Hang dry them instead of using the drier.
If you don't have a lot of space, use your shower curtain rod or buy a foldable clothes rack (AmazonBasics Foldable Drying Rack - White )
Also, I'm fairly certain that you posted this in the wrong subreddit.
Best of luck
I don't like wire racks. They tend to leave dents in boxes. Adjustable solid shelf shelving in two side by side columns so you can adjust each side separately. A hanging over the door shoe organizer like this to store smaller games and accessories, and a couple of led light strips just inside the door fame to light everything up so you can see what's on lower shelves.
i think this gave me retinoblastoma...
you need to buy a couple of these
We did for a little bit and have considered doing it again. We did a twin over full bunk...oldest on top, two youngers sharing the full on the bottom. We had to stop, b/c the youngest just wasn't doing well in general with her sisters, even when we tried to put her in her own bed.
Cut down on toys. Clear shoe rack organizer on the back of the door like this one. Give each kid a few rows...you can store anything in there to make the room less cluttered. Socks and underwear so there is more room in the drawers for regular clothes. Small collections of toys so you don't need baskets and bins. Try to keep most toys out of the room in general - create a small play area somewhere else in the house, even if it's just a small rug with a bin of toys.
The biggest issue you may actually have is clothing sharing - As they grow they may have periods of similarly sized clothes, or even passing down one shirt to another as they outgrow...When an item gets passed down from oldest to middle, I put a line on the tag. When it gets passed from middle to youngest, I cross the line - so it's like a plus sign. Usually, I recognize new clothes no matter what...so we don't need to mark them, but this would also work with new clothes...so even the kids can help sorting, folding, or finding their own clothes.
I tried to color code (one kid got reds, pinks, yellows, oranges, the other got green/blue/purples)...But sometimes there were not certain colors available in certain seasons and then with hand me downs, it got very confusing.
I have this:
AmazonBasics Foldable Clothes Drying Laundry Rack - White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H7P1GPO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RW77DbYSE1JYA
It does take up floor space, but frankly I’m not line drying that much laundry that frequently: some shirts, exercise stuff, wool socks, and some of my girlfriends underwear.
It’s relatively compact for what it is (I used to live in Korea where I used the ones that look more like this). Personally, I like the setup because it still allows people to maneuver around it but it’s also an obstruction that reminds us to put the laundry away.
Stuff old or cheap cushions under them for now. I also use grid cube panels to block off areas using zip ties to make different heights or widths.
Rabbits are REALLY project orientated. So if she finds a place she wants to get into or something she wants to dig/rip /chew (like a corner of the carpet or sofa) then wild horses won’t be able to stop her coming back to it constantly.
Always have spare cardboard boxes you can use to distract from her destroying the carpet or furniture by putting the cardboard over the area she wants to destroy so she can destroy the box instead.
Not all rabbits get the mad fixation on destruction. But mine are seniors now and still go through phases of being obsessed with destroying a certain part of the carpet or furniture..
I own this (I didnt know it was an as seen on TV product). It's great since I live in a rental and cant put up bike racks. It also makes the space much more compact since it stores the bikes vertically. It cant handle heavy bikes, and it isnt sturdy so dont place it where itll be in the way. Here is the link for the one I bought since TV products are cheap. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XXSHGWR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_sjjJBbF5M6ZN3
u/lavenderfart ^
For my small apartment, I bought this off Amazon. It leans up against the wall and can be used as a bike stand for maintenance.
Edit: For $50 it's been great: amazon link
I got a bike stolen from a bike room about 10 years ago and have never trusted them since. I always keep min in my unit. I use something like this Bike Rack that leans up against the wall. It doesn't take up a lot of space and gives me a lot of peace of mind.
I like the Creative Options Thread Organizer. They are marketed to craft stores but these cases hold 48 cars. Each side has a double-sized slot which will hold the bigger ones like Hiway Hauler. The price on Amazon jumps between $7 and $11.
I feel your pain. If I were in your shoes I’d sure as hell want to bring my bike into my apartment too.
I’ve got two bikes I switch between regularly, and recently got this from Amazon. It’s right against the wall just inside my apartment, so I can hang them up and take them down easily just as I’m coming and going.
Don’t worry about hanging your bike by the rim of a wheel. Unless your frame is made out of ultra dense material from a collapsed star and weighs a ton you’ll be fine. I wouldn’t discount a pulley system with the ceiling, even if it’s tall either. Installation would certainly be a pain, but worth it once you got it done. I’ve seen some innovative setups on YouTube, you can look there for some inspiration and brainstorming. It’s also possible you could make something just to fit your needs in a DIY project. Before I bought my rack I was contemplating following some instructions online to make one myself out of $50 or so of PVC pipe or wood from a hardware store. Good luck with whatever you choose.
