> Feminism has always been a disease.
Yep. It was never about "equality". The Suffragette Bombers: Britain's Forgotten Terrorists
They haven't changed a bit. Same terrorists they have always been:
The Suffragette Bombers: Britain's Forgotten Terrorists
Check out the reviews.
A lot of the GOP influence comes because of geography. If you look at who voted blue or red in recentl electsions, it's urban vs rural. Also the West and South are very GOP overall.
Because many LDS live in the mountain west, they tend to go with the politics of their geographical location.
Also our culture is conservative overall. Plus some of our doctrines lead LDS to feel they must vote GOP.
And, yes, as you have said, we had some strongly conservative leaders in the 20th century. However, I was happy to see that as soon as President Benson became prophet he very much toned down is personal politics, to put his focus on the gospel. One of the best talks ever is his Beware of Pride - I review it regularly, and would vote to canonize it in some form: Beware of Pride, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1989/05/beware-of-pride?lang=eng
The history behind the current GOP is largely described in the following book:
Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America, by Jim Webb, https://www.amazon.com/Born-Fighting-Scots-Irish-Shaped-America-ebook/dp/B000FCKGTS/
This Scots-Irish immigrant culture from 200 years ago has come to dominate the non-urban US.
A Narrow Sea is an interesting read that looks at the connection between Ireland and Scotland, it focuses a lot on Ulster Scots culture and influence. It’s interesting because it’s a collection of 120 short pieces. You might be able to find the original radio episodes it was based on somewhere too.
If you insist, but I really doubted you'd need a citation. I wouldn't make that outlandish of a claim with such conviction if there wasn't some basis to it.
Has Elliott Rodgers actually ever claimed to be an MRA, or pro men's equality? As far as I'm concerned, it's mostly feminists trying to make leaps and stretches to link him to the movement.
I'm not "tarring" your movement by pointing to a couple of terrorists. If I wanted to "tar" feminism, there are far more effective examples to use as ammunition. But I take issue with you declaring to be a first and second wave feminist as if they were:
1) Better than their future counterparts. To me they are not.
2) A perfect representation of what you think feminism is.
I don't care what you believe feminism to be at the moment. But I'm troubled by the constant misinformation being spread that paints the suffragettes and second-wave feminists as saints. They are far from and I argue that they and their ideologies at the time are far worse than third wave and fourth wave feminism. At least the latter, most of time, does not act on their incessant hatred of men.
Highly recommend this book:
How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill
It's a great history of the British Isles bit focuses in the role Irish monks played. Hint: they were literate and copied manuscripts that otherwise might have been lost forever.
An interesting read on The Troubles is a book called Say Nothing. I didn’t know much about that whole period but learned a lot. It’s definitely got a slant, but read it with a critical mind and you’ll get a pretty good picture
TLDR: let’s not have The Troubles in the USA, please
As a general intro I think "A History of Ireland in 250 Episodes" is one of the better ones:
My gf has
A Handbook of Irish Folklore for college. I don't know if it is really academic or not. She also has The Táin.
Hope that is useful for you.