The book's title is "Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America's Heartland". It's available on Amazon.
It was profiled pretty heavily back in March by several outlets, journalists, and pundits. Here's the PBS segment on it.
I very recently read a book called Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick and the author's discussion on hysteria is fascinating. She talks about it throughout the entire book because so many modern illnesses/disorders that mainly or only affect women (like Fibromyalgia or PMDD) are very similar to what doctors used to call Hysteria. She basically said that most of the "contested illnesses" we have today stem directly from Hysteria- and that women's pain in general is very often described as psychosomatic (all in her head) whereas men's pain is typically seen as physiomatic (real, bodily pain). Highly recommend this book for anyone interested in how women are treated in medicine.
Going to plug one of my favorite books, but this needs to be something that every premed should read. Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in Healthcare explains how corporate greed has led to the replacement of qualified medical professionals by lesser trained practitioners. It goes into detail about FPA, where NP’s and PA’s are pushing to practice unsupervised in their own clinics or urgent cares along with many other issues that are pushed through by AANP and AAPA lobbying.
We should all be educating everyone we know about this. Share with them the book that came out yesterday: Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in Healthcare by Niran Al-Agba and Rebekah Bernard
Also join PPP!
I share your frustration. HIV incubated quietly for a decade before the bodies started to pile up. When the next lethal megavirus emerges (and it will), PreP won't save us. The condom-free crew will have already infected millions of our neighbors and partners. We can only hope that it won't be as deadly as the AIDS complex.
I worry about the deaths, but I also worry about the future of our rights and our place within modern society. We are currently at the "fool me once" stage of global sexual disease transmission. If the next virus is as lethal as HIV and the gay community is the leading carrier again, I am worried that the world will be less forgiving.
I'm not opposed to casual sex, by the way. Have had around 50 partners. I just consider it a personal duty to protect our community's reputation by refraining from unsafe sex. All sex without a condom is unsafe outside of an exclusive relationship.
My reasoning and instincts come from this book, which discusses the cultural response to the spread of HIV/AIDS, situation within the context of the bathhouse and free love subcultures of the 70s and 80s.
The book Dying of Whiteness by Jonathan Metzl, the author they interrupted, is excellent. If you don't want to bother reading the whole thing, he did a good podcast with Chris Hayes where he breaks down the main points.
I've experienced so much of this as a young woman with chronic illness and pain and it's awful. I'm reading a book called Doing Harm and it's so interesting - about how medicine and tests and everything were based on men, especially white men, and that so much of what we know is just based on the male body because not enough was ever done with women. It's infuriating but fascinating and i think it's a must-read.
The life expectancy for white males in America has gone down for several years in a row. Upon closer examination, it turns out the causes of death that have brought about this are "deaths of despair." Alcohol related deaths, suicide, opiate-addiction related deaths. Here's one book that has examined the problem:
This is unprecedented in a thriving society, and it is a very big deal, sociologically speaking. What I mean is, sociologists really want to understand why it's happening, so they study it. Is that wrong, to study a phenomenon that is remarkable and probably indicative of something deeply interesting and serious about our culture?
Okay, so they have been studying it, and they have found, guess what! that white males in America are in despair and they are angry. Relative to previous years and relative to other demographics. So is it wrong to study this more and try to understand *why* it's happening? And if it's not wrong to do that, why is it inaccurate or wrong to call the study "angry white men" since that's exactly what is being studied?
Notes for the show:
> Gerald "Jay" Baltz, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, was investigated by the California Board of Nursing after allegations that he had entered into a sexual relationship with a patient who subsequently took her own life. The Board received this information in April of 2018, began its investigation, and filed a claim against Baltz on June 15, 2020. Today, six months later, Baltz continues to practice psychiatry as a nurse practitioner in California and in Washington state, where he has autonomous practice and does not require physician supervision. We are joined by psychiatrist Dr. Natasha Cervantes to discuss details of this tragic case. > > If you are someone you know is having thoughts of self-harm, help is available. Contact your physician immediately, or call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline for help at 800-273-8255. > > Learn more about this issue - get the book Patients at Risk, available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Couldn’t find any more info about the book though, are you sure that’s the right title?
edit: Here’s the book, never heard of it before but now it’s on my radar. Wonder if white nationalists have heard of the Streisand effect
Buy this book. Read it. Give it to all your friends, they should read it as well.
