The absolute easiest oil to produce at home with absolute minimal effort is going to be sunflower oil. Sunflowers practically take care of themselves once you stake them, and can be grown in almost any climate zone and in abundance. Once they're done, chop the heads off before the birds get to them. Getting an oil press will net you all the cooking oil you could want for a year shy of needing large amounts for deep fat frying. About 1.5 Kg of seeds gets you about 1L of oil. Make sure you plant a high-oil variety, usually the stuff advertised as bird seed grade "Black Oil Sunflower seeds" is what you want.
The best part is, sunflower oil is pretty tasty in dressings, has a high smoke point, and is ~~super~~ relatively healthy for you as far as oils go.
Extra bonus: You will attract birds (good or bad thing) and you will attract pollinators like bees.
I c. I just always try for the purest, cleanest product. Using distilled water will removed loads of water solubles leaving behind just cannabinoids, Terps, and plant oils.
They have spin machines for like 100 bucks that come with everything you need minus bags. Thatll be like 30 or 50 bucks. All you have to do is press a button lol. Here's a link from Amazon. Cheaper then your press as well.
Bubble Bag Machine 5 Gallon Small Mini Compact Washer Extracting Mini Washing Machine with 220 micron Zipper Bag by BUBBLEBAGDUDE
You would get a more pure, cleaner product with bubble hash. All the nutrients and sprays and chlorophyll are still retained in rosin.
I got a little washing machine thing of amazon deff makes making bubble easier and better. Pressed it on 12 ton harbor freight press.
Bubble Bags Machine 5 Gallon Small Mini Compact Washer Extracting Mini Washing Machine with 220 micron Zipper Bag Herbal Extractor
You will have the best trips with this method, yeah. But also a fuck-ton of side effects. It's pretty likely that you'll hurl on any sizable dose using this method. That said, weigh the pros and cons. Is a comfortable trip or an intense trip the most important thing to you? This method could be worth it.
Other than that, the P/NP extraction is probably the best for bang-for-buck. You need some NAPTHA, which will be like $10 and some really strong alcohol, which isn't too pricy either.
Home Depot does have the seeds (morning glory, not HBWR) in the spring time. They might have kept them in stock all the way till now, but mine has not. Worth going to check. If you do decide to get the seeds from here, PLEASE check the package to make sure they're not treated with fungicides or poisons (to discourage fungus growth and consumption, respectively). If they are, don't try to eat them unless you're doing so in Poison Control's parking lot.
If you want some good online places for the seeds, check the side bar. They're all very reputable and have good prices on untreated, potent HBWR seeds. You can also buy them on Amazon.
By the way, opinion piece: I really, really like sublingual administration. Even over an extraction. You use double the seeds that charts usually recommend, and just hold ground (or chewed) seed matter in your mouth for 30 minutes. There are no bad side effects and it's dead easy, and free (sans the seed cost).
Hit me up if you have any more questions about this.
Medium Seed and Herb Domed Propagator with Vented Side Height Extension and Security Clip Set
liito oravan paskaa ebaysta toi lentokentän asukki tais olla siperian liito orava, mutta varmaan sitäkin löytyy kun jaksaa selata.
HBWR seeds aren't research chemicals by any means. You may wanna check out /r/entheogensources
That said, they may or may not. If you want, you can also get HBWR seeds right off of Amazon.
Buy this and spread them through his entire yard. They will make many more.
a green witch's practise is mostly centred around working with the earth so mostly plants, the outside, crystals, rocks, anything from earth. she'd maybe like some herbs to make tea blends or tea in general, maybe get her a small herb garden if you don't have that already as a garden is very useful to have: something for inside as an example: idk what she'd like so you can maybe ask her if she wants something specific as there's A LOT one can do
You need some gloves, and a sharp pair of scissors.
Alternatively, you can use something like this especially if the bud has... problems.
Interestingly enough, they sell dandelion seeds packers on Amazon… iknowwhatyouresaying
Seed Needs, 10,000+ Common Dandelion Herb Seeds for Planting (Taraxacum officinale) - Non-GMO - Bulk
They are sold out. But the medium domed propagator on Amazon is great for humidity. I love them. And you can adjust the height while fruits grow.
Medium Seed and Herb Domed Propagator with Vented Side Height Extension and Security Clip Set
I plant culinary herbs in my front beds, like these
I got it on Amazon . It's my second time using it. You have to be careful when opening it and moving it around but it works lol.
BUBBLEBAGDUDE Bubble Bags Machine 5 Gallon Mini Washer Herbal Ice Essence Extraction Washing Machine with 5 Gallon 220 Micron Zipper Bag - 110 Volts - Eliminate 90% of Work & Save Time
Found it on Amazon for $30. I absolutely love it! Has adjustable FAE slits as you can see at the far end.
There's cheaper versions that are the same thing, it works though just toss in some ice and run it 3-4 times with some bags to filter it out. Only issue I ever have is that the water can sometimes come out the tube even when it's up.
I've wanted this set for a hot minute, but am about as plant savvy as an oil slick. I've seen people do cool stuff with those plastic door shoe racks near windows and some ingenuity to make vertical planters.
Google a format for sex offenders notice and make one of your neighbor and mail it to everyone in the area with no return address. Sneak in something like he uses the camera as a peeping tom.
If this is too extreme Buy dandelion seeds and catnip seeds from Amazon and spread into their yard. Motherfucker will be trying to deweed all those flowers and get rid of the cats.
And mail poop from to their address in random intervals
Amazon has some pretty nice starter kits! Some come with just seed varieties and others come with all the tools, too. Something like this might be a good start.
Yes it is. I have the bubble now which I got second hand but I also purchased one of these Bubble Made Easy Machine 6gal Machine To help speed up my washes and I notice very little difference in quality. Would recommend both but I believe the bubble now has slightly better build quality.
Well I just learned you can buy the seeds if you import them from Korea - Here's an Amazon listing:
But I dunno man. Considering these are the only ones I've ever found, I am skeptical of their benefit.
Ah okay, I just have some question on if I can get supplies/successfully compete a non-polar/polar extraction.
I am taking only 75mg of DPH (to work as a anti-histamine, not a delriant as I usually do). And advil is a vascodilator so the vasconstriction won't be to bad.
Also I ordered these:
Just wondering if you thought that was an okay source.
Would you be up for making your own out of organic peanuts using an oil press? You know, for the sake of TRADITION!