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Some people prefer reading the compendiums . They collect 8 volumes in one book. The first compendium is basically like Season 1-4 of the show.
Personally, I prefer the volumes. . They collect 6 issues in one book. I like these better because the covers are much cooler than the compendium. You’ll save money and space with the compendium but I find those incredibly uncomfortable to read. They are big thick bible books. The volumes are much better for casual reading.
Issues are sold individually for 2.99-3.99 online.
Or you just can just read it online. Links aren’t allowed but you can find it with a quick google search.
EVERYONE BUY SUNSTONE RIGHT NOW!!! (:>_<:) That's were this art comes from. Sunstone Volume 1 (Sunstone Tp)
It's beautiful, lood, and sexy all while being a fun story about different couples/dynamics. Sorry I have to shill one of my favorite artists and they're work.
It’s called Saga - I just bought a used copy of the anthology on Amazon for like $25. About halfway through, and loving it so far.
Oh shit I’m jealous of you. The comic series is called Saga. It’s a space opera. Romeo and Juliet in space with nudity and violence written by Brian K Vaughan who is amazing, with art by Fiona Staples who is also amazing. It was the series that first got me into comics.
If you want to dip your toe in here is the first volume
If this really sounds like something you’re interested in here is the first hard cover deluxe edition which is bigger and has the first two or three volumes
Stay off of /r/SAGAcomic until you’re caught up because there are a lot of spoilers.
I'm surprised no one has put this here, but maybe everyone knows about it or maybe it's not exactly what you're looking for.
But I always put down Stjepan Šejić's Sunstone series when I can. But it's more story based I guess...
Have fun! There are comics for almost every kind of taste (I'm personally not the biggest Marvel/DC fan), so there's bound to be a series out there that's waiting for you to find it.
And for what it's worth, I didn't really do the general overview of Saga any justice since I was just trying to give some context for OP's pic.
You can pick up the first volume of the trade paperbacks for about $7.50 on Amazon, if you don't have a local comic book store you can go to. It collects the first six issues, and the series is currently on issue #36 (the sixth trade will be out soon). You can also find it at big box stores, like Barnes & Noble. They carry the hardback collection of #1-18 as well.
The Ultimate Collection books are beautiful, collect things sensibly, and are good value for a quality hardcover collecting so many issues (although if you just want a high pages/dollar ratio then you can't beat the Compendiums). 13-issues-worth in hardcover with extras for $22 on Amazon.
And buy their books if you wish to find out where these images are from 🥰
Sunstone Volume 1 (Sunstone Tp)
Sorry I have to shill for such and incredible artist and writer! 😤 (:>_<:)
I recommend:
>I've been trying to find Deadly Class volume 1 but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
It's available on [In Stock Trades](\)/MAY140626) and Amazon
Sounds like Monstress to me.
Edit: The preview on Amazon has the first few pages, which include the auction and the woman entering.
I'd recommend getting them from Amazon. They're almost half off on there. You can get all 3 compendiums (144 issues total) for around $100 vs. $180 retail.
How much are you willing to spend? There are about 150 issues total and the show is about to hit the arc that starts around issue #100. There are three compendiums out that collect 48 issues each. If you want a solid chunk of TWD to get the juices flowing, you'd save even more money by going the compendium route.
The first one is going for $36 on Amazon and it collects #1-48. About $0.75 per issue. If you like/love that, you could either continue collecting the compendiums (and have to wait about four years for the next compendium to come out, since TWD is usually on a 12-issues-per-year schedule except for a few events in the past that had an issue every two weeks), or you could start collecting the trades going forward and eventually pick up the trades that were in compendium one. It's up to you.
The name's Invincible.
(I was going to link to Wikipedia or TvTropes, but they're both full of spoilers. Amazon isn't.)
It's the artist who did the Sunstone comics (amazon link to the first one). The link before is a link to his deviant art site. It's fairly safe although he does do adult content.
Sana Takeda is the artist who does Monstress (another amazon link)
I write fantasy erotica and fantasy romance mainly, although I have also done sci-fi and horror.
Have you checked out Sunstone yet? It was a great gateway for me to start really learning and understanding the psychological and interpersonal aspects of BDSM, and it remains one of my favorite graphic novel series. It includes plenty of erotica, but its focus is on the relationships between the characters, and that's part of what helped me settle into a better understanding of BDSM.
Saga by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples.
Yeah it's kind of a confusing name when searchin for it. Using the writer and artist should clear that up
But here is an amazon link of paperback 1 just in case.
FYI, the series hasn't finished yet (they are exactly halfway) and the team just returned from a long break, and they are gonna take a new break after just 1 arc so noone knows when they will actually finish this thing.
1 last thing: when reading comics, marvel and dc are great, but never forget to look outside. There are so many amazing standalone titles (I must admit I'm only now actually starting to read them). I just started Something is Killing the Children, and got lots of stuff on my read list (Invincible, Radiant Black, East of West, Umbrella Academy, Department of Truth, and more)
I have been confusing the "Invincible Ultimate Collection(s)" (hardcover, each has ~13 issues) and the Compendiums!
Looks like the Kindle/ComiXology version is what will work best for me. I hear the paperbacks are so thicc that it's hard to actually read comfortably unless you're sitting at a table
I want to second this 10000% Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples are an absolute gift to the medium and Saga is as close to perfection as you can ever hope to get.
The series is currently on issue 57 it you can buy a compendium of the first 54 issues on Amazon or most local comic shops for an insanely good price
I’m also going to use this commend to highly recommend Brian K Vaughan’s other works Y: the last man (disregard the tv adaptation) and Paper Girls.
If you are a fan of comics you will adore these!
Here's a physical way to read it, but this only covers the first 13 volumes I believe.
The way I personally read it was through an app called comixology, because if you got a membership with them you could read half of the entire series for free. Things might be different now, but if you aren't interested in owning physical copies, that's probably your best way.
There are also completely free websites you can use that are easy to find, but it feels a little shameful to do so, so I won't link them here.
They were collected into four giant books called compendiums. The first one contains issues 1 -48. They sell for around £35 -£45 each. But they are worth the price in my opinion, this is how I bought them all.
Read it recently and found it very entertaining. The story is still ongoing.
Mi permetto di consigliarti SAGA, il mio fumetto preferito
C'è anche la versione in copertina rigida, la trovi come Deluxe
In basso puoi comprare tutti e tre i volumi Deluxe e pagare 99,75€
Get the first compedium, it's cheap and it has the first 48 issues of the series in a nice thick paperback book. If you prefer hardcovers, the hardcover books have 12 issues a piece
Saga by Brian K Vaughan is smart, funny, heart-breaking, and so much more. It's coming back in January and you can buy the 1,300 page compendium that contains the compete series up to this point for less than 50 bucks
I have a suggestion but it only covers part of your request. It's a graphic novel series and it is very soft science.
That being said, it is called Saga by Brian K. Vaughan. It is fantasy mixed with space. A planet and a moon at war, where one race is more in touch with nature and magic and the other have wings like fae. Two soldiers from each side fall in love. It is funny, weird, and definitely not for younger audiences.
Saga, Vol. 1 (Saga (Comic Series))
You're correct that Michonne has nothing to do with Seasons 1-4 but it's still a decent Telltale title and it's got some really brutal sequences, I'd give it a play but yeah just temper your expectations a bit.
You can read the comic here and then if you enjoy it you can buy the compendiums
Read sunstone if you haven't yet people. It is also available for free on one of their deviantart pages.
But only if you are legally old enough, and are ok with healthy (or well-defined, bad, but correctly worked through or explained) depictions of bdsm, relationships, and sexual orientation realization.