for something similar.
I have the fan plugged into a power strip with my soldering iron. When the iron is on, so is the fan. I mounted the fan onto a 2x6 that allows me to moved it up and down if needed. I really don't move it though. It sits above my soldering table and is vented to the outside with the 4" dryer hose. If you want a photo, I can post one.
I was thinking of using a used over the stove exhaust vent bit they seemed too costly and didn't move much air in cubic feet per minute. I looked at bathroom exhaust vents too and they too were expensive and didn't move as much air either.
If you don't want to go through all the installation effort, there are fume absorbers available. It sucks the fumes into a charcoal foam filter that you dispose and replace.
I got this setup from amazon when it was on sale.