If you’re worried about passing a drug test, the first test is a simple stick test - they stick a stick in the sample and it tests. Because these are much cheaper than running the sample through a fancy chemistry machine.
If the stick test fails, then the sample goes on for verification with the fancy lab equipment. The pass / fail cutoff is less than what the first test measures, but if you pass the first round, they’re not going to spend the time and money to determine the actual concentration, so you pass.
These tests are manufactured in large quantities, and most testing companies (where you go to give the sample) follow the FDA/DOT guidelines (15mg/L, IIRC). Because so many of these tests are made, they are remarkably consistent, along with the results being based off of a chemical reaction, and not on measurement devices, which can require calibration and are much more expensive per test.
Tl,dr: at home stick tests are the same as the first test in a drug screening. Very from the comfort of your own home.
This is what I’ve bought in the past: 25 Pack Easy@home Marijuana (thc) Single Panel Drug Tests Kit - #EDTH-114 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UCKDHIA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_A6ajDb77AAAQX
I’ve (23f - 5’7 160lbs) been a daily weed smoker since 2018. I’m hella active & eat fairly clean. I’ve been sober for 5 days and I took a test today to test my thc levels and I was at 50ng. The highest level on the test was 300ng. I used to literally smoke all day long and I can’t believe my test is already at a low level, so there’s hope! I’ll link the test! I’m gonna test myself again in a few days to see how it changes. Good luck :)
3 Pack - DrugExam THC Advantage Made in USA Multi Level Marijuana Home Urine Test Kit. Highly Sensitive THC 5 Level Drug Test Kit. Detects at 15 ng/mL, 20 ng/mL, 50 ng/mL, 200 ng/mL and 300 ng/mL (3) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VFC3DQ4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_NNGNKHD4QAAPDXZ29WAQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Buy some home tests online (Amazon). If you test positive, go and get outside while it’s hot to sweat it out. Honestly, go on a 5 mile, 1000ft hike on a hot day (stay hydrated). And retest your pee. You might be worrying for nothing.
10 Pack - Easy@Home Marijuana (THC) Single Panel Drug Tests Kit - Individually Wrapped Single Panel THC Screen Urine Drug Test Kit with 50 ng/ml Cutoff Level - EDTH-114 https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00E5O5EV2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ICmiFb1D109YJ
I had a similar situation and bought these tests on amazon. They’re really nice because they show you various levels of THC in your system. Most jobs require you to be under 50 ng/mL, and if the sample is under it’s usually analyzed closer for 15 ng/mL. Totally gave me peace of mind to see approximately where I was at concentration wise. Hope this helps! :)
Get these from Amazon. 15 tests for 10 bucks. Their cutoff is 50ng/ml as well. Peace of mind and all...
Amazon sells THC test kits for pretty cheap. Maybe the safest bet is to buy one and test yourself. Then you know, based on your usage amount and metabolism, where you stand.
Here's a 10 pack for $8. https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Marijuana-Single-Panel-Tests/dp/B00E5O5EV2/ref=zg_bs_3777301_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=WJ2VW2KCTWS42YYDQ6SX
I would think it would depend on how much, and how often, you were taking it. Perhaps your body composition as well since it would be fat soluble, and how diluted/concentrated your urine was.
Using a drug test from Amazon is a good idea, imho, because you can find out how much you can take before you test positive. They look pretty reasonably priced too. I found this 15 pack for $10.50 https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Home-Marijuana-Single-Panel/dp/B00DVPS4IQ/
You mentioned that you last smoked around late August... how often would you smoke before that? Like every day or just on occasions? I used to smoke everyday & decided to quit to apply for a federal job & it took me 2 1/2 months to flush out all of the THC. I bought a 10 pack of at home drug tests from amazon so that I can test myself every week or 2. If you smoked a lot, you might still test dirty. these are the tests I bought on amazon
Sounds good! Apologies for the grammatical errors. Since quitting pot I've been drinking (I got issues haa) and type like an idiot.
Def get one those tests. Lost of times they are sold out and restocked a week or two later. You can also get it from eBay but I think they simply buy them from Amazon because I bought one about 3 weeks ago and even though eBay said the delivery was supposed to be that Friday, it didnt arrive until Monday which I believe was the same ETA on Amazon. I wanted it that Friday because I got paranoid I would get tested that following Monday. Luckily I didn't have the test and now the chance of being tested is like 1%. But when ur 100k+ job is on the line, 1% is too high (pun intended haa). I usually would get clean in about 21 days smoking only flowers. But the damn carts is taking damn forever. Smh.
Here's a link:
yeah I bought drug tests from amazon and started testing myself around the 30 day mark, and every few days after that
I should really be getting commission for selling these, but these work really well. they are more sensitive than the typical drug test.
