I purchased one of these to make saucing an easier task for when I do sauce.
Cuisinart CBP-116 Sauce Pot and Basting Brush Set https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005TGY0LU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_Yd79FbRQB2MB5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Damn Amazon the price has already changed
I gave up on the turning peel and got these for my 12... Keeps the bottom in contact with the stone the entire time too https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00N0L5Q6O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_M7CHWHBN3PSXRZYC86V1
It's a Cuisinart metal rack that has a few accessories. The leg hangers, rib rack, beer can chicken. Also great for tenting a brisket or spatchcock chicken.
I got it at Walmart in Canada, but here is an Amazin link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B06XS23YT3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_PC6PH36GPBN1SN8TWWBX
Your best bet would probably be this or something like it. Like someone said, the Smokey Joe but I think that might run you a bit more than $40.
A lil bit more than $40 as well but I bought this one probably 6 weeks ago or so, I have used it almost everyday since. It’s great.
Walmart and Ace Hardware both usually have a decent selection of grills and grill stuff, if either of those are around you maybe check them out to see what they got.
I have these pizza spinners I bought off Amazon .
The work amazingly well and also function to pop any bubbles that are getting too big.
Apparently this might not work for OP but I thought it was a fine idea. We use state park grills when we camp sometimes. Heck, if it's real-ultimate-super-gross just use your own grill grate. The body of the grill is just there to hold your charcoal.
i use elevated trays with drip pans so the smoke can get to the bottom
I also highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend a grill press like this.
Don't "press" the steak with it, but just place it on it for the first part of the sear. Ensures full pan/grill contact! Improved my already-great sears!
overwhelmed by the work, and I know nothing about decks.. but these things made making pizzas in my ooni 16 so much easier.
just hook and spin the pizza.. easier than using a peel.
These work wonderful! I use them in my 12 Fyra. (https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CPS-022-Alfrescamore-Pizza-Spinners/dp/B00N0L5Q6O/ref=sr_1_4?crid=Z9F5W6TTVQO3&keywords=cuisinart%2Bpizza%2Bturner&qid=1656439370&s=home-garden&sprefix=cuisenart%2Bpizza%2Bturner%2Cgarden%2C430&...)
I picked up one of these from Amazon : https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00N0L5QLO
It has "palm bristles", so you don't have to worry about metal shards. I just got it a few weeks ago, so I can't speak to how well it holds up but so far it's pretty good. The scraper edge helps get the crusty stuff off as well as push the last bits of stuff off the edge of the stone.
Get a non-metal bristle brush. I have this one, and the bristles burn away after a while, but it has lasted me years as long as you're not super careless with it. Plus, zero chance of metal in your food. (I never ever ever ever use metal grill brushes anywhere, too easy to miss a broken bristle and ingest it.)
Not necessarily the worst, but the most thoughtless. . .
It was a completely random christmas present from my mother last year, shipped to me directly from Amazon. It was a surprise because she doesn't usually buy Chrismtas presents at all. She just sends out christmas cards and maybe a gift card, if she can afford to send one to each of us kids (five of us, all adults now).
I didn't even have any real use for it, not the way I handle my sauces. . . but I did find a use for it. . .I discarded the brush and use the little cup for frothing milk using my cappuccino machine. . .in fact it's sitting next to me now as I maybe a little too much and it hold about another half a cup more coffee.
I also use beef tallow to sear (which I got from short ribs I trimmed). This is the meat press: https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CGPR-221-Cast-Grill-Press/dp/B005TGY0ME
I really hate that it has griddle marks (makes it less ideal for smash burgers), but it serves its job well for searing steaks on my cast iron skillet.
I should start buying ribeye roasts from Costco, instead of individually trimmed steaks. This way I can (hopefully) cut them better and eliminate uneven areas!
These are great for spinning. Could also use them to pull the pizza onto a waiting bamboo peel.
I have multiple bamboo peels (I can get them cheap here) for building a few pizzas at a time and having them all ready for launching, I turn with the spinners, and pull with a metal peel.
I use my pizza spinners just to swipe across the stone now and then. Does the trick for me. Plus these are so much easier to use on the small koda than a turning peel.
I've been pre-heating for a few minutes after the back of the oven gets to 950+, then reduce heat to about 825-850--takes another few minutes. I put the pizza in the right hand front of the oven away from the back left corner. I use Pizza Spinners--easy to turn pizza by small increments--5-6 "turns" during bake. Bake is about 3 minutes for 14" in Koda 16. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N0L5Q6O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Get a thermometer. For consistency--you may find that your pizza bakes better at certain temps. And of course, the weather changes too. For turning, I got these from Amazon. Very effective, easy, no learning curve, cheap
I bought an 8" round peel (not slotted like the turning peel) which is a big improvement over trying to turn the pizza with a big peel, but after the first turn I prefer to use these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N0L5Q6O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You can get them on Amazon.https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CPS-022-Alfrescamore-Pizza-Spinners/dp/B00N0L5Q6O They are relatively cheap. Just a bar bent at the end that is sharp. You could probably engineer one yourself. As your pizza is cooking you just snag the edge of your crust with it and turn it as is needed. I like it better than spinning it off the peel, but that is just me.
Get ground beef. Cumin, paprika, touch of chili powder (cilantro optional) Mead and mix the meat. Burger Ring: https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-CSBP-100-Stuffed-Burger-Press/dp/B00B58A0OC/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1470342720&sr=8-4&keywords=burger+rings Make 6-8 ounce patties. Put your thumb and stick it in the middle (helps to cook middle and prevent the patty from turning into a baseball). Salt and Pepper Patties Grill - Profit.
This one, almost 4 in diameter and about an inch high.
No, like stuffed. This isn't my burger press, but its similar and it actually makes a pouch in the middle of the burger and then you stuff the ingredients in and put more beef on the top and press it again and it makes a stuffed burger. I'm not sure if he used one of these (I was like 10 and didn't know magic was happening) or just did something by hand or what.
But come to think of it making a donut-like shape and then cooking the egg in the middle kind of like an egg-in-the-basket, but with burger might work out pretty well.
Non-mobile: this small barbecue
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
I use the following:
it fits perfectly on top of my 10gal boil kettle.