I got my cnc grids off Amazon for about 35$ if I’m remembering right, I really like them! My cage is 5ftx2 ft (roughly) and we used zip ties to hold everything together so it would be tighter than the clasps it came with.
What’s funny is the cages aren’t what the product was intended for, but a lot of reviews are pictures of peoples guinea pig cages lol
Here’s a link to the grids Amazon Basics 6 Cube Grid Wire... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0735GRJXY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Just in case you ever want to look for them :)
With living in a tiny apartment with no ability to hang from the ceiling or walls I finally got tired of tripping over and constantly moving my bike. I found this and its worked really well to cut the storage space in half. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XXSHGWR?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I wanted to do something similar but had the same concern. I ultimately went with these "invisible" mount record holders that are pretty easy to slide the sleeves in and out of. I've had them up for about 5 years now and I've been pretty happy with them.
I think I'll end up getting this for my apartment, but thought I'd post this link here for anyone else interested. It's $45 on amazon.
7 is an excellent option for an apartment, but I would disagree with that article's statement of relying entirely on gravity. It includes one anchor and screw to keep it from tilting while loading/unloading.
“Thread organizer” is the term. There are quite a few for $30ish, if you actually search “hot wheels case” but if you search Thread Organizer, this comes up for $15
Creative Options 5315 Thread Organizer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001IYMCJO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HK0YKDRE8X0F6C9JY5V0
If you’re interested in building a Cnc cage like a lot of people are suggesting here’s a link to the grids I used for mine! 35$ Amazon Basics 6 Cube Grid Wire... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0735GRJXY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I’d recommend using zip ties to fasten it so it’ll have a tighter hold than the clamps that it comes with. You can go to Home Depot for a large sheet of coroplast (corrugated plastic) for the bottom part of the cage for about 20-22$. If you don’t cut it all the way through (using a box cutter) you can bend the sides to make a nice little tray. Use puppy pads on the bottom, and get fleece liners (reusable and way cheaper than buying bedding all the time) and you’re set!
Here’s a more in depth tutorial so you can see what I mean.
Of course, you don’t have to do this! Just as long as they have enough room for the both of them I’m sure whatever you use will be great :)
I have a few of these Delta Gravity Bike Racks and I'm really happy with them. It does take up some wall space obviously.
This, OP. Creative options is available[when they are] at hobby lobby, amazon, craft stores, etc. It's a double-sided thread organizer but holds 48 cars perfectly. Probably need to find them in-store, but remember to use the coupon.
Also glad I could help with the images! For the cases they're on Amazon and seem pretty popular amongst collectors.
Creative Options 5315 Thread Organizer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001IYMCJO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_x9FPCbVXERA33
I use a hanging shoe holder with clear pockets to organize my cables, chargers, and other small tech accessories. It works really well!
It's this one from Amazon. It may be the motivation you need to wind your skeins onto bobbins because I don't think skeins would fit nicely without folding them.
Thanks. This is a wire rack from Amazon I just wrapped it in wood. I can remove the whole cover if need be. The side is a 16" shelving wood. The front is 1x4 and 1x6 pine that i stained.
Buy a cable management raceway and place it under your desk from behind and then just try to get all of those cables inside the track. I totally feel your pain. A lot of gear means a lot of cables....
Amazon sells some neat solutions.
Under Desk Cable Management Tray - Cable Organizer for Wire Management. Metal Wire Cable Tray for Office and Home (Black 2 Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HMXBSLW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_RYNeEb5G8AG92
If hes looking for storage, these are popular: https://www.amazon.com/Creative-Options-5315-Thread-Organizer/dp/B001IYMCJO
Premium lines are always nice as well: Car Culture is out at WalMart/Target. Pop Culture are cars with pop culture paint jobs.
we invested in 2 of these: https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Foldable-Drying-Rack-White/dp/B00H7P1GPO
Wash the exercise gear at night, hang up and they are dry in the morning. Plus your gear will last longer as the heat from the dryer breaks down certain fabrics. (esp anything with latex based elastics.)
I use these but I know I paid a lot less than they are going for on Amazon, that was many years ago though. I use them when I decide it's time to keep them from collecting dust from sitting on these shelves.
Thanks, and yes, I wasn't a fan at first but seeing the Speedtail in silver won me over. Here is the case: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B001IYMCJO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
They are a little pricey for just plastic, but I haven't found anything better.