Fitness Reality 810XLT Super Max Power Cage with 800lbs Weight Capacity
This rack is popular amongst the budget conscious here.
Yep! That's my basement. It's a Weider Club 500. It's over 10 years old now, and they don't sell them anymore. You might find one on eBay or Craigslist, though. Here's the closest thing I could find in Amazon:
True Minimum:
Weight Lifting Minimum:
Nice to Haves:
Check out /r/homegym
You asked about a cage. There's good options out there like Rep Fitness and Rogue. Rogue gets pricy, but great quality.
A great budget one (that I actually have) is this one from Fitness Reality. It's cheap, good quality, decent strength. Big lifters in competitions or going for high numbers would out pace this cage, but for those of us not going for that this works well. There's some downsides, like it is a bit smaller of a lifting area and if you want to hang your weights for storage it isn't the best (though I still do). There's also no cable attachments directly to this cage like some others have (like Rogue). It's a simple cheap good quality cage.
A good weight and bar starting set is the Dicks Sporting Goods set. It isn't pretty, and you'll want to replace the bar after a year, but it's worth the price and I still use those weights.
I bought my full rack for <$300 and it's held up to two years of regular use now with no issue.
It's no longer being sold on Amazon but this is the exact one I purchased:
At first I was skeptical since it was so inexpensive, but I'm glad I decided to buy it. It's worked great for me.
Everything is sold out so you aren’t going to find something readily available. I’d second buying a quality bar from Rogue or another premium brand depending on what you need.
Sign up for in-stock alerts for Walmart’s bumper plate set. I’m assuming you aren’t training for Oly so these are fine. I’ve also really liked the equipment from Fringe Sport. They have anticipated in-stock dates for next month, and their bumpers have been great even dropping from overhead. Metal plates are metal plates. If you don’t need calibrated, buy whatever you can find.
Adjustable benches are crazy expensive. Maybe start with a flat bench and prop it on plates to start. I’ve never been able to justify the cost of having one at home.
If you can find a rack or cage in stock, keep in mind that ones like this can often be assembled with the pull-up bar facing down to save on height. I’ve used that in a garage with a lower ceiling, and it’s fantastic for $200 if pandemic pricing and availability ever subsides.
r/homegym will give you some ideas. This set is pretty cheap and will get you thru the first few months of StrongLifts. I used it and didn’t bother spending on a quality bar until after 7 months when my deadlift went over 350 and started bending my starter bar pretty badly. You’ll also need a squat rack or st the very least a half rack. I got mine from Amazon. That’s all you’d need for the main lifts and should serve you well for 6-12 months.
I've had this one for a couple years. I think Wal-Mart carries it too.
Check out as well.
So for a squat rack, you probably want this. It's way better than a $300 power cage has any right to be.
Benches are pretty basic if you just want a flat one and aren't benching super heavy. I'd recommend the AmazonBasics if you can find it, it's not listed for some reason. But otherwise I'd grab a $50 starter bench and not worry about it, by the time you need something nicer you'll know more about your particular needs like a wide bench, adjustable, fat pad, etc.
For a barbell and plates, you're honestly probably best off hitting up Dick's Sporting Goods for one of their $300 starter kits. Ordering is really just going to kill you on shipping.
$400? for $200 you can get a full sized squat rack on Amazon:
I used to have one of those benches in the CL ad and on the highest setting I'd still have to do a 1/2" squat to get started with squats, plus there's no safety bars to catch if you fail and that goes for bench press too on the lack of safety.
Another hundred bucks and you've got a good quality bench:
Spend the rest on weights (admittedly you'll be just above the $400 price point but you won't be needing to spend more money on the same equipment a few years down the road) and whey and you'll be good to go.
At that weight basically anything you get will be ok, that said, safeties are still nice to have, so consider the value of a full rack or a half rack instead of just a squat stand. As always, Craigslist or your local alternative can be a lot better deals (and your realism about weights may mean that some of the less popular cheaper stuff will be great for you while everyone else is chasing expensive Rogue gear).
If you do want to go new, Slickdeals just pointed me towards this $250 prime shipping rack on Amazon that looks like one of the cheapest options at the moment: CamelCamelCamel is amazingly reporting it sold for < $150 a few times this year (though I dunno if that included shipping)
This was in stock earlier this week and will do its job. The ProGear and Fitness Reality are made by the same company, but the ProGear has upgraded j-hooks; it's one of the most recommended budget racks on here.
Sorry I don't know the specifics but it looks like any other generic 2x2 rack where the gauge of metal is unlisted. I would assume they all have similar specs as the Amazon rack (Fitness Reality 810XLT). I wouldn't pay more than $150-$200 myself. When you decide to upgrade you won't have the best resell value (if it's after COVID). Definitely will get the job done for a starter rack just be warned it might be annoying to offload when you want an upgrade. A lot of people are selling these used "cheaper" racks for more than they are worth.
That was my thought too. With the pandemic the prices are somewhat inflated in the home gym world. But I picked this guy up for $240 around a year ago, I haven’t been tracking closely recently but it used to go on sale fairly regularly.
