A $25 battery powered liquid transfer pump is worth every penny, extra long hose reaches to the back of a 5x5
Thanks. Do you think something like this would do a similar job as I'm based in Europe so not familiar with that store: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sierra-Tools-JB5684-Operated-Transfer/dp/B00318D7K8/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=13TNYNC93X5MK&dchild=1&keywords=liquid+transfer+pump&qid=1627748793&sprefix=liquid+transfer%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-3
Ergatta didn't include a battery operated pump, we got the Luigi Pump instead https://www.amazon.com/Liquid-Fuel-Transfer-Siphon-Pump/dp/B06XKHP8Q4/ref=sr_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=siphon&qid=1629427165&sr=8-14 and it just required constantly pumping it.
I use these for moving gas around:
Safety Siphon - The Original Safe Multi-Purpose Self Priming Pump By The Original Safety Siphon - 6 Foot High Grade Hose, 1/2" Valve https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BG1X54/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CZMSW8N20TVM75C5T40Z?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
13$, works well. I suck the fuel out of the bike every race and put a certain amount in, and I have to pull race gas out and run pump gas through before I leave the track so I’m using it constantly.
You got this! I used the new wax less gaskets and had septic smell. Needed to replace it with a wax gasket Double the work, but now I don’t have septic smell. In hindsight, I will only use a wax gasket. To empty the toilet, I bought a siphon pump and just pumped the water out of the tank and bowl. Something like this:
A bit cheaper but probably the same thing. These things have been my saving grace since I got into DWC. You could buy two for when the first inevitably fails when you're changing tubs lol.
I got one of these pumps from Amazon. they run on D batteries.
I am by no means an expert, I just barely got my MSM, and all the stuff I have done to the car was my first time ever doing it, such as oil/filter change, transmission and differential fluid change, spark plug and wire set change, and other small things.
If it was me, I would just redo the entire transmission fluid change especially if there is some gunk that might have gone into the transmission.
I just did my transmission fluid change about a week or two ago. I do recall the pump, if you bought something similar to this, being kinda difficult to get the hose into the fill port and when I was pumping the pump the height of the bottle plus the pump made it awkward to actually press down on the pump due to the car's chassis was kind of in the way.
I also did a mistake of not putting in a washer for the drain plug and had to decide to either keep the fluid in which was full by then or remove the drain plug and place the washer and lose all the newly added transmission fluid. I decided it was better to have a "correct" install of the drain bolt with the washer and just bought new transmission fluid.
Me pa always told me, if you find yourself in a gold rush, best to be the man selling pickaxes.
You can get a hand siphon pump system for doing that. (Like this )
As for the oil pump, this is a much smaller version of what I used but it'll do the same job. The important thing if you're going to pump the oil out, though, is that you need to measure how much you pump out. That's how much you need to put back in. My pump had a canister with markings so I could see how much I took out, you might want to find a jug or something, mark the jug after pumping out the old oil, and then pour the new oil into that jug up to your mark. Do this once for each fork obviously.
Hand pumps are pretty inexpensive and readily available. https://smile.amazon.com/Koehler-Enterprises-RA990-Multi-Use-Transfer/dp/B0181EDCZ6/ref=sr\_1\_5?keywords=gas+siphon+pump&qid=1659561882&sprefix=gas+sip%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-5
Idk what everybody's complaining about...invest in your future.
I'm not familiar with the Accord, I'm assuming you can find some DIY videos on YouTube however for my Sis, (manual transmission) the plugs were on the side near the driver side front wheel. A funnel would have been extremely difficult if not messy. I had a hand fluid pump from Amazon with plenty of tube length and pump pump pump it was so easy to do so. I had some trouble torquing the plugs too so I ended up ordering some crowfoot wrenches and that made it a lot easier.
Here's the pump
This exact one is the equivalent of $4 in my local discount tools store.
Don’t get one of the plug in ones. I drive a truck they don’t work well.
Measure your trunk and see if you can fit one of the Walmart yeti clones by ozark mountain.
