Get this instead . It is basically a giant plastic bag, It fits in your tub, even has a pump. I keep this and 2 buckets of mountain house freeze dried meals in my house. Not a prepper, but you never know when food or water service will be interrupted.
The water bob is probably the best urban solution to this problem.
You should keep a 5 gallon container, or a couple of cases of le croix around too.
Get yourself a Waterbob 100 gallons of fresh water you can store in your bathtub. You can get them for around $25. Everyone should have one of these in their home.
Water BOB... as soon as you suspect something is wrong start filling this thing with water in your tub.
If you live on the coast and have a bathtub, I would recommend investing in a waterbob some point. They're like $35, they hold 100 gallons, and they don't take up much room for storage. Flashlights are good, but battery powered lanterns are better light sources for a room. Above all, make sure you have some bug spray.
> got a box off Amazon
I ordered a few of these
They were disgusting, like flavorless overcooked pie crust.
I think my dog would be hesitant to eat them.
I bought one of these (you do need a tub). Seemed like a good investment.
I don't actually own this one so I can't give any rating or feedback but it has as 4.5 star rating and can hold up to 100 gallons of water and fits in most bathtubs, it is also made out of FDA approved material making it safe to store water for drinking purposes and is made in the us.
hope this helps
I feel for you dealing with that polar cold being in northern Illinois. Ouch.
They make a bathtub bladder for water I recommend for apartment living. Amazon link.
If you know a bad storm is coming this can be very useful.
Depending on your window situation a small solar charger can keep your phone powered up (or emergency radio, etc).
Food is always tricky. There's lots of good options to toss in the bottom of your closet like a Mountain House bucket. But be sure you can make hit water to mix in. So a few sterno cans can be helpful here.
For the daily med requirement, that's a tough one. I'd talk to your doctor about "What if...." scenarios. What if you take a cruise and the ship gets stranded and you run out of your meds. What if you're on vacation and your carry bag gets stolen.
See if he or she can give you an in-a-pinch over the counter plan. Or a secondary option, etc.
Amazon has water storage bags that fit in your tub (let me know if I need to edit the link out) if your tub leaks like my in-laws' or you get squicked out by drinking tub water.
Is it worth it?
35 bucks. Free 2 day shipping with amazon prime. The box is about the size of a good novel and fits easily under the bathroom sink.
It may never be used, but in the event that it's needed, you'll probably be happy that you got it. Are you in a state where 35 bucks and a tiny bit of space under your bathroom sink is nothing to you? If so, then I see no reason not to get it.
I have one. It's under my sink. It cost the same as going out to lunch a couple of times and it's completely out of the way.
Too late for Ian but I recommend getting a WaterBob if there’s a likelihood you need to use the water in the tub for drinking.
Have it ready, and if it looks like you’ll need it only fill it then.
6.75" according to Amazon
Or if you want to be fancy you can use a WaterBOB.
I keep a knockoff version that is built as well but didn't include the pump as I have a hand pump already, saved a few bucks.
for future reference they do make plastic bags that are specifically designed to fit in your tub and hold water.
if you're into that sort of thing
tap water imo shod be secondary to purified but hey they dont sell these things for nothing\_1\_2\_mod\_primary\_new?keywords=water+bob&qid=1667346470&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjIwIiwicXNhIjoiMS44OSIsInFzcCI6IjEuNTUifQ%3D%3D&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA...
Couple of these 3600 calorie rations are what I keep in my truck.
Eu estava a pensar mais em enlatados e outros tipos de conservas de uso comum.
Mas para o teu caso podem-se comprar rações de combate militares. Ou então uns produtos, os "food storage", que são dirigidos aqueles americanos que têm medo do aposcalipse. Este é só um exemplo.
Off the top of my head -
A weapon, good fitting ruck, poncho, poncho liner, space blanket, coast guard emergency rations, a minimum of 4 quarts of water, water filtration, water purification, fire starter, small flashlight, first aid kit, a couple a pair of socks, small compass, map of the area you need to traverse, and a quality knife.
I bought the AquaPod. Good reviews, slightly cheaper, and made in the US. Haven't used it, so I cannot personally vouch for it.
Waterbob - they are one time use.
Bathtub cover liner- same thing, bit cheaper.
If you are in an area that gets storms every few years or has water outages, get a WATERBOB. Its a single use food grade plastic bag with a manual siphon pump that you unfold in your tub, fill from the tub spigot and will keep your water clean an potable far longer than just filling the tub itself. Also, most tub drains will drain some water even when closed. WATERBOB prevents leakage. The bag costs around $35.
Assuming you can actually digest them properly, it sounds like emergency survival bars might actually work for you. There are a ton of different varieties, they're incredibly calorically dense, and non thirst provoking.
Also energy gels that athletes use could be a good option in a pinch as well.
You could easily supplement whatever else it is you're eating with these. Really dense calories/energy.
Life boat rations. Suprisingly good flavor, good from temps like 0-150 degrees so you can leave them in the car. and specifically designed not to dehydrate you like some survival foods.
Water Bob is a good place to start for water peace of mind.
Based on what you've said in this thread, it seems like your most reasonable preps will be for bad weather. Do you have a small shovel and bag of salt in your vehicle for winter? How about an extra pair of gloves and a hat just for the car, or an emergency food stash if you get stranded somewhere? Flashlights are always a good, cheap thing to have on hand as well.
I go with life boat rations. they store in air/water tight wrappers that are good in temps -22F to 149F for 5 years. The flavor isn't that bad either. not oreos but definitely edible. also designed not to dehydrate you like some long shelf life since they were invented to be left in lifeboats.
This thing is very handy.
WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water Container, Comes with Hand Pump, Disaster and Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon) (1 Pack)
One of the most useful things I've seen is a plastic liner for your tub. When a storm is coming or right after an emergency before the water is shut off, you fill the liner to the brim and add some capfulls of bleach. Very useful for those living in apartments where they can't store very many jugs of water. Holds up to 100 gallons.
This will feed one person fairly comfortably for a month at only 4 dollars a day. Shelf life 25 years.