For extra fun, choose the ACLU or the EFF or ProPublica as your Amazon Smile charity so they get the donation boost.
I read a book a couple years ago that was interviews of German soldiers that survived D Day. Super interesting and worth a read.
D DAY Through German Eyes - The Hidden Story of June 6th 1944
I think this is it.
It's hard to imagine being overwhelmed like that, just waves of men and material swarming inland and there's nothing you can do to stop it. All after years of being sold on the superiority of your forces.
Someone has apparently never heard of the Streisand Effect. I was on the fence about getting this book, but seeing a few new articles about it this morning pushed me over the edge. Amazon link for those interested.
I'm not going to put details on the internet, but buy this book, read it, and understand that there are genuinely evil people in the world who will use these tactics against you: 48 Laws of Power. You cannot defend yourself against those people if you don't understand their tactics yourself.
Here's a summary of the laws:
If you really want to read it today you can grab the kindle version from Amazon
> Extreme Ownership.
From the Amazon product page:
> This item will be released on January 5th at 9:00 A.M. Eastern
That is fucking brilliant. "You don't want us to publish it? Ok, we'll publish it sooner!"
Having read a few over the past few years, id agree with everyone who says Enchiridion and Meditations
I’d look at The Little Book of Stoicism by Jonas Salzgeber
It's part memoir, part self-help, but Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. It's written by a Jewish psychologist who was sent to a concentration camp during WWII, and used his experience to write a guide on coping with suffering. Despite the intimidating title, it's a short book and a quick read, and has definitely jolted me from a few ruts in my life.
The 2 volume title D Day Through German Eyes is well worth a read. It features the interviews and recollections of German veterans of D Day on the battle's 10th anniversary in 1954.
DM if anyone needs to get a complimentary epub copy
They sure did. I'm reading a book right now called "D DAY Through German Eyes - The Hidden Story of June 6th 1944" Amazon link that features lengthy interviews with German soldiers who manned the gun emplacements at Normandy. It's fascinating to read the German perspective of D-Day. The troops were awed by the amassed allied firepower, with ships stretching out to the horizon and a parade of aircraft flying overhead.
D DAY Through German Eyes parts 1 and 2. Incredible read all the way through. Written by a German journalist whose job during the war time was to write propaganda articles for German newspapers. His work brought him behind the lines of the sea wall in Normandy before the D DAY invasion. Years after the war, he tracked down many of the soldiers he interviewed and collected oral histories of their personal experiences during D Day and their feelings about fighting for Germany. He never published these for fear that they would be misconstrued as Nazi propaganda (NOTE: these are anything but Nazi propaganda, but many of the soldiers share a lot of confused and mixed feelings about what their time in the army actually meant). After he died, his son found the manuscripts and had them published. Very interesting look at the war and the invasion from a point of view that's rarely been written about. was a pretty good read about this. I'm inclined to believe this theory, that there was some sort natural phenomenon on the mountain that caused them to panic and experience confusion. Possibly a Karman Vortex
I see a lot of comments saying that exercise relieves anger and certainly it does just that. I would add that if anger keeps Coming back you’re just going to exercise yourself to death. There are some books that address this issue so that you can stop creating all this anger. Here is one book Jordan Peterson has many YouTube videos on forgiveness. There are also many Buddhist and Zen books and videos on forgiveness and general gratitude. You’re going to have to stop the creation of the anger and Nippet in the bud. If a Holocaust survivor can’t forgive and thrive it’s possible that you can too
I am really deep inside that philosophy for few years. I recommend you to try this book: Great straightforward introduction. You could also dig into rabbit hole thorough the subreddit, they have FAQ for example.
I feel like this question is guerrilla marketing for the only book I know that actually answers this question:
How to Fight Presidents: Defending Yourself Against the Badasses Who Ran This Country
This was kind of covered in a book by Daniel O'Brien from
How to Fight Presidents: Defending Yourself Against the Badasses Who Ran This Country
This guy needs to understand the "mirror principal" as outlined in the Jim Collins book Good to Great.
If he truly wants to lead, he must take ownership. This is a great book on the topic.
>Let's assume that's true... So what? What gives you the right to stop me from hearing the ideas of someone who is in favor of genocide?
You understand that genocide… is violent, right? Calling for violence is not protected speech. If you call for the extermination of an ethnic group, you are threatening those people with violence, and rallying other people who want to commit violence to join you.
>I might want to read Mein Kampf one day, who the fuck are you to stop me?