Tell everyone that the difference between NP/PA and an MD are roughly 10.000 Hours of training, probably more. Also tell them that they're allowed independent practice after just 500 shadowing hours, where they just follow someone around. thats 3 months a 40-weeks.
Also, tell all your friends and family always specifically ask for a physician, not for a doctor. its actually very sad it has come to this. everyone knows, in an healthcare setting, a doctor is a laymen-term for physician and laymen simply don't know. this gets abused by NP/PA. its actually abusive if you think about it. you trick someone into consent, by misleading them on purpose and they are fully aware of it. thats actually rape.
Hiya! You can check out this book, “Patients at Risk”, it is written by two prominent leaders of the PPP.
They are far from a lobby group. Just physicians caring about their patients and doing everything they can to change a system that is hurting them....
The book referenced in this video is AMAZING. I could not put it down. Read it in one night. Here is the link to the book. Please leave positive book reviews on Amazon, B&N, Walmart, Google
not sure if this is really inspired me to become a physician but i recommend patient at risk: the rise of nurse practitioner and physician assistant in healthcare
Check this video out:Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in Healthcare and the book is coming out this month...
Love this. We could add a “5.) Work on your bedside manners” many patients pick NPs for this exact reason.
To go with “3.)” pre order/purchase
I was a young fellow in the 1980s - in the US Air Force. I worked an AirEvac squadron. Back in 1985/1986, we started shipping guys home - mainly from Thailand and Korea - because they tested positive on something called a Western Blot test. I can't speak to numbers overall, but we shipped a bunch of servicemen.
A few years later I read "And The Bland Played On" by Randy Shilts. Turns out that all they knew at the time was that if someone tested positive for that test, was time for them to get their affairs in order......
There's a whole generation of people who are afraid of sex.
TR Reid’s The Healing of America
It’s old but since for the most part Republicans have blocked any effort they can to actually bring down healthcare costs in this country, it’s still mostly valid.
> "Is this how you want you life to be?"
Enough research has been done on this, and it turns out that white conservatives really are quite happy killing themselves if it means taking a brown person down with them.
That strategy isn't going to work. He cannot reach conservatives. He absolutely has to get his folks to the polls - Democrats, liberals, anyone left leaning or anyone who hasn't had their brain totally consumed by worms. It has to be turnout, because conservatives are simply not flipping.
That's why the GOP platform now is entirely about preventing people from voting.
Any school that fucks around with this has no problem with retaining faculty. They're already going to try to pay them as little as possible and treat the like shit - high turnover is just part of the deal. Same with "charter" schools. The whole teaching industry is a race to the bottom in the terms of pay and benefits, plus the advancing politicization they have to deal with, so it's a hirer's market.
Retaining faculty isn't as cool as firing liberals for critical race theory. And yes, they might miss the boat on a conservative grift and not get the crowd funded boost after getting a Fox News story, but white conservatives fucking themselves over to own the libs is a tale as old as American time.
I am not fluent on the history of either role, but I can lightly touch on their purpose today. I'm also guessing you don't have patient contact, so I'll phrase this with that in mind.
Let's use the emergency department (ED) as an example. In theory, PAs or NPs should be seeing low acuity patients such as 4s or 5s. '5' is something like a prescription refill or rash. An example of a '1' could be cardiac arrest.
