I have really long blonde hair that gets brassy really easily. Someone suggested I try fanola no yellow shampoo. It’s definitely much stronger than regular purple shampoos. I use it 1-2x a week. Just be sure you’re using a good conditioner after cause it does dry my hair out a little but I use leave in conditioner and bumble and bumble oil after showers anyway so it’s never been a big issue for me personally.
She did for the first session to get an even base, but now for touch ups she usually gets me to help her using this here: https://www.livecolour.com/our-products/urban-metallics/u71-metallic-silver
However even though it says permanent I notice the toner fades quite quick. I personally prefer semi-permanent colours because they have a conditioning base that doesn't need a chemical reaction to dye the hair, but you would need the light base first.
Also, a good pigmented purple toning shampoo that you leave in a few minutes in the shower can go a long way to maintain a nice silver tone.
Fanola No Yellow Shampoo, 350ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00RWCDM4A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_gnGSDb5WCWB8T
I definitely recommend speaking with a stylist to get their professional opinion on what's achievable. But in my opinion, a good silver comes down to at home maintanance once you're home from the stylist.
Hope to be of some help, just do what feels right and makes you happy ��
I tried all the stuff out there for dandruff and then finally came across this...only need a small amount per shampooing. I was using it almost daily and now I only use it once a week or so...Nizoral Anti-dandruff
You have got to try fanola no yellow shampoo!
I kept reading about it on other subreddits, buzz feed and some random sites and didn’t think it would be worth the hype since I’ve tried many types of purple shampoo / conditioner and none of them worked very well but this stuff is the best!!! It makes a huge difference on my hair and it’s affordable you should check it out
I get that, this helps mine. Use it twice a week & let it sit for at least 5 minutes before rinsing. If I forget to use it for a few weeks it comes back so it’s more preventative than a cure. Safety razor will help too.
Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AINMFAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_JpPUFb1XEVPPY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Try Nizoral it saved me from constant itchiness and scalp dandruff i used at least twice a week until i was dandruff free i highly recommend it. You can get it at target or walmart Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AINMFAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DYZ83B252Y64HS6QXRQN
I also have super greasy hair which, up until recently, no amount of training and patience has made any difference to. The only thing that I have found to work is using a clarifying shampoo once a week. I just use it in the roots of my hair and it lets me add an extra day or two in between washes.
I use this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neutrogena-Shampoo-Anti-Residue-175/dp/B005IHT8KI
There’s actually this shampoo I’ve heard of with natural ingredients known to block DHT. It’s called PURA D'OR Original Gold Label Anti-Thinning Biotin Shampoo. I haven’t tried it yet but it has a lot of positive reviews on Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FH692PQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A23IQE0YUV800G&psc=1
Its a good shampoo for dandruff, dead-skin, dermatitis and itchiness. My hair used to itch like hell all day and whenever i grabbed my hair even the slightest, it used to fall off . When i started using this shampoo everywhere other day, the itchiness went away and the biotin tablets helped my hair regrow healthy https://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Therapeutic-Anti-Dandruff-Long-Lasting-Seborrheic/dp/B0009KN8UA
While I dont know how effective honey + water is on dandruff, you gotta remember its summer and since you're losing weight you're probably sweating alot more.
Why dont you give Nizoral shampoo a try? Here's the Amazon link : https://www.amazon.com/Nizoral-Anti-Dandruff-Shampoo-4-oz/dp/B0000Y3CRY
Could be one of the ingredients you don't respond well to it since they do add a bunch of other components to the formula. Anyways, best I can say is try Ketoconazole 2% which is prescription strength and requires you to go to your doctor. If you have insurance though they might cover the cost of the prescription for you, so it might actually save you money from having to buy shampoos yourself. It also comes in a lower strength over-the-counter in 1% where you can find it on Amazon it seems. Brand name Nizoral, but uses the ingredient Ketoconazole same as the prescription just lower strength.
He should see a doctor, it sounds like seborrheic dermatitis to me. He can try nizoral shampoo with no other products following (like conditioner), let it sit on the scalp for a minute or two per use. Here’s a link to get it off amazon.
If you go to a dermatologist you can get prescribed an anti-fungal shampoo (I believe the active ingredient is ketaconozole). That worked miracles for my scalp. It came in a plastic bottle, but sometimes you need to look after yourself too. You can also find it over the counter in a lower concentration like in this shampoo.
You could also try a bar shampoo that has the same active ingredient as Head and Shoulders (Pyrithione Zinc) such as this one that I randomly found on Amazon.
Remember that seborrheic dermatitis means that your skin becomes irritated by sebum (oil), so keeping your skin/scalp clean is super crucial.
Nizoral.. helps me a lot with my seborrhoea dermatitis, and I had it bad.
I bought my nizoral on Amazon, and I use it twice a week. My condition, disappeared entirely.
Give it a try, it's also good for hair lost too
If its follicuilitis, and those are pimples in the pic, my dermatologist told me to use https://www.amazon.com/Head-Shoulders-Clinical-Seborrheic-Dermatitis/dp/B0043OSIVM?ref_=d6k_applink_bb_marketplace
It worked for me so far
I say first try Nizoral shampoo. Put a dab on a cotton ball and put a thin layer where it's needed and leave it on for like 15 minutes a day and it should be gone in a week or two. It does leave a sting if you leave it on for too long just so you know. I did it for about 2 weeks and the bumps haven't came back since.
Heres a link : Amazon.com : Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo : Beauty
If that doesn't work, try something with a chemical exfoliant in it. As long as your skins not super dry or sensitive. Probably a face wash, like Cerave Salicylic Acid Face Wash. Or you can opt for something like an acne-fighting cream thingy or a serum. It's very mild so you shouldn't have to.
https://www.sezia.co/about this website is awesome I recommend checking your current products, for me one of the things that inflamed my fungal acne was shampoo so I switched Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AINMFAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_SfzSFbGV470FD for my scalp and use normal shampoo for the rest of my hair. The shampoo is also great because the active ingredient and also kills fungal acne. I use it on my face and chest as well.