Nobody’s gonna stop you, in fact you can buy it on Amazon. You’re free to read that text all you want, because its very historically significant. The difference is when you organize with others, using the language and symbols of this genocidal group, and start spreading hate, intimidation, threats, and violence.
This is absolutely ridiculous.... I mean seriously, how legit could this meltdown be on the "trauma" of Matt Walsh's book, yet absolutely zero, I repeat ZERO, outrage or trauma from the same Amazon employees that have Hitler's Mein Kampf for sale..
For real. I… I think it may be for the best. The US should sanction him though (is that something we can do to citizens?) or something. They already tried sending a fascist strongman to jail, and it only served to empower his movement. He also wrote a book while he was there. You might’ve heard of it.
Varg? Nazi? Varg has been an avid supporter of the LGTBQ+ community and the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement. You should read his book
I know this is an old ass post but it's new to me and reminded me of a book you might find humorous
"How to Fight Presidents: Defending Yourself Against the Badasses Who Ran This Country"
You remind me of someone who is unwilling to take personal responsibility. You make extreme analogies regarding being forced to buy bread or go hungry... buddy you don't live in Soviet Russia.... This is America... people literally build boats of trash to leave their hellish situation to get to this place.
You state that you want to know a legal way of getting out of the agreement you freely made. That's a fine question, but you don't seem to be satisfied with any response. You seem to delight in arguing and debating, as if that will change your situation. It won't.
You also seem to enjoy taking the position of the oppressed, and victimized. Stop that. It won't help. You aren't a victim.
I read your profile. You make SUCH GOOD money, that you are no longer able to contribute to a ROTH IRA... Bro... you make more money than me, and many of the other posters in this thread. And yet you still are trying to figure out a way to weasel out of a freely entered into contract.... and now you are saying you are prepared to take a credit hit.
If you do take a credit hit, know this. It will not just hurt your credit, it will haunt you for at least the next 7 years. It will come up every time you try to move into a new place. Heck it is even starting to become a thing with employment. You don't want that. I don't want that for you, or the people you do business with.
Additionally, you are looking into buying a 4-plex. Brother, I wish you the best of luck with such endeavors. Once YOU have the problem of the Landlord, I do believe you will change your tone rather quickly. And I believe you'll be able to see things from an emotionally and financially different perspective.
Here is a book recommendation: Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink.
Just for fun, how much responsibility (on average) do you take when your company, your country, your children, your friends, etc fuck up?
It's typical now to blame others and not take any responsibility. but guess what, if you are russian, your daily work via taxes is funding this war, it's russians attacking ukranians, I could go on and on, so of course you can frame it like "poor russians against the war, they cannot do anything", I say BS, they could have done a million things and they still can,
Here's a book for little bitches, idk, maybe it changes your perspective\_a\_def\_rwt\_bibl\_vppi\_i0
Cognitive science is a huge field, so it depends what you're interested in.
I wrote a comment just yesterday with example content under the field here: But it probably isn't what you're interested in.
If you care about people being alive you could join a local philosophy club. Most universities have them and accept people outside of the university.
As for alive or dead, the human condition does not change, so imo it shouldn't matter if they're alive as long as they're within the last 200 years, due to English not having changed enough within this time they might as well be modern.
This last week I've been listening to Man's Search for Meaning which is pretty good.
It all depends what you're looking for. Peterson can be good at little 101 snippets into things, but it's far from the end all be all, and he often stops short with himself that causes him hurdles he can't even figure out to jump over, which I find sad. It would be nice if he went further for himself so he could get rid of his anxiety issues, his drug habit, his stomach pains, and other issues.
You can order Mein Kampf on amazon.
"Proceeds donated to Jewish Charities & Organizations
“In the pages of Mein Kampf Hitler presented the world with his dark vision for the future. Years would pass before he attained the power to realize that vision, but Mein Kampf’s existence denies the free world the excuse of ignorance. We dismissed him as a madman and we ignored his wretched book; the result was a tragedy of unprecedented proportions. This is yet another lesson to take from Mein Kampf: the lesson of vigilance and responsibility, of not closing our eyes to the evil around us.”—From the introduction by Abraham Foxman"
I hope that these types of ppl become more and more marginalized, and we can eventually stop thinking and talking about them. I’m not sure humans will ever be rid of all prejudice, but I think it is slowly becoming rarer. It’ll be nice to look on a racist more with wonder as if spotting a unicorn than with anger. Like, ‘Wow you exist?’
Anyway, nice talking to you. And if you’re interested in Frankl’s story, his most famous book is Man’s Search for Meaning: