Seriously. Pubic hair comes in so many types, like head hair, that it needs a separate sub or forum or something.
“Ooh, I just condition, shave and rub deodorant on the area.” Cool, cool, glad that works for you. I’ve tried so many things, each for months on end, and nothing works. Shaving, trimming, plucking each hair out with tweezers, home waxing (practiced elsewhere first), rolling hair remover, and at this point I could pull it out with my hands if I wanted.
Doing these results in ingrown hair...not doing something about it also results in ingrown hair. Tried conditioner, oil, hair masque, deodorant, etc; my hair grows sharp and can grow back in towards my skin, yet also grows straight and randomly bends in zig-zag patterns, making sure I know it’ll never be cute. I have so many scars. It scars sometimes just from being removed. It’s Type 666. It’s Satan manifested as pubic hair.
Again, pubic hair is as diverse as head hair, but there’s more misconceptions that’ll likely end in dangerous ingrowns or yeast infections or whatever. Pubic hair needs its own “beauty care” guidebook.
Sorry /rant
NTA, but based on how angrily my skin raged after I got my brows waxed, I suggest using a personal trimmer instead. I love those things, you can gently and painlessly get rid of unwanted hair. No redness or irritation. On brows, above lips, chin, wherever. The one below is about $20. There are cheaper ones, but I have been using this one reliably for years.
I HIGHLY recommend the spring type hair removers to anyone with chin hair
I'm horrible at tweezing and always end up accidentally picking at my skin and leaving scars, and those totally prevent that
Nair should work but it will grow back fast. (within a day or two)
You could go get waxed which would last about a month.
Then there's the epilator option, you're gonna hate me but this is the best solution I found for hair removal in general.
Pop 2 tylenols & 2 advils, take a shower and wait half an hour, then go to town on it. It's important to tighten the skin with your other hand for it to work well and it also helps with the pain. I also found that using a body brush helps with making the hair stand out and maybe it's in my mind but it also seems to help with the pain.
Use an epilator. Your first few uses will take longer and will be a little painful (not as much as a tattoo), but don’t be a baby - you will feel true feminine hairless skin all over and the maintenance will be easier than shaving and way less frequent. Here’s a link to the one on Amazon: Amazon
This is what I got. Something that helped me immensely the second time I used it was to take a long hot bath and then scrub and exfoliate my dead skin with an Italy towel before using it. I think that it helped clear away anything that could be blocking the hair from getting out easily like natural oils, dirt, and extra skin of course. There's still a little bit of pain whenever I use it, but I think I've gotten to a point that I just don't think about it anymore.
Definitely a stainless steel facial epilator. They’re very easy to use and gentle for sensitive skin. Found in an older womans desk I’d imagine she had it incase she noticed a stay facial hair and wanted it gone ASAP. Can’t find that exact model for the life of me but here is a similar product.
I got this one for $100. It was worth it for me, but if you don't have the money for it there are plenty of less expensive ones. This one is a wet and dry so if you're looking for cheaper ones probably just stick with the dry use only.
I do really enjoy mine, I'll link it here. It works well dry and wet, so you can use it in the shower. Using it in the shower is less effective but will also be less painful, I suggest doing that first. You may need to use it more than once if you do it in the shower, I used the epilator my first time two days in a row both in the shower, once I was used to using it wet I started to use it dry and the results were a lot better. This one is pricy but I really like it, and I think it's cute :3
Anyway, I recommend this but you know, get whatever you want haha.
I have the Braun Epil 7
It's pretty amazing. It has a guided light to light up missed hairs. A pubic hair trimmer. Different heads to manage different areas. A swivel head for easy glide over your skin. I do believe it is waterproof.
Growing up I was self conscious about being a hairy girl. I remember I bought nair for my upper lip hair and went to school feeling like a whole new woman because I was mustacheless lmao. Pretty sure no one even noticed.
I’ve tried waxing, I tried this thing, hair removal creams...all would give me rashes or irritate my skin. The flawless hair remover is ok, but not as precise as shaving.
So I dry shave my face every two weeks to remove both peach fuzz and dead skin. It’s been amazing for my skin. Your hair doesn’t grow back thicker. Just make sure you cleanse before and after you shave, and make sure you do small strokes as opposed to longer strokes.
I personally highly recommend exfoliating your skin with an acid serum to prevent those bumps/ingrown hairs and help any trapped hairs easily slide out when plucking (a brush may do the trick too but those can be rather rough and hurt your skin). I use this one and I now rarely have one of those super nasty bumps where the hair is near impossible to remove:
I recently started using an epilator under my arms and though it's rather painful, the benefit is great. No dark shadows after shaving, my hair grows back softer and less noticeable there, and I only do it maybe once every two weeks.