If you’re concerned about quality Coop did a pretty thorough review on it, and it fared pretty well.
I have this one and it suits my needs fine. I bought it at Play it Again Sports rather than Amazon, though.
I have it on a flat cement floor and I've found it to be sturdy even doing hanging leg raises (I can't do pullups because it's in my basement with a low ceiling) and it doesn't get bolted down or anything.
I'm 5'-1", for what it's worth.
I got this one on Amazon. It feels very safe and sturdy, but I don’t necessarily recommend it. One of the handles is crooked (see photos in the Amazon reviews... apparently other people have had the same issue), which isn’t a huge deal, but it’s annoying given the price.
It does only take about twenty seconds to (dis)assemble, and it takes up virtually no space when disassembled, so it’s great if you’re limited on space and don’t mind the crooked handle. If you aren’t limited on space and don’t plan on disassembling it often, I would go for a different one.
Was having a really hard time finding a rack in Canada over the last few weeks. Found this one on amazon with good reviews that comes with a bench for $459CAD. Figure I can sell the bench and make up a good chunk of the cost.
Anybody else have the fitness reality 810xlt?
Also, for what it's worth, the general consensus on this sub reddit seems to be that the best entry level squat rack is the Fitness Reality. It has a pretty sweet lat pull down attachment option too. Seems like it's pretty much the same thing as you're looking at.
The most important thing is changing your diet. Use an app like MyFitnessPal or similar and track your calories. Then, just pick some routine and stick with it. I would suggest doing a good mix of cardio and resistance training. You can start simple like trying to walk a couple of miles 3-4 times a week and do some kind of body weight fitness like push ups and pull ups.
If you plan to eventually join a gym then you may not want to invest a lot in at home equipment so body weight fitness might be the best bet. You could get one of the pull up bars that attach to the door frame. My friend has this one that is pretty nice and sturdy and you can swing it down to do rows if you can't do many pull ups yet.
Here's the power rack:
I'm quite happy with it. Just make sure it's big enough for you. I'm smol so the size is good. Also I wouldn't do swinging or kipping moves on it. It's kinda light
Hope that helps :)
Another vote for the 810xlt. The rack you posted is more expensive and those safeties are useless outside bench.
Fitness Reality 810XLT Super Max Power Cage with Optional Lat Pull-down Attachment and Adjustable Leg Hold-down
I don't know if you bought the titan cage yet... anyways I work for Paradigm, the company that makes the FITNESS REALITY cage. you can see more reviews on the cage on Amazon: Fitness Reality
One comparison between my cage and the T2 is that my cage weighs 133.5 lbs, whereas the T-2 weighs 107 lbs. I got those numbers just by looking at both products on Amazon. So I can offer you about 25 lbs more steel for a much lower price than T-2... just saying....
Ask me anything. Yes there will be accessories! I will most likely get to play with the prototypes on my trip to China coming up this weekend...
I did the Dick's 300lb weight set, this squat rack and bench from Amazon (watch it on camelcamelcamel) Fitness Reality 810XLT Super Max Power Cage with The 800 lb Capacity Super Max 1000 Weight Bench Combo, and the horse stall mat.
Total came to right around $600.
I'm kind of dumb, i ordered this and just realizing I don't think it comes with the barbell. Can someone correct me if i'm wrong, and if it doesn't have one could you recommend a barbell and plates I could buy off amazon for a complete beginner like me.
Dude, you waited 40 minutes for a response in homegym.
Those aren't generally called power cages. they're called power towers.
This is a power cage: FitnessReality810
The one you're asking about looks fine, but expensive.
I'm reasonably certain that it's a Fitness Reality 810XLT from Amazon. They're like the Toyota Camry of racks, and Garage Gym Reviews even drop tested one with like 800# and it held up.
I'm looking to buy equipment for a home gym this week and I'm really stuck on the power rack part. There are just so many I don't even know where to start, I wish there was something like a car site side by side comparison to understand the differences. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction here.
I'm essentially just looking to be able to do OHP/squat/bench press/barbell rows from the rack. At some point I would like to be able to add on a lat pulldown/seated row, and having spots to hang weights from the rack would be nice. My weight requirements aren't high, I won't be putting over 400 on the barbell on the rack at any point.
I was looking at something like this one but then it's hidden in the reviews that it's shaped so only thier brand of add on stuff fits it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Do you have a camera placed to watch where the UPS people are dropping off your items. Perhaps you're being porch pirated.
I haven't moved, but recently had a 145 pound "mistake" sent to my house. It was a full sized weight lifting squat rack.
UPS also had some girl, who must weight 85 pounds soaking wet, deliver it...and then she had to pick it up 4 days later (although I was able to help her with the pickup).
But beyond this mistake, Amazon service has still been pretty solid.
Likely going with the Rep Fitness PR1000, but saw this on FB marketplace, power cage w/lat pulldown:
Wondering if I can get a recommendation for/against it? (Reasonable price [$299], looks like good condition.)
I really like this alternate. It mounts inside the door frame, but is unique because besides being a pull up bar, it swings down for rows. Hope the link works Perfect basic pullup pull-progression on Amazon