Note: the before pic doesn't show my skin at its worst. I used to have 10 large whiteheads on my chin and a few more on my cheeks. I also had PIH and redness from irritation - I used tons of harsh products like peels that my skin couldn't handle.
I'm finally happy with how my skin looks after years of struggles. I tended to break out around my chin and sometimes on my cheeks. It was related to stress, gut issues and an unhelpful skin routine with way too many products that either didn't help much or actively worsened my skin. I also destroyed my moisture barrier with Retin-A, which I did not tolerate well at all.
Current routine: garnier pink cap micellar water as a cleanser, rosehip oil and cosrx BHA. My skin has never been softer or clearer. I highly recommend rosehip oil, it's done miracles for my dry, acne prone, sensitive skin.
I also take probiotics and hydrolyzed collagen every day. Hydrolyzed collagen improves skin elasticity and it's good for hair, nails and joints too. It seems to help keep my skin clear and helps with my shoulder injury as well. Win-win! Probiotics were also essential - whenever my gut goes haywire, my skin breaks out again.
Also, a PSA for people who buy rosehip oil from The Ordinary: There is cheaper rosehip oil on Amazon that I find to be much better quality. It's about 40% cheaper per oz. I also like the packaging better.
PURA D'OR Organic Rosehip Seed Oil (4oz / 118mL) 100% Pure Cold Pressed USDA Certified Organic, All Natural Anti-Aging Moisturizer Treatment for Face, Hair, Skin, Nails, Men-Women (Packaging may vary)
Moroccan Argan Oil, USDA Certified Organic, Virgin, 100% Pure, Cold Pressed by Kate Blanc. Stimulate Growth for Dry and Damaged Hair. Skin Moisturizer. Nails Protector. (Light 4oz)
I used to use rose hip oil daily and it helped with fine lines. Now I find it can sometimes be a bit too heavy, which is when I switched over to Argan oil, I notice it’s lighter and absorbs better.
I use roseheep seed oil almost every night and I absolutely love it!
I apply it after washing my face at night. It deeply moisturizes my skin and I always feel like I wake up with noticeably soft, supple skin and a gorgeous glow. When I'm not feeling like using an oil, such as on super hot nights, I use my CeraVe Daily Lotion, and the difference is noticeable. The CeraVe lotion works, it keeps me from drying up like a prune. But I don't wake up with the same velvety skin and subtle glow as I do when using rosehip seed oil. I have medium-dry skin so I can't comment on how it works on oily complexions but I find it to be a non-greasy oil that sinks in beautifully.
I use this one because it's a great price for a purchase that lasts me months and months and it comes in a pump bottle. But if you're trying it for the very first time, I'd opt for a small bottle in case it doesn't sit right with you.
I swear by this argan oil shampoo:
I also use this super moisturising hair food; no build-up at all it's like 98% natural/biodegradable:
Used to have dandruff and also a super itchy scalp, now no dandruff AT ALL and occasionally an itchy scalp if I don't take the time to moisturise properly. I wash my hair once a week but feel free to tailor it to your hair!
Something like this. Imagine a hairbrush fucked a blow dryer.
I have this one and it works well for me. One thing I have learned with trial and error is to make sure my beard is wet and apply some oil beforehand. I use the lowest temp setting and you want to brush fairly slow. I pull until the hairs have tension on them then slowly brush down and steam will come up as you're doing it from the water/oil. If you brush quickly like you would with a normal brush I have found it does not work nearly as well.
I have this model from amazon for $15;
The straightener itself is awesome but that beard oil and balm that comes "free" I tossed in the trash cause I didn't like the consistency of the oil on my beard so I tossed those out and kept using my Honest Amish balm. But honestly any straightener should work to the same degree hour wife's flat iron did. I used to only blow dry and thought that was good enough till I got the straightener, now I can't imagine not using it.
Try using a hair relaxer to detox your hair. There are study’s that show that it remove around 30% of the drug concentration of the hair. So you should relaxed it at least 3 times. This is what I used . Make sure to buy the neutralizing shampoo to remove the chemicals. 15 mins of relaxing the hair for each session should be good. For me, I didn’t feel a burn on the top of my head but I felt a burn on the sides. If that happens wash off the burning area with water. I just took my drug test on Monday and I'm still waiting for my result. I can’t tell you for sure if this gonna work but you should at least give it a shot if you want to pass. Btw you might lose hair from this, I have a tiny spot of missing hair from the areas that were burning. Good luck
Kinky Curly Come Clean shampoo has a very short, all natural ingredient list. I think there might be 8-10 ingredients total.