This is the one I bought (it was on sale for $50 when I got it. I see it's a lot more now):
Well this is the one im planning to get. I have to see if I can even stand the pain first before I bother buying a $100+ one
I like the Braun epilators - this is the one I have, but there are a couple of different styles/prices: Braun Epilator for Women, Silk-épil 9 9-720 for Hair Removal, Wet & Dry, Womens Shaver & Trimmer, Cordless, Rechargeable, White/Rose Gold
its pretty straight forward! i just got this little dude to start with . once a week i go over the spot once going against the hair growth, then go back and forth over it a few times. then when im fully done i shave the area (it gets most of the hair but misses some and i like to be Fully Smooth), then i put on some witch hazel to soothe it and to close pores
I started using an epilator a few weeks ago. Since you have a nerve condition I’m not sure if it’s be for you though. The first time using it hurts like a B, however, my legs stayed smooth for about 3 weeks and my arm pits are the smoothest they’ve ever been. I have thick coarse hair too and I could never get a close enough shave on my pits and they always looked like there was a 5 ‘o’ clock shadow. I am too much of a coward to use it anywhere near my crotch though. I have to say that the third time using it was pretty painless.
This is the one I have:
I got this one! I had my eye on more expensive ones but I didn't want to spend too much on something I hadn't tried yet. Its actually been really great so far!
Braun Epilator Silk-epil 3 3-270, Hair Removal for Women, Shaver & Trimmer
Full disclosure I bought it for the low price
I think little battery operated trimmers are perfect for this. You can find them at just about any drugstore (often in the "As Seen on TV" section). I put a link to one on Amazon so you can see what I mean. For me, it seems to work best to go downward on the cheeks, and upward on the upper lip. These are cheap, so it would be worth a try to see if this works well for her. I pluck the few coarse hairs that show up on my chin sometimes, otherwise I use this gadget. Very cheap, doesn't hurt at all, and very quick to use with no mess.
I know this post is old but instead of a razor, I highly recommend getting an epilator. I have one and I only shave if I'm desperate to get rid of hair quickly (ex. last minute dinner plans). I got an epilator off amazon for like $20, and it keeps the hair off for months. I found one similar here. My fave its environmentally friendly and vegan because it uses no animal products and it's rechargeable so you don't have to throw it out every month.
Yes, there are several different options depending on what you want and your budget. I got the Braun Silk-épil 9 9579 The research I did beforehand said that it's the best on the market and after using it several times I definitely don't doubt that. It's one of the pricier ones ($110-140 on Amazon) but quite worth it. It came with several different attachments and an exfoliator that also works really well. If you're looking for something cheaper there are a few but I'd recommend waiting to get something that's going to last.
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
This one is my current one
Ive never waxed but I'm really unsure you're going to be saving any time with an epilator
I use the trimmer/shaver attachment on this and it gets me very smooth. Not ideal for, um, skin that isn't taught, still working on figuring that out
For sensitive parts I use the trimming extension before epiliating because I do not want to be hollering in pain, but otherwise yeah! I can use it on pretty much any are, including privates or my face. Almost knocked an eyebrow off once though so there is a learning curve lol.
This is the one I use. It's nice and easy.
I've owned a couple of epilators, this one is by far the best I've had. Waterproof, cordless+rechargeable with long battery life, integrated light, hair trimmer attachment, easy to clean, very well built, aesthetically pleasing.
I personally hate chemical hair removal. It seems very unhealthy.
I didn't start HRT until 22. Admittedly, I have been pretty lucky and I never grew much facial hair pre-HRT.
Six years later, I do have slightly more facial hair than an average cis woman, but the hairs are very fine and fair, so they're essentially invisible.
I had a few rounds of laser hair removal on my jawline and upper lip. It really wasn't painful at all, honestly it felt weirdly euphoric to have those damned hairs zapped out of existence.
I use an epilator on my face every 2-3 days, and this keeps my face perfectly smooth.
The epilator did hurt at first. What I did to start out is to just remove a tiny bit of hair as gently as possible, and when I couldn't bare the pain, I stopped. By doing this every day, I quickly built up a tolerance to the pain. Today, it doesn't hurt at all as long as I do it regularly, but if I take a break for 1+ weeks it does start to hurt again.
Don't lose sleep over it! Facial/body hair is one of the easiest things to manage. Stress less, wear sunscreen, get good sleep, and stay young - you'll be much more worried about skin health a decade or so from now.
Hey! I don’t want to blah on that person’s advice at all. But I’d like to share this-
Waxing is fairly expensive and it rips all hairs out at once. An epilator will pull a few hairs out at your own pace and is a one time purchase of ~$50.
I have no professional knowledge but from what I know, I think waxing would be way harsher for any skin conditions. Just something to possibly think about.
That’s the one I have. $40, great reviews, and I’ve had it literally over a decade. Please look into it if you’re curious. (There are no blades to cut you!) Good luck and best wishes, feel free to ask any questions!