Get an Ozone generator from Amazon. Fill that unit with Ozone for 24 hours. Ventilate.
Ozone works great.
OdorStop Professional Grade Ozone Generator with UV (OS2500UV)
I did a flip with a clogged sewer line, house smelled like shit. This fixed it.
Get you an ozone generator like this one:
Please be cautious with it. Ozone is dangerous if not used correctly. Depending on how many floors you have you would set this up and run it for say 2 hours with the home completely closed up and NO-ONE in it and the HVAC fan running. Then shut it off and air out the house, windows open, for 4+ hours. When I run mine I place it near an AC return vent so it will ensure the ozone will get to all of the rooms. These things work INCREDIBLY well.
To re-iterate you cannot be home when it's running. No pets either. I hook mine up to a timer so I don't even have to go into the house to turn it off.
If the smell is just residual odor this will nuke it once and for all.
I bought an ozone machine on Amazon. Worked great to remove odors from my car
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black)
Warning: Ozone is harmful to breathe. Room needs to be completely uninhabited by plants and animals and should be thoroughly ventilated afterwards.
If posh denies the return (or you want to keep it), go on amazon and buy an ozone machine. Then run the machine in your bathroom or any small room you can seal off with the purse in the room. The ozone machine will smell like chlorine as it’s running so make sure you put a towel under the bathroom door or tape it off to avoid the chlorine smell permeating to the rest of your house. Run it for an hour then open the bathroom window and let it air out while keeping the bathroom door closed. Then get the purse and let it sit outside or in the garage for a few hours to air out. It might need one more round with the purse flipped inside out, but it might be good after only one round. I did this with a NWT Kate spade backpack and after 2 rounds the cigarette smell was completely gone.
Every single piece of fabric needs to go. Curtains, rugs, etc. All of it can absorb dog odors.
Clean and paint everything. Using a great quality primer like Kilz or B-I-N shellac can entomb a lot of that odor.
Also look into an ozone generator to neutralize the stench:
Ozone in large concentrations can be harmful, but in small concentrations, it will eliminate smells from cooking fish, curry, etc. I have a similar unit to the one in the link. I've had it for a few years now, and it works great. It only takes about 15 minutes to clear my house of any cooking odors.
I threw it in a used car we bought for my daughter and it eliminated the cigarette smoke odor from the previous owner. We ran it overnight and aired the car out in the morning with amazing results.
Ozone generator.. you can get one at Amazon
Enerzen O-777 - 11,000 mg/h Industrial Ozone Gene...
Ozone generator is the only answer and I use one on all my rental units between tenants. If you think garlic is bad then you should smell a curry house!
That is the exact unit that I own and recommend. It's a one time treatment and problem solved forever.
I give you my personal word that it will take the cat piss smell out of a cat lady's house and nobody will be the wiser. I give you a karma back guarantee on that device!
Sure can. I place it in the car, and run it with the AC on recirculate. After maybe 5 minutes, I turn off the car and run it for about 10 more. It doesn’t even need that long. It’s best to vacuum first. I have this one and think it’s very good and I’m pretty sure I paid more than that.
Similar to what I have, it would absolutely fuck you up being in a room with this thing running.
An ozone machine will help to get rid of the scent and kill the mold, if you get a good one (about a hundred bucks on amazon) just let it run With the car closed for a day or two. Then throw on a mask and wipe up the mold the best you can. Then ozonate it again.
This one should be sufficient
Enerzen High Capacity Commercial Ozone Generator 9,000mg Industrial Strength O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (9,000mg - Gray)
but you may run it multiple times to be safe, since mold is dangerous.
You may want to try and odor eliminator or consider a window fan that blows out (rather than in)?
But you should at least talk to your neighbors. They might be totally understanding - you never know till you ask.
You need an ozone generator. I use one on all my rental properties to get the smells of the previous tenants out. It will remove the strongest of cat odors. It's a one time treatment and the machine runs while the home is NOT occupied.
Below is a link to the exact one that I own and highly recommend.
Read all the reviews on that bad boy! It's as close to magic as I have ever seen.
