> "The President's New Clothes", a satire and parody of 'The Emperor's New Clothes' featuring a naked Donald Trump that we self published and have been sneaking into stores locally in Texas.
Added 5 new Therapist quests
Something smells fishy: 30 cans of Pacific Saury
Where did Prapor touch you?: 1 x Therapy doll
All my friends are dead: 5 copies of the book ‘All my friends are dead” (This book is in game already & also available on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/All-My-Friends-Are-Dead/dp/0811874559)
All my friends are still dead: 5 copies of the book ‘All my friends are still dead”
Bitcoin Mining: 1 x power supply, 1x power cord, 1 x CPU, 1x CPU Fan, 1 x circuit board, 1x USB adapter, 12 x RAM, 50 x Graphics cards
> Sen pitäisi tapahtua nyt heti
Aivan! Aloita heti nyt niin se muutos on lähteny käyntiin. Sit jossain vaiheessa sulle alkaa tulemaan sitä tulosta. Mikään ei muutu hetkessä. Edes lottovoitto ei tapahdu ilman sitä kuponkien täyttämistä. Suosittelen lukemaan Gary John Bishopin Unfuck yourself:n (https://www.amazon.com/Unfu-Yourself-Your-Head-into/dp/0062803832 / Löytyy myös googlen play storesta 10e...) ajatuksella ja sitten vielä uusiksi. Itselle tuo teos oli omia epäilyksiäni vahvistava ja antoi minulle työkaluja omien lukkojeni avaamiseen.
Mieti vielä kuinka kauan sulla on elämää edessä. 27v ei ole ikä eikä mikään. Mä oon joskus ollut samassa tilanteessa joskus ja voin kyllä sanoa, että jos tekee edes vähän muutoksia elämässään niin hommat kyllä lähtee rullaamaan. Muutama vinkki: -Siivoo kämppäs jo tänää. Tee se nyt. Se on hyvä alku. -Mene huomenna tekemään jotain liikunta juttua. Ota äänikirja luuriin, jos sulla ei ole varaa niin kato vaikka piratebaysta (muista suojaus), ja mene kävelemään. Saat samalla liikuntaa ja pääset kuuntelemaan hyvii tarinoita. -Jos noi tuntuu liian kevyeltä alota joku harrastus. Mee vaikka LAN:lle. Tsekkaa onko sun lähistöllä jotain tapahtumaa ja meet sinne.
I've never read this book, but sometimes I think I should (Amazon non-referral normal link)
I have this picture in my People of Walmart coloring book. Has the cover, too, I believe. I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted: here's the book https://www.amazon.com/People-Walmart-com-Adult-Coloring-Book/dp/1945056088
Thanks for the support everyone. The pattern is from the "Pusheen: A Cross Stitch Kit" which can be found on Amazon (Pusheen: A Cross-Stitch Kit https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0762492279/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_lRpjCbKZRXW0E).
Kit is Pusheen: A Cross Stitch Kit, available on Amazon here. I haven't cross stitched for a couple of years now, and I wanted to start out with something a bit smaller. Really happy with the way this turned out. If anyone has any advice please let me know!
i got the pattern from amazon i really like for the price and good for beginners (obviously)
I work at a big chain bookstore and we carry them! They’re tiny little boxes and at my store they’re kept on an acrylic spinner with other small boxes, mostly collectible things. Also I did a quick search and found this on amazon and I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing :)
My first time finishing, and it’s these cute Pusheens! Finishing sucks, and my fabric was too thick to fit in the frame, so I had to cut the back, fit the fabric in, and then tape the back on. The backs to these are atrocious, but I’m pretty happy with the fronts. Let me know any tips or tricks to make it easier in the future!
I got the patterns from the pusheen cross stitch kit. You can find it on amazon
recommend reading this
Nope, it's just your obsessive compulsive disorder combined with your body dysmorphia disorder.
It's OCD because you keep posting this same thing over and over. Read Brain Lock by Jeffrey Schwartz to help get it under control.
You look slightly older, which I should hope so because 5-6 years has passed. I'd be worried if you didn't look older at all. It's normal for people to look older when several years pass. It's called aging. It happens to everyone. It's normal. Some guys have gone fully bald in the same time span. You're lucky you still have hair.
Pusheen: A Cross-Stitch Kit https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0762492279/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_33Q9SG5NER6YWB36DQRT
The instructions are clear and I think the size of each pattern is perfect for beginners!
Happy cake day!
