well, the bargue plates are helpful, but it depends on what you want to do. Do you want to draw portraits and figures in a traditional sense then yes they are very helpful and are a great way to start. However, if you wanna be an animator, concept artist, or do anything like that then I would suggest on some other books. I recommend Steve Huston's book , wonderful artist, a great teacher, and taught at many studios. Loomis books are good but their look or design seems outdated, still have much valuable knowledge but I would not recommend starting out with that. Also look around for artists/ teachers on youtube, or courses. Decent guide to knowing wtf the fundamentals are
Whichever one you choose, I don't think there's a "correct" mannequin for a gesture. If you build your gesture on a line of action you can use almost any shapes / forms you need to get you to the finished product.
Personally, for my own creations I prefer to use something like moderndayjames' form primitives because they help me understand the 3D forms of every mannequin part, but if I were to do a drawing from life I'd probably use Youssef's process because it lets me silhouette out the major body masses and carve them into 3D forms after the fact. Form blocking in 2D shapes is very powerful for translating a reference onto your page.
I'm currently going through Michael Hampton's figure drawing book because I want to build my anatomy study progressively with each body part being added in a compounding way with the others. I've done lots of individual body parts studies through sources like the Taco books I referenced and the Morpho books, but I find studying the body masses the way Hampton presents them helps me to build a progressive model where I know how to get to the other muscles from any adjacent muscle.
The mannequins you use to study something do not need to be the mannequins you use and you don't need to use a single mannequin. You can explore mannequins through a silhouette where you do one big form blocking process on your page and carve it out into 3D shapes later. The form blocking through a silhouette lets you conquer the total 2D presentation of your character first and then making that 2D shape make sense in all three dimensions later. That's partly how Youssef's gesture works and that's also something Blaise recommends in his creature design course.
There is no one way to do gestures, there are only ways you find the most helpful to solve some problem on your page.
Please grab from here with code REVIEWME, there’s 100 available for download
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I could really use some HONEST reviews on the amazon website for the book, just scroll down and you’ll find a “leave a customer review”.
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There are a lot of great figure studies in art-book form that are folks posing naked in a neutral (non-sexual) way. That can give you a sense for how to portray them in that fashion.
I like the "Art Models" series: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Models-Drawing-Painting-Sculpting-ebook/dp/B004ZN80FU/
You can also look up guides on sexual-coded body language to make sure you aren't unwittingly drawing a naked figure exhibiting that kind of body language (unless you explicitly want to).
I recommend Proko's Youtube channel,
Drawabox is also very good drawing channel
Try setting up some cloth and drawing the patterns from life. There are some books dedicated to drapery like this but there's no magic bullet.
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I'd say there is probably a book out there for anything you're striving for. Fantasy watercolor art, figurative watercolor, urban watercolor, so you should go for one that is covering the subject you like most! I'm a fantasy lover myself and I'm a big fan of the books by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, I have 3 of them and they all begin with basic tools, and techniques before getting into painting full works. Good Luck!