Liquid/Fuel Transfer Siphon Pump - Large Squeezing Syphon for Lawn Mowers & Manual Pumping Petrol, Water, Alcohol and more! (By Luigi's) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XKHP8Q4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_WBTT7010ACKCT79P3EJX
Keep ice in it let the water stay in it until it gets kinda full then you can pump most of it out and start over.
I was saying this just the other day. But I don't own a fishpro. Sucks to be me. But if I get a fishpro I'll use this to get the old gas out of it. https://www.amazon.com/Safety-Siphon-Safe-Multi-Purpose-Priming/dp/B000BG1X54
We made a portable sink to use as a handwashing station for events, it could be adapted to your bar. Ours is entirely foot-powered since we often don't have electricity. It only holds 3 gallons but you could use bigger buckets, they just get heavy to carry.
Parts List:
Mount the sink bowl and faucet in a waterproof countertop (we used plywood with plastic laminated on top.) The smaller bucket or jerry can is your clean water supply. Drill a hole in the lid big enough for the inlet hose for the pump. This bucket goes somewhere under the countertop. The squeeze bulb goes on the floor and the outlet end of the hose connects to the bottom of the faucet. The larger bucket goes under the drain tailpiece to catch the dirty water. To use, fill the supply bucket, open the faucet valve and squeeze the bulb with your foot several times.
You can also make it gravity fed by placing the supply bucket higher than the faucet but then you have to lift the full bucket into place or fill it with pitchers of water.
To be honest they are boring as shit I'm use to watering every two days and picking up pots to see if they're dry..I had em 3 weeks and only had to fill em two times..the roots hit the bottom in two of them yesterday so I hear this is when they go wild..and I'm ready ..I mix nutrients and use my siphoning stick to feed Ideaworks JB4840 Sierra Tools JB5684 Battery Operated Liquid Transfer Pump, Single, red, Blue, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00318D7K8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_2E5JTB3PPH2TH6ZAQD63..check em before lights come on and every time they have grown noticably..haven't harvested anything yet but I know it'll pull more than I was getting before so it'll pay for itself with every extra oz I get
Ideaworks JB4840 Sierra Tools JB5684 Battery Operated Liquid Transfer Pump, Single, red, Blue, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00318D7K8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_2E5JTB3PPH2TH6ZAQD63 and Octopots..I water once a week now and it couldnt be easier
It fits in the fill hole and i just empty into a bucket. Also, you can use it to circulate the reservoir by pumping into an adjacent hole at an angle.
I grabbed one of these as well as a backup. Safety Siphon - The Original Safe Multi-Purpose Self Priming Pump By The Original Safety Siphon - 6 Foot High Grade Hose, 1/2" Valve https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BG1X54/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_E7J2Q9M5X1R67PSBNT6B?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
get a hand pump from the auto parts store and suck it outta there. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Koehler-Enterprises-RA990-Multi-Use-Transfer/dp/B0181EDCZ6/ref=sr\_1\_3?dchild=1&keywords=hand+fuel+pump&qid=1632345967&s=automotive&sr=1-3
Get something like this to remove as much fluid from the reservoir as possible: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BQW5LK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4GQ693SDGQ9DS1GPHJFJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Then fill the reservoir back up with appropriate brake fluid. If it were me, I would then change the brake fluid to make sure the lines are all clean.
Brakes aren’t something to gamble with.
Not exactly what you asked but I have used one of these siphon pumps for filling bags from small sources.
The best way to fill a vehicle from a gas can is a gasoline rated pump. Something like https://www.amazon.com/TERA-PUMP-Portable-Battery-AutoStop/dp/B00WZX9W86/ref=sxin_13_b2b_sx_ibs_v3_mobile?cv_ct_cx=gas+transfer+pump&dchild=1&keywords=gas+transfer+pump&pd_rd_i=B00WZX9W86&pd_rd_r=2d32a235-6c4c-4071-b403-6cbc35bcc2f...
Trying to pour from a jug is possible but in all my years in boat yards and dealing with gas cans I can count on one hand how many times I haven’t spilled any.