I think you need to get yourself this pusheen cross-stitch kit! It’s super cute and looks like it would be a great first cross-stitch to try out! Also, it’s only $9.90 so if it’s something new your trying out it’s not too expensive 🤷🏻♀️
My missus gets stressed af and loses the plot every time she has an interview, and as a result she's been at the same level for about 10 years. However, she's been encouraged to apply for a number of roles 2 levels above hers, not only by her direct supervisor but by the director as well, AND the fact that there are some real wankers in the department that will apply as well (and probably get in), so she's thinking that she pretty much HAS to apply otherwise she'll be pissed off at the wankers being above her.
So she's starting to freak out about the potential interview. I'm very tempted to get her this book for xmas.
There's that coloring book kicking around somewhere too, but that's honestly kind of hilarious.
Edit: aha! Found it: (88 reviews)
First I laughed, then I noticed the price sticker and realized this is a real book, and now I'm debating whether I really need to spend $12 on a Joe Biden coloring book.
how am I just now finding out that Biden grew up 15 minutes away from me!?
It definitely does have the same effect! This is the coloring book I am currently using. I like gel pens, since you don't have to keep sharpening them like you do with colored pencils.
HR is not there to help you. HR is there to protect the company. Talking to HR might get you fired.
Start applying to jobs. Setup a LinkedIn profile. Add friends from current job on LinkedIn.
There's a book called the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***. You should read it or listen to the audio book.
It's really worth talking to your doctor! In the meantime, this was a book that really helped me. It isn't a substitute for talking to a professional, but it might help bridge the gap. If money is an issue send me a DM and I'd be happy to buy you a copy.
Did you really just use "turbo cringe" in a sentence? Man, I wish I had your confidence. I'm guessing you're a fan of this
Igen, mondjuk én szorongó gyerek is voltam, kb. 6 éves koromtól kezdve. Azóta kb. folyamatos a szociális szorongásom, nehezen viselem az új helyzeteket, nehezen ismerkedem új emberekkel. A 10-14 éves korom közti időszak jó szar volt, akkor kaptam egy jó kis bullyingot is mellé, hogy a pubertás ne legyen elég. 20-23 évesen meg depressziós voltam, végigjártam a szorongásnak kb. minden formáját: túlzott maximalizmus miatti önértékelési problémák, imposztor szindróma, szociális elszigeteltség érzése, apátia, szuicid gondolatok... Várom, mi lesz, ha betöltöm a harmincat, mert mintha kezdene egy mintázat kirajzolódni :D
Nekem a mindfulness meditáció sokat segített, illetve az a gondolkodásmód, hogy elfogadással és megértéssel fordulok magam felé. Van egy könyv, ami szerintem jót tehet, bár elég ponyva: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
Het is wel engels maar ik heb dit boek eerder gelezen en heb ook de kindle versie gekocht om erna te luisteren in het vliegtuig. Echt een aanrader.
This was one of three designs from this kit by Running Press.
The good: The designs are super cute! They provide enough materials to do all 3 designs. The materials are okay - about what I would expect with a not-very-high-end kit.
The bad: The instructions are not great. The "how to cross stitch" section is just paragraphs of text, spread across teeny tiny pages, with no diagrams! They also say to stitch with 1 strand, which seems wrong (I used 2, although more on that in a moment). On the pattern pages, the grey and the dark brown are hard to tell apart, and the legend just says "Color 1", "Color 2" etc. Would it have killed them to say things like "Light Grey" and "Pink"?
The ugly: The needles!! This kit came with 2(!) needles... both of them wildly inappropriate sharps with tiny eyes that are nigh impossible to thread with ONE strand of floss, much less 2. Unfortunately I was on vacation and did not have any other supplies with me. I persevered and double-stitched with a single strand, but it was aggravating.
On the bright side, if the point of cross stitch is to pass the time, I guess I got extra value! At least I didn't stab myself and bleed all over Pusheen.
Back with some more input for you and anyone watching.
Learn and practice Stoicism. It will change your life.
Also buy, sit down, and READ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
Should be required reading for all men.
Reading this book
Not even kidding, it changed my life, it teaches you to love yourself and to say fuck everyone else WITHOUT stepping on others or hurting anyone.
Idk about you, but my OCD makes it too easy to rationalize the stupid stuff. So I try to combat it with logic. Check out Brain Lock:
Brain Lock, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior https://www.amazon.com/dp/006256143X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_MX8ZFAGE8QAPJ24M3WVW
It basically made me think of my obsessions and intrusive thoughts in a formulaic way, which is super helpful when trying to remember what's actually real.
Of course, please talk to someone close to you and call emergency services for help if you need it.
Hot Cup of Joe: A Piping Hot Coloring Book with America's Sexiest Moderate, Joe Biden― a Satirical Coloring Book for Adults https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250274486/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_E3J76PVKDM78MHEDKVZF
It happens all the time…