Below is the ozone generator I use on properties that I manage between tenants. It's a one time treatment that's preformed when the home is NOT occupied. It's powerful and effective.
I would never be able to rent a home out after a cat lady or smoker tenant without this device. The effects are permanent and just read all the amazing reviews!
I bought an ozone generator in a panic last year when Covid started. Gonna put all my gear in my tent, seal it up, zip it up, and run it for a few minutes. The ozone should act like "air bleach" to kill off any remaining biologicals before my next grow begins.
OK. These should be used when people are not in the room. So if you buy one, set it for a 1/2 an hour when you are both away.
Hotels use these to get rid of smoke odor and other assorted human-generated scents.
I've read similar posts and apparently an Ozone Generator is the way to go. Check them out on Amazon and read the reviews.
Consider buying a small ionizer. Note that you will need to run it while you and pets are not home. It helps a lot. You will need to run it for a few hours for several days.
Edited to add a link. We have two similar to this that we have had to run in two of our rentals.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black)
It will absolutely remove the smoke smell and any other odors, for good. I have an older Volvo that had the musty old car smell despite taking really good care of it, I washed the carpets, changed the cabin air filter and ran my ozone generator for 45min and could not believe how effective it was. It’s the best the car has smelled since it was new. This video gives a good rundown of what they are and how to use them, and this is the one I got if you’re interested in getting one.
Not sure what to recommend about keeping dogs out but as for the smell an ozonator can’t be beat. My sister had a dead raccoon in a crawl space and just had to let nature take its course. The ozonator worked well and has been used many times since. Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black)
Amazon Prime!
Enerzen Ozone Generator 6,000 mg/h Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black)
I have an old 1990 Ford Ranger that I bought from a crabber. He kept his wet dog in there half the time. It was barley tolerable when the air was on. I ended up buying a ozone generator. I turned the air to recirculate and popped the generator inside. I left it on for about two hours. I then aired it out for about an hour. It will smell clinical in there........ But the rancid smell was mostly gone. I did a second treatment and it was completely gone. The hospital smell will go away after a week or two.
Ozone generators have come down a lot lately. I picked this one up from Amazon recently when I bought a used truck that belonged to a smoker. I only did a 30 minute treatment in addition to a good cleaning, but it really knocked down the worst of it. I'll probably do another 30 minute treatment once the weather gets consistently warm.
Oof. I want to purchase one, never used one though. I've been keeping my eye on this one though
Ozone generators are very effective at killing smoke smells. I bought this from amazon for under $100 for removing cigarette smell from furniture and it works great. Just run it somewhere that you won't breathe the ozone.
I’ve been thinking of buying an ozone machine for this very reason. There’s a distinctly gamy odor that my boys’ room gets that I just can’t figure out (they’re 12 and 7). I figure I can also use it in my van, too.
I bomb my house with a commercial ozone generator weekly. This takes care of all smells.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodori... via @amazon
It won’t fix the problem of the house getting repeatedly filled with weed smell, but if you have people coming over it will get rid of the smell till it happens again.
The trick to using it is that nothing alive can be around it while it’s working. No pets, no people, no houseplants.
If you run it 20 minutes then you have to wait an additional 20 minutes before you go back into the house (total 40 minutes) for it to be safe.
You should also vacuum and dust after you use it since it drops all the contaminants out of the air as dust.
Years ago I bought an air filter with an ozone generator. It was okay but didn't put out a world of ozone. Recently I just bought an ozone generator only, and it puts out an incredible amount of ozone and has a timer. I literally have to set the timer and dash to the door it is so strong. This not only kills odors but it puts out enough ozone to kill mold and drive insects away. It cost about a hundred bucks on Amazon.
It only does two hours max. I wish I could do more if I'm going to be gone longer. But it's strong! If you do it in a single room you will need to stuff a towel under the crack in the door to keep the ozone from seeping out into the rest of the house. It's that strong.
I bought this one on amazon. I’ve used it so many times- vehicles, closets, freshening rugs and furniture, sanitize home, etc.
For what you’re doing there’s no better way to get rid of organic odors.
Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator 6,000mg Industrial O3 Air Purifier Deodorizer Sterilizer (6,000mg - Black)