You can actually buy them now, they're called smoke buddies. That thing saved my life when living in a dorm, it's incredibly effective.
Oh, sweet summer child...
You've never dealt with a reef tank. 1000+ watts of metal halide lighting is extremely common, several hundred watts of circulation pumps, protein skimmers, heaters, etc. . Oh, and if you think you're having a lid on that sucker, chances are "no". That's all perfectly legal and can't get you evicted. I've personally worked on systems that have over 2000W of lights and at least half that in accessories. That's to say nothing of the hazards that go with marine organisms, palytoxin is no joke.
Now you want to talk about the safety of growing? My whole setup comes in at less than 700 watts. 520W in total lighting (on timers) and the rest is fans and exhaust. My lights use about 3.5 amps of total headroom on the breaker, the fans add maybe another amp. I could talk about startup surges for ballasts or constant current controllers, but considering your fridge or freezer has a much bigger surge for the compressor startup, let's not.
The humidity in the house is actually considerably less than when I ran my last two aquariums, same with the power bill. Don't be a moron, buy a dehumidifier if you need one.
Oh and if you want to talk about smell? I carbon filter; my anti-cannabis inlaws don't notice a damn thing. It's not hard or even particularly expensive to do this. This filter will do a 4 plant grow no problem and will last about a year to a year and a half of near-constant use:
If only I had been smart enough in college to be like "hey, instead of stuffing dryer sheets into a toilet paper roll, we should lace carbon filters inside of a plastic tube and sell it to stoners"
Has she considered alternatives? Are you in a legal state? Are edibles an option, or capsules?
Vapes are a good option to switch to. They are very concentrated and last a long time. If you get a smoke buddy it filters almost all of the waste so the scent is nearly nil. Then, if she does feel the need to take a toke or two in another room, she can do so away from you with no scent to trigger you.
This is a difficult place to be in, because you have a rare disorder and most individuals can use marijuana for medical or stress relief usage in moderation without issue. The alternatives for them are not as safe or side-effect free, so it’s not just that you are asking her to quit. You are asking her to find a less-desirable and perhaps more dangerous for her stress reduction method. The best outcome would be if you can tolerate her using in moderation, and she can tolerate not using in your presence. If the two of you can begin from there, you can move forward.
I used this when i was living alone in my apartment. I never had any issues with lingering food smells.
Winix 5300-2 Air Purifier with True HEPA, PlasmaWave and Odor Reducing Carbon Filter
Honestly, go buy an air purifier. It’s really the best way. My AC gets most of the big things and my Purifier gets all the rest.
Get things that do theirs jobs well instead trying to get something do two things poorly.
Winix 5300-2 Air Purifier with True HEPA, PlasmaWave and Odor Reducing Carbon Filter,Gray
Here’s what I have.
Buy your neighbors one of these - Smoke Buddy 0159-BLU Personal Air Filter, Blue
Works quite well in my experience, hopefully they wouldn’t be offended and use it. Otherwise, buy lots of candles 😂
Same as any other dry herb vape the most smell is from my bud or if you go a little to long or hot with a dry herb vape and combust that will smell alot when your done the grounds go from green to a coffee brown but as far as the vapor goes it smells a little more then a dab pen/cart and I keep my herb in a smell proof box along with it and when I pull it all out after a bowl or 2 put it all away and light a candle smells gone in usally 10 min or so even without a candle I also use a sploofy u don't have to buy them but this is the one I have.
I would start of at first by recommending they get one of these:
From my personal experience someone who indulges in the "devils lettuce" is not going to like it when you tell them they can't partake anymore specially in their own bedroom they pay for. That's why I beleive you are better off accepting that they smoke and help/assist them keep the smell away. For starters, you could order one of these yourself and give it to her as a gift, I'm sure she wouldn't mind using such a simple device, specially if you gift it. TBH she will prolly be more likley to use it so there are less issues about it going forward.
My 2 cents.
The box fan is gonna be pretty shitty at generating the pressure delta you need to pull air through the filter, theres just way too much slippage around the vanes.
By the time you buy the correct fan and get the sealing figured out, you might as well have spent the $300.
Also, you can get a decent HEPA filter on amazon for about half that. I've got this one and I love it:
Have you considered getting a vaporizer? I've heard they have much less smell, although I've never tried it myself. /r/vaporents is a good sub for that
Also, you could get a Smoke Buddy. It has activated charcoal in it that's supposed to get rid of the smell when you exhale into it.
Either way, I've noticed that joints put off more smell than glass, because they're constantly burning. Maybe a nice bowl and smoke buddy would work for you.
Edit: here's the amazon link for the smoke buddy
Inform your landlord about your medical marijuana (they can't evict you on that because you legally can acquire it) and smoke on your front porch
I used that to smoke inside before I switched to the PAX cartridge; would light a bowl and exhale through that device and it filters out all smoke and smell. I use the bottom of my grinder to snuff the bowl (so it doesn't just burn off and create a smell) and some incense and my landlord was none the wiser
Depends which way you blow it. If you walk out on the porch and puff puff out there, it will dissipate into the air. If you're in your room, your room is probably gonna smell like weed. Although, as others have mentioned, CBD is typically not as dank smelling as some weed is but it's still noticeable, just not as dank.
There are devices like this and other similar devices you can use to blow your smoke or vapor into. they sell a bunch of different ones that filter out the smell if you smoke indoors.