" : Kinky Curly Come Clean Natural Moisturizing Shampoo Sulfate Free 8 oz : Hair Shampoos : Beauty & Personal Care"
I shampoo and condition every 3 days about, using the shea-moisture line. I always allow the conditioner on my mid-lengths to ends to sit for about 20 minutes. With my shampoo I had been looking into this one which sounds similar to your description (I have yet to locate a conditioner).
Lye is the key to removing toxins. You need a strong base (lye) with a high ph to break the bonds up in your hair. When the bonds are broken, the toxins are released. You have about 3 weeks before your test, start treatment your hair tomorrow and then once a week until your test if you can tolerate it. My routine is to relax my hair once before my test and the day of my test, wash it with this shampoo, and then neutralize it with a neutralizing shampoo to stop the lye process. I’m a heavy user of narcs, is this has not failed me yet. this is the exact perm that I used. It’s 3 bucks at the local beauty supply store. If you are Caucasian, don’t get the super version because it will burn the crap out of you. You have time since you’re test is far out to space your treatments out. Don’t waste your money on aloe ride when all you need is the relaxer.
My acne use to be worse than yours and this helped me alot!!!! Now I get a random pimple here and there but I never have multiple anymore. It literally is magical.
I've never tried this but I'm about to buy it off Amazon. There's also a coupon you can clip for $2 off your first purchase. And according to Fakespot the adjusted grade is still an A so you know the reviews aren't fake.
Kinky Curly Come Clean
~$11 Amazon
2 b/c fine, dense, normal porosity
I love the way this shampoo smells! It's very gentle and leaves my hair super clean without sulfates and a little goes a long way. I've even used it multiple times in the same day (due to a hair masque leaving my hair feeling awful) and my hair is fine!
Kinky Curly Come Clean
~$11 Amazon
2 b/c fine, dense, normal porosity
I love the way this shampoo smells! It's very gentle and leaves my hair super clean without sulfates and a little goes a long way. I've even used it multiple times in the same day (due to a hair masque leaving my hair feeling awful) and my hair is fine!
>I personally wouldn't deep condition and then put no other styling product on my hair and expect it to look good.
You might be right. Still new to this so going with what I have on hand. I bought this recently:
Should I incorporate it into the routine when it's still wet?
I'm almost always outside in the sun and humidity so it helps (a bit) to control it. If I'm inside my hair's pretty manageable, and if it isn't I can just wet it. It does dry my hair a tad much but it's better than crazy strands without shape running all over, or so I think
>From your other comments I can't tell if you're using products with oils in them or using pure oils. Big difference.
Both really. For example today I didn't deep condition, just condition the ends, some argan oil and coconut oil then dry a bit. It's..ok I guess, but I'm staying in all day so it's good enough, and I can experiment at the same time
Hey, what are your thoughts on shea moisture honey and manuka deep conditioner?
I got some from walgreens and tried seemed to make my hair really soft the first night but by the next day my curls were already going back to frizz and feeling dry. I did use devacurl light defining gel too, but it doesn't seem to do much tbh.
I'm currently waiting for Kinky Curly Come Clean Natural Moisturizing Shampoo to see if it can help remove hard water minerals. Do you think my issue is the gel or maybe the deep conditioner isn't right?
Basically you use the product as instructed and anytime you wash your hair afterward, you use their special shampoo to keep it straight. Once you're done and want it to go back to your regular texture you just use a regular shampoo to wash it out. My hair has never been healthier, I love it. I use this one.
Hey! So I'm in a similar boat to you, male with short and fairly unruly natural hair, and happened upon this post while searching for (better) ideas for myself. Though I suspect people on this sub would advise against it, as this is likely not the healthiest for your hair, it has been fairly effective for me.
I've used this straightener for a while; roughly every few months or so:
It can be damaging after repeated applications, but at your hair length you won't really notice it before the hair is grown out and cut. I've never really noticed an issue unless I started growing mine out longer.
I generally go very light on shampoo, and only use some every other shower or so. After showering and mostly drying hair, I use some kind of oil like this if I just want it shiny and a little tamer; occasionally I'll also blow dry, which gets results like your last photo. If I want it straighter but without the extra time and effort, I'll use a pomade or paste.
this is what you need.
Get this put it on your hair wrap your head in saran wrap. wait 20 min. repeat if necessary. follow the directions. This will last around a month.