This is the kind of post that I subscribe to /r/Phoenix for. Great insights and I'm glad to see that you're motivated to get out and vote.
Historically, Mexicans have been in Arizona forever and have always been an integral part of the state's economy. I recommend that you check out "Line in the Sand" by Rachel St. John.
It's a brief histoory of the US Mexico border between (mostly) El Paso and San Diego that was drawn after the Mexican American War.
¿Es esta La Chingonario y por qué tu recomiendas este libro?
Looking for
The U.S. War with Mexico: A Brief History with Documents by Ernesto Chavez
Paypal- $3
Man-God by Alfredo Lopez Austin is (along with basically his entire bibliography) absolutely essential in getting a good grasp of the mesoamerican side of it, not only the religion but the culture that created, a culture that was effectively alien to western sensibilities.
Spanish public version:
English commercial version:
Just because you're ignorant to affairs in other countries doesn't mean they're not dangerous.
The cartels run Central America and Mexico. These places are not safe. Recent example:
I'd recommend reading this book to get an idea of the types of violence these asylum seekers are trying to get away from:
Also regarding the topic of convict migrationn