They sell something called Riddex. You plug it in to an outlet and it’s supposed to keep bugs away. I bought one because I had a similar issue and it worked for me a few years ago. They’re like 15 on Amazon. FWIW!
There is a product called RidX and that’s a chemical, that’s something else!
Here’s a link:
Riddex Plus Pest Repeller for Rodents and Insects, Plug-In Indoor Repellent
The use of rodent friendly wires in cars and everywhere else isn't new. I lived in a house that lost power one winter due to a squirrel eating the insulation of the power line (it would not make that mistake again).
I would recommend getting ultrasonic rodent repellent devices (like these). And plug one or two in the garage, as well as anywhere else in your home you have seen signs of them.
I got it...
It's an ultrasonic rodent repllent. Here's the link to that model on amazon.
It's a bot that gives you price history on your link from Amazon. I think it only does direct links, it won't pick up on embedded links like this one here.
Try getting one of these from Amazon - they work for me and my place is in the country in VT:
2019 Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Humane Mice Control Newest Electronic Insect Repellent 2 Pack Easiest Way To Reject Rodent Bed Bug Mosquito Fly Cockroach Spider Rat Home Animal No Kill Plug In
We had some rats in our (small) barn and it was impossible to secure to keep them out. I tried the bucket method to no success, and removing the feed every night was a pain. But what ended up doing it was one of those ultrasonic noise things, which I thought were just a bunch of nonsense. But the bigger ones actually work! Note: not the small plug-in ones. It took a couple weeks but they actually left. I also had a critter in my garage that it got rid of. A little pricey but worth it!
Loraffe Plug-in Rodent Repellent Ultrasonic 4-in-1 Pest Repeller Mouse Blocker Rat Deterrent Get Rid of Mice with Ultrasound Impulse LED Flashlights P
Here's the link for the ones I got...can't say for certain they work, but definitely haven't seen them like before. Our house backs up to a forrest preserve so I know they're out there. Have actually thought about plugging one into the 110v bed outlets as a precaution ha
>I joke that their family motto is "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas."
Funny, yet infuriating. I'm sorry this is falling to you, friend, but maybe you are the best one to do it, since you don't have the same emotional attachment to the place. You could invest in a few of those ultrasonic mice/spider repellers
I highly recommend getting several of these and placing them in strategic places around your house and yard. We’ve had some similar devices and haven’t had any Bigfoot problems at all.
Out of curiosity, what complex do you live in? Guess it doesn't really matter. I live in Southern Austin, near downtown.
This thread is great for advice, I have some baits now I'm going to use in my apartment.
In addition, I have these plug-ins I got from Amazon. They emit a frequency that bothers many pests (including cockroaches)
They're effective in tiny areas, like bedrooms, but not super great in a big wide kitchen. In addition to what is said here in the thread, I suggest you check this out:
My mother bought a bunch of ultrasonic pest repellers, from Bell + Howell, so dumb. I was curious so I used my UMIK and it didn’t record anything (now, it’s only rated up to 20kHz, so can’t verify validity above that, but still).
Neatmaster Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Electronic Plug in Indoor Pest Repellent, Pest Control for Home, Office, Warehouse, Hotel
Try this. It has worked for us. Good luck with it.
Maybe they bought one of those scammy rat repelents and they actually expect it to work?
Put this stuff at the corners of your garage door and you won't have any more mice in the garage. Works great.
Ultrasonic Mouse Repellants. They work wonders.
At home growing up, we used to get mice entering through our garage all the time in the winter and fall. (You learn quickly never EVER use mouse poison, they will just die in your walls). We put one by our garage bay doors, and one at the entrance to the house from the garage. Since then, we haven't had mouse spotting's inside in years.
Apartment I am currently at, we had a few small pest problems. We had mice in the basement, a common shared hallway/storage area, and house centipedes everywhere in the house. (I never knew these ungodly creepy creatures even existed until one 30 legged creature flew across the bedroom floor under the bed, never to be seen again, and gave me a few nights of restless sleep). Between our neighbor and I we deployed 8 Ultrasonic Repellants in the house. Mice stopped pretty fast. Within a few months, no more centipedes as well.
It's non lethal, and deters them from entering an area. Great on mice, but repels insects and such too. Takes a bit to work, not instant, but the noise is bothersome for them so anything that enters the house does not like it and leaves pretty fast. This is the model I have, "Neatmaster Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Electronic Plug in "
Before you do this though, I would talk to the building owner or your facilities for sure and work on a plan together. These things work wonders though. These to keep them out of the area, and sealing up the area and boxes as tight as you can will do.
Use this plug in
Found it 9 years ago. ants now completely gone
Also spiders mice rats and cockroaches hate it.
Does not affect my cat. Don't forget to reset it every so often
That sounds awful! I'm also super afraid of spiders and we get them in our basement every year. I plugged a few of those electronic pest repellant units into my wall and they emit a frequency that keeps out spiders pretty well (although some sneak through here and there but remarkably less than normal). They make a bunch of different brands and models but here's an example. Even if you use some poison or spray, plugging one or two of these in can help provide an extra layer of protection. Hope this helps!
Apparently the engine wires are coated in a soy-based product that is more eco-friendly, and they use peanut oil as a lubricant.
I jus ordered these that another commenter recommended. Good reviews and worth a try. But since you keep yours outside (I think), I don’t think they will be a good option for you.
My suggestion would be to get one of those electric frequency deterrents ( I got this oneand humane traps.
I was having a mouse issue in the summer and after using those traps I caught four or five within a week. When you catch them, you need to take them at least a mile away from where you are, otherwise the same ones will come back. After this I haven’t had a problem.
Ha, I have been looking at mouse traps and rodent deterrents for the past hour for my apartment and happened to stumble onto your post. I ran into this product on Amazon and it seems to have good reviews. Maybe give it a shot?
Amazon has sonic mouse traps that work quite well as long as they're not obstructed.
I've had mice before, but one I plugged these in, haven't had them again in 4 years.
found two dead in our house after we moved out of the basement after our construction project finished. they had the run of the basement for a couple of months before we realized what was going on and tried to restrict access in/out and remove food/water sources.
i am so paranoid it wasn't just two, but i don't believe i've seen more droppings after finding the second one dead.
what traps do people set? and sadly it looks like the balsam fir repellent doesn't actually work out in the open but does it if you put it in the superstructure?
For the ants, Spray with something harmless to plants, targeted at ants. For the Aphids, Ladybugs! Ladybug the crap out of them ! Here is where you can buy some very easily! I have bought live insects off amazon several times and never once have I been dissapointed. I know it sounds silly buying live insects online but it works ! Hope this is of Help ! :)