It's not THAT discreet. Do expect the room you're vaping in and adjacent rooms to smell, even with a closed door (source: personal experience and a very unhappy mother). It won't be as pungent as combustion, and it certainly won't linger for as long, but it does smell. After I was caught I just started using a Smokebuddy instead and now I'd say it's a very light smell, but definitely obvious when you enter the room right after a few seshs. Most of the smell I find comes from the small amount of leaking vapor from the device when you're not taking a hit. I bought a vape to stealthily blaze in my room and went through a bit of trial and error to do it.
If you vape without masking the smell or filtering it (like with a Smokebuddy) then make no mistake, it WILL be obvious to anyone close to you. Also for reference I'm using a Boundless CFX, I'm not sure how much the smell of vapor would vary between devices.
first off. You are neighbors. walk across the hallway knock on the door and ask them to smoke outside. if this doesn't work then report them to the landlord and you can do this with a clear conscience. If you are desperate enough to be rid of the smell go on amazon and buy a carbon filter and place it by the door that the smell comes through.
I recently got the Winix 5300 from Amazon and I really like it. I beleive they have a smart one as well.
Smoke Buddy's work great in my experience. Take a hit small enough to be entirely burned in one inhale and exhale the smoke through the smoke buddy. Essentially no smell at all. Here's a link to purchase one on amazon for ~$11. They basically allow you to smoke wherever you want without worrying about smell. Smoking around a fire works very well too, not sure how often you do that, but I just come home smelling like wood smoke instead of weed smoke.
I recommend all idiots who travel and smoke to get a smoke buddy. . When you exhale through it, literally no weed smell comes out. Works great for apartments as well so no one notices. Just get a gpen and that and you got real stealth mode going.
My SO and I have mixed it up a couple times, it helped a whole bunch when I got a smoke buddy and then I got a vape and I can smoke next to him in the car. Hope this helps.
Everybody on this subreddit is so dramatic. Just don't smoke in the same room and exhale into a sploof, which is an air filter made of activated carbon that captures all the smoke and toxins etc..
Something like this:
Also, consider using a vaporiser rather than smoking which prevents the formation of harmful combustion products. Something like the XMAX v3 pro.
Just use one of these. This is the model I've used and there was virtually no smell outside the tent.
NAH it’s fair for you to not want to smell the smoke and it’s also fair they don’t want to smoke out in the cold and dark.
What’s weird is they haven’t tried any other way to mitigate the smell. Joints are smellier than other forms of smoking. The smell of the paper burning itself sticks around for a while. Perhaps they should use a different method like a glass pipe, or even better, a vaporizer. Then I also recommend a smoke buddy (it’s a smoke filter device that you blow through to filter the smell) it works really well. To finish off, a spray designed to neutralize smoke odor, Ozium. And even then I would smoke in front of the window with the fan blowing out the window.
All of these except for the vaporizer are cheap and if someone can afford weed, they can afford these.
If your SO refuses to try this then they would be TA
Make a simple shed or doghouse type size structure, if its your property, to smoke in. That way they wont see you toking, they maybe only see smoke coming out the top of it. This would give you a bit of privacy. You could drill eyeholes in the sides to keep watch on anyone sneaking up on you while youre inside. Or else just smoke in a spot on your property where lines of sight to the road are obscured by trees, hills, other houses, etc. There is also a paraphernalia device you can blow your smoke into and this brand I have linked is the OG SmokeBuddy, for scent masking. Keep in mind I say "partial privacy" because a simple opaque wooden structure only obscures the occupant to outsiders with naked eyes, spy satellites with infrared will still be able to see through your roof if you include one, and I wager basic cop cars/cruisers also come equipped with some sort of scanning technology, it is the current year
HEPA air purifiers are great to consider. My personal take is that it is better to have a standalone HEPA purifier than to put really restrictive HEPA filters on your furnace. Something like this might be worth looking in to.
Beyond general health, if you want to look at this as a prep, HEPA filters are great at removing smoke particulates from the air if you are in an area with wildfires. It could also theoretically remove radioactive fallout from the air if shit really hit the fan, as fallout is mostly just dust, should any fallout get into your shelter.
You could even get them one of these, it would be pretty rude for them to just not use it after that
That's an awful idea for a dozens of reasons.
So after all that wasted money, you're still only running a MERV13 which means you'd need 3-4x the air exchanges to have the same effect as a HEPA filter, which means you'd need more of them per cubic foot of air.
Meanwhile a common as hell Winix 5300 retail is $130/each an actual HEPA filter, meets all safety requirements, and in bulk is certainly < $100 since they actually have been on sale for that low in the past (I bought one a few years ago from Home Depot for $99). Remove the bullshit carbon filter to slightly improve airflow. Even on "turbo" it's only going to burn about 55W, so less than a light bulb in the room. One of those would be enough CADR to cover a typical classroom. In a non-smoking/cooking/pet free environment like most classrooms a filter should last quite a while with just a quick vacuuming of the pre-filter every now and then. You could easily go a semester to a full year on one filter.
The city could easily do a bulk order for those and filters to bring down costs substantially from retail.
HEPA filters are WWII era technology. It's nothing fancy.
> without interfering with the humidity switch?
It sounds like someone in your household has digestive issues.
Two options:
A humidifer on a smart switch, activated by a contact switch when the door is closed or by a motion sensor. Maybe also add a humidity sensor so the humidifier doesn't go on when someone is in the shower.
An air cleaner with odor sensor and carbon filter, like this one.