LOLOL. Yeah, because a changing climate has never caused a civilization to be wiped out.
Go read this book:
Don't spout about shit you don't know anything about.
Don't forget Sweden. Never occupied (unlike literally all of its neighbors), traded with nazi Germany for solen gold (of which they later returned some but not all), let nazi troops pass through its territory, finally kind of towards the end started to be low key Allied.
A book in English on the topic was actually released recently. I've red it in Swedish and it's a good read.
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The book I just finished reading claims that the Hood was well known for being deficient in deck armor, and both Churchill and the Admiralty, along with most BB Captains were aware of the issue. The Hood had been designed and laid down before the Battle of Jutland's lessons had been learned. IIRC the Hood only had about 2 inches of deck armor, while the Bismark had the equivalent of 10 inches if you include the various layers. I need to go back and verify my source. After the Hood was sunk, Churchill was grilled in Parliament on why the Hood was not retrofitted with additional deck armor in the late 30's while it was in drydock for a major refitting. Apparently its neither cheap nor easy to add another 5000 tons of armor.