That being said, what has happened is the American Association of Nur$e Practitioner$ (AANP, you'll see them frequently mentioned in this sub) and other groups have money on their minds. They actively lobby congress to expand scope of NPs. Using the ED example, this would allow them to function in the ED without direct physician supervision (or really any, depending on the state). They would be able to prescribe controlled substances, perform procedures, and other complete other complex tasks without any formal training in their NP program.
The problem with this is there are no strict standards or guidelines for accreditation of nurse practitioner programs. There are programs that are 99% online who send their students off on their own to find a preceptor (someone who the student can shadow such as an NP). There are rumors that even NP preceptors no longer accept students because of their incompetency and the poor quality of their programs.
There's a lot more that I don't have the time to touch on here, so see below!
If you are interested in learning more, I highly recommend the book Patients at Risk. I have not read it, but I listen to the Spotify podcast by the same name and authors.
My crystal ball for the next 4 years tells me these right-leaning states (especially in the South) will continue to enact laws to restrict abortion, voting rights, free speech, and other liberties. Sure, you get to keep your property and your guns, but you'll give up certain liberties for the sake of security.
I recently read an interesting book, Dying of Whiteness, and it's all about this idea of "backlash conservatism" in which working class whites are resoundingly voting against their own best interests because of racial resentment--even when their own health is at stake.
I believe we'll start to see some stark contrasts in terms of freedom and liberty between blue states and red states, fueled by an increasingly polarized and targeted media infrastructure that continues to fuel the fire.
A book was recently published about this issue.
> My mom did assisted suicide two years ago
Wow - I wouldn't have the courage for that. My actual thinking has been very much influenced by "Atul Gawande - Being mortal and what matters in the end"
Thank you for telling your story.
1 - Read patients at risk (the book)
2 - Understand that a non-physicians may not be held to physician standards of care in a court of law.
3 - Get a copy of the Medical directive disallowing non-physician care for dx/tx. (Back of patients at risk book) in your medical charts.
4 - When scheduling, let the receptionist know that you and your husband are not ok with 2nd tier care (with more legal risk) and that you want to see the physician (MD/DO)
5 - review practices that do not allow you to schedule with a doc and let them know you are doing so.
Good luck! 🍀
Peter Breggin is a conspiracy theorist who believes Dr. Anthony Fauci in coordination with the American shadow government, DARPA and the Chinese Communist Party created Covid as a bioweapon in a Chinese lab, until the program was bravely shut down by President Trump. I don't doubt that he has some useful things to say about psychiatry but his non-psychiatric beliefs are fucking bonkers.
This is from 2012 but I thought it was a good starting point way back when I picked it up.
This book may be helpful to you... Doing Harm by Maya Dusenbery It's very well researched and contains countless examples of women being dismissed for their very real health concerns.
Second, I'm not sure what your other symptoms are, but pain with eating that's been ruled out by everything else, could be superior mesenteric artery syndrome or median arcuate ligament syndrome.
Remember, there is a large demographic of white people who lack a college degree, work in various blue collar jobs, and feel victimized by a significant loss in America's manufacturing base, the opioid epidemic, increasing diversity in the American population, and continued empowerment of urban populations to dictate cultural trends (e.g., loss of religious influence on the culture, gay rights, etc.).
Granted, many are in fact voting against their best interests (see "Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Resentment is Killing America's Heartland"
These people are more susceptible to propaganda and misinformation, and they're angry. See the aggressive information campaigns from Russia and right-wing media.
Remember, there is a large demographic of white people who lack a college degree, work in various blue collar jobs, and feel victimized by a significant loss in America's manufacturing base, the opioid epidemic, increasing diversity in the American population, and continued empowerment of urban populations to dictate cultural trends (e.g., loss of religious influence on the culture, gay rights, etc.).
Granted, many are in fact voting against their best interests (see "Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Resentment is Killing America's Heartland"
These people are more susceptible to propaganda and misinformation, and they're angry. See the aggressive information campaigns from Russia and right-wing media.