Your left-photo hair is how my hair looks like on a daily basis; curly/wavy hair roughly the same length, and just as dry!
I'd love for my hair to look like the photo on the right! I didn't even know it was possible to get it to look like that. So from what you posted, I should co-wash my hair twice a month and let it dry before going to sleep (I read that cold drying it helps in a pinch if you need to get your hair dry fast, what do you think about that?) How often do you wet/wash your hair with water when you're taking a shower?
I just ordered some 100% natural argan oil from Amazon; I'm hoping to get the results you get from using it. I currently use almond oil on my hair and it feels heavy and greasy whenever I use it, on top of not getting my hair to style correctly.
For argan oil use, you say to use a small bit at first, but then you say you use more argan oil than you do coconut oil, so it confuses me. I'm assuming I'm supposed to use little amounts of the argan oil and increase until I get the perfect amount of moisture in my hair?
I was actually diagnosed with having seborrheic dermatitis and was told it doesn't go away; that feel when dandruff for life :( I've been using a medicated head and shoulders shampoo to fight the dandruff, and it has really worked for me, but at the cost of extremely drying my hair and scalp. (link to shampoo https://www.amazon.com/Head-Shoulders-Clinical-Seborrheic-Dermatitis/dp/B0043OSIVM/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1478375434&sr=8-1&keywords=head+and+shoulders+medicated)
OK sounds like seborrheic dermatitis. Diet isn't going to cure it. Medication will. The good news is there a long list to choose from. If one doesn't work then another one might.
All of these things can dry your hair out a lot. So you may want to try a leave in conditioner or a detangler. Kids' detangler works for me.
Nope! You can find it at a local drug store like cvs or Walgreens in the shampoo dandruf section or on amazon
As for the bra - you can totally wear one but once you do the first treatment make sure you are wearing clean bras after that. Fungal stuff is hard to get rid of 100%. But just wash everything in some hot water until the skin is clear again. Once it’s clear you can be a little more relaxed and just use the nizoral as a body wash every other day or whatever.
I've only used the Nizoral branded one. I think it is the most commonly suggested since it was one of the first. You can find it on Amazon and I think I've seen it at places such as Walmart as well. I alternative between my normal shampoo and this one.
Try this purple shampoo. I used it when I had brown box dye removed and it turned a brassy mess. It's so so so dark purple, a little goes a long way.
Edit to add, it won't make it lighter blonde, just balance out the brassy to what I'm guessing is your natural color.
https://www.amazon.com/Nizoral-Anti-Dandruff-Shampoo/dp/B00AINMFAC?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx-invbjc6wIVEpSzCh2U7AogEAAYASAAEgIanPD_BwE is what is recommended in the hair loss sub, along with rogaine and finasteride. If your loss isn't bad, you could start with the shampoo probably, and then the rogaine later if it doesn't help as much as you wanted.
The issue is likely a fungal growth on your scalp. I had the same issue and it took me a long to realize the problem. The shampoo in the link worked really well for me. It uses the same active ingredient as shampoo that a dermatologist will prescribe. Follow the directions on the bottle and if you see no improvement after about a month then you should see a dermatologist.
Yes it is, my wife had severe dandruff and tried everything this is the only thing that worked for her. It works within 2 washes.
I've been really pleased with Fanola. Edit: link - https://www.amazon.com/Fanola-No-Yellow-Shampoo-350/dp/B00RWCDM4A?th=1
I've tried Jhirmack, Aveda, Not Your Mother's, John Freida. They were ok.
The paraben/sulfate free dandruff I use is Jason! Umm sorry, I’m on mobile lol https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FGDIAS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_2.0dFb382GZ2B It’s also at target online, for $5 cheaper! Shop around.
I do not use conditioner. My hair is really fine but thick, and conditioner tends to weigh it down. I will use conditioner once in a blue moon, also paraben/sulfate free. This is the one I have, but I got it on clearance at Walmart. It’s nice, but it’s for my hair on occasion, and does nothing for my scalp. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076HNNV4L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_mc1dFbVT12WAZ
I let the shampoo sit long enough to basically shave and scrub a dub dub the rest of me.
In my personal experience, I am always going to recommend avoiding sulfate shampoo if you’ve got scalp issues. Legit, the difference was night and day. I will never ever go back.
It helps a lot. The redness is thin skin (your blood showing through). So if you can relieve it some, it’ll help. I’ll admit that it’s a problem I haven’t had to focus on a lot, because I have darker skin. I tend to focus more on stopping the flakes and the pain. The flakes show up waaaayyyy too contrasted with my skin haha
If you’re wanting to try the new routine without breaking the bank, email some companies and see if they’ll send you a foil packet to try. The scalp scrubber is only a few bucks on amazon (I have the purple one) and that super helps with flakes and pain, so if you don’t do the shampoo routes at all, I’d at least do that.
Yeah, whatever you do, do not get it at CVS - it's almost $20 at CVS. It's much cheaper on Amazon, or if you need it today, you can go to Walmart and get it for about the price you'd get at Amazon.
Cured my chronic dandruff. People also use it as a balding treatment.
Amazon brother!
https://www.amazon.com/Nizoral-Anti-Dandruff-Shampoo-Ketoconazole-Dandruff/dp/B0000Y3CRY/ref=asc_df_B0000Y3CRY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312128069938&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2089112729167745284&hvpone=&hvptwo=&a... Cheap cheap cheap! If you have any question look up moreplatesmoredates he has great hair information