If you're still positive reschedule saying you feel sick and worried about covid
Pro tip: buy some thc drug tests off amazon. They are super cheap. Then you will know if you are dirty. If you are not a regular smoker you should be clear right now. I have a buddy that gets tested monthly and he smokes once a week and still passes tests.... check it. Happy day!
10 Pack - Easy@Home Marijuana (THC) Single Panel Drug Tests Kit - Individually Wrapped Single Panel THC Screen Urine Drug Test Kit with 50 ng/ml Cutoff Level - EDTH-114 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E5O5EV2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WRgnFb1E7X09P
I believe isolate isn't suppose to have any THC, so you should pass. Hemp CBD is only supposed to have no more than 0.3% THC, but people have reported failing THC drug tests at this low level. A job is a big deal. I would buy a THC urine test kit. I bought these 50ng and 20ng tests kits from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/%C3%9CTest-Sensitive-Marijuana-Detection-Customer/dp/B00CUCDYJU/ref=sr_1_1?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1505243355&sr=1-1&keywords=%C3%9CTest%3A+MOST+Sensitive+Instant+THC+20+ng%2FmL+Marijuana+Single+Panel+Home+D... https://www.amazon.com/Instant-Single-Panel-Drug-Test/dp/B004C39D68/ref=sr_1_1?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1505243281&sr=1-1&keywords=Instant+Single+Panel+Drug+Test+Kit+-+Test+for+Marijuana+%28THC%29+-+15+pk
As someone that uses anti-anxiety meds, I've had a few unexpectedly strong reactions with alcohol over the years.
Reactions aren't ever consistent, a big factor is how much I've eaten, how much sleep I've had, how much anxiety I was experiencing prior, etc.
I'm not saying this is what's happened, just to keep it as a possibility. If your drug test comes back clean, it would be well worth talking to your doctor about what you experienced today. A change in reactions could be indicative of a change in effectivity of medication.
Either way - I'm sorry this happened. Drugged or not, what you went through sounds pretty traumatic. I would recommend getting some of these test kits, and maybe sticking to canned/bottled drinks (more difficult to spike) if you're in a crowded place.
Numerous companies already make at-home test kits for THC and cannabis to check levels if you need to.
You won't get the job if you are honest. Can you do the job? If the answer is yes, then fake the test.
So the first thing I suggest you do is:
Take an at home test like this one. take the test first thing in the morning so you have a "worst case scenario" result. Come back here and let us know how you did and we will provide advice on how to proceed.
We've got you.
Here's an example of a multi-level thc test at amazon. Get one of those and see how you do.
If you're concerned about the other drugs, then find an at home test that tests at the same cutoff and for the same drugs (they're usually either 5 or 10 panel tests) and take that as well.
Take the tests with your first thing in the morning pee, this will give you a worst case scenario baseline. If you pass at the same cutoffs for the test you plan to take then you're not going to have to do anything different. If you fail, come back here and show us which level you fail at and we can tell you what to do (just forewarning you, if you fail badly, we may advise you get fake or another person's urine).
Good luck! and may the odds be ever in your favor.
If you really believe this happened, go in there, do the same as before. DO NOT drink anything. I’d video record the entire thing as to when the bartender sets the drink down into the test into the results. One long clip. Test, bust, report. If you do find evidence the bartenders are roofing people, report it to the news media directly after the police. The police might not do anything about it unless it has public attention and they can’t afford it. This happened in my city. and when it hit the media authorities had to act. Insane this is a reality at public places. Good luck!!! Keep us posted.
You can look up labs near you that would do the test for your exact levels, for the test strips you can get something like this https://www.amazon.com/UTest-Meter-Level-Marijuana-Strips/dp/B01MY55GGM/ref=zg\_bs\_3777291\_sccl\_6/135-2657589-9162526?pd\_rd\_i=B01MY55GGM&psc=1
Ahhh.. ok so fingernail polish might not be that accurate...
THESE https://www.amazon.com/TEST-MY-DRINK-Strips-Beverage/dp/B07XCYL3S8/ref=sr_1_3?gclid=Cj0KCQjwuaiXBhCCARIsAKZLt3lnr6QxxVYoo8gLFS04VXrS5p-l21CSlPFoV1PyYqbM1dxITJm0vv4aAuXJEALw_wcB&hvadid=580686622453&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9014314&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3040947276654320360&hvtargid=kwd-312954477559&hydadcr=3058_13533881&keywords=sip+chip&qid=1659515925&sr=8-3
are ,
There’s always online (you need to make a little bit of effort !!)
Will these arrive in time for your area ? If not search local for some test strips and test yourself
No need to doubt facts.
Amazon: 15 pack or more, and it is 36% cheaper per unit than the dollar tree.
There may be less expensive options, but that is what a 30 second search showed.
There may be better options, but some quick links for people seeking some protection.