I'll just leave this here in case you're getting too much quality sleep at night.
We are horribly unprepared to deal with a cyber attack on our infrastructure and having worked in the industry I'm incredibly surprised it's taken this long.
A day doesn't meet my definition of "falling markets" More like a bearish reaction that will likely continue for a couple weeks. Of course some big foreign investors were going to sell with this news. This wasn't intended to prop up the stock market, it was intended to shore up local supplies of steel and aluminum. Commodities that are critical during times of war and for building new power grid transformers after a successful cyber attack. See: https://www.amazon.com/Lights-Out-Cyberattack-Unprepared-Surviving/dp/0553419986/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1520004513&sr=8-1&keywords=lights+out+ted+koppel&dpID=41DkSSMGZrL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
A book on the Radium girls was just published in the last few years! I remember a lot of articles, etc. coming out around that time, so I'm sure you could find some more podcasts on it. from early 2017.
WTF? I'm the first upvote to this? This is incredibly fucking concerning. Do people not realize the implications of this? If power is knocked out over a wide enough area for a long enough period of time (weeks, not months or years) they could bring the country to its knees, and potentially cause a collapse of our civilization as we know it. Apparently nobody has read Ted Koppel's Lights Out
I think you're conflating Eben Byers who drank huge quantities of Radithor (a radium-infused water) and extolled its virtues up until it killed him with the factory workers, who were all women as far as I know. There's a fantastic but heartbreaking book about them, The Radium Girls, that details what they went through to get recognition and compensation for some pretty devastating injuries.
Radium poisoning. It's not ever gonna happen to me, I hope, but god do I get chills whenever I read about the Radium Girls' injuries.
The Radium Girls are actually super interesting, and super fucking important, so I recommend researching them if you can stomach it. Not many people know about them, and it's really sad. Here's a good YouTube video by Georgia Marie, and I highly recommend the book The Radium Girls by Kate Moore-it's long, but super worth it.
Timing is everything. You don't have to believe me but I was told from someone very well connected in switzerland in the private banking sector that this is a bioweapon that targets certain DNA. He also told me that the real killer will be the vaccine which is a nanoweapon that will destroy immune system and be activated by 5G. I realize that sounds crazy and I actually have a recommendation for anyone here that reads this. Go read the book Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Fistenburg. The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, Firstenberg, Arthur, eBook - Amazon.com . Don't think of it as 5G was built to be a weapon thats backwards. As this book will help you understand, electricity has a HUUGGEE effect on our body. I don't want to go on a rant but I will tease you with one thing I learned from this book which is that the term "general anxiety disorder" that we prescribe Xanax and shit for, actually started as 'Neurasthenia' which was a disorder from the first electric exposure way back in the day.
This wouldn't surprise, they have the tech, but this pandemic is a hoax
A book called the Invisible Rainbow about the Spanish flu pandemic suggests it was caused by the new radio towers that were going up everywhere at the time. We're roughly 70% water, obviously radiation can have an adverse effect on us.
You could have a PhD...doesn't mean you know the health implications!
And many PhDs, make that the vast majority - have zero clue.
but try that...
Historical tale where exactly that occurred in the workplace: https://www.amazon.com/Radium-Girls-Story-Americas-Shining-ebook/dp/B01N7KMS7X
This is all an exact quote from the book "Lights Out"
Oh yeah, electrical pollution. 15 bucks on Kindle May be a little rich for my blood but you never know as it definitely has the crazy pants appeal :).
"We live today with a number of devastating diseases that do not belong here, whose origin we do not know, whose presence we take for granted and no longer question”
We did our first flame piece last year- you are welcome to PM me.
There is a great book on profane. Make: Fire: The Art and Science of Working with Propane https://www.amazon.com/dp/1680450875/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VyuOCbSGFNQX4
Also the people at poofersupply.com are burners and very helpful. They also occasionally give classes. We didn’t manage to take one, but heard good things.
Highly recommend those resources unless you are very knowledge about propane (your post implies that’s not the case)
Re material: For us, we were metal artists first. Five years of welding experience, some garage space and a stubborn attitude got a lot done. MIG welding is fairly quick to pick up (we honestly learned most of what we know from a weekend class and you tube videos, and lots of time burning ourselves in the garage). Steel is fairly easy to work with. Make friends with the people at the metal yard and have them use their big sheer to do major cuts for you, and you can do a lot of the rest with hand held power tools.
Keep it small and keep it simple would be wise advice- but no one who is making flame art for burning man wants wise advice. ;) so let’s go with this: try really hard not to blow yourself up.
The Invisible Rainbow is a book. You can buy it most anywhere books are sold.
Its not a "conspiracy" book. But it does discuss how humans and other wildlife are effected by EM radiation, and with every advancement of technology we seem to see an epidemic, pandemic, or have some other die off event (birds, bees, etc) until things adapt to the new fields. Usually respiratory or neurological ailments.
The book was published in 2017 (my copy atleast), and in the last 10 pages hes talking about the 5G rollout in Dec19/Jan20 and and some Starlink deployment and how we will no doubt see some kind of pandemic coincide with it.
The Invisible Rainbow is a book. You can buy it most anywhere books are sold.
Its not a "conspiracy" book. But it does discuss how humans and other wildlife are effected by EM radiation, and with every advancement of technology we seem to see an epidemic, pandemic, or have some other die off event (birds, bees, etc) until things adapt to the new fields. Usually respiratory or neurological ailments.
The book was published in 2017 (my copy atleast), and in the last 10 pages hes talking about the 5G rollout in Dec19/Jan20 and and some Starlink deployment and how we will no doubt see some kind of pandemic coincide with it.
Talking to makers who make them is def a great way-- i was also recommended this book, which is AMAZINGLY written, and walked me through making my own boosh/poofer, def check it out if interested! https://www.amazon.com/Make-Fire-Science-Working-Propane/dp/1680450875
Embedded systems are my thing (firmware engineer outside of burner world). But my friend literally wrote the book on poofers, and safe plumbing, I'd start there and then you can get into controlling the solenoids with arduinos and mosfets, switching hot surface ignitors with relays, etc.
This is going to be a very different recommendation from what others have posted here, but take a look at The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenburg. What you are describing could very well be caused by a high sensitivity to RF (radio-frequency emissions), and EMF (electromagnetic fields). So this would be from things like cell phones, routers, Bluetooth headphones, baby monitors, a cell phone towers.
It's something that can develop over time, and then suddenly get worse and manifest itself via various neurological symptoms.
This may not be the issue at all, but I try to mention this whenever I can as it's severely overlooked in the U.S., and our safety guidelines are outdated.
I encourage everyone to read a book called “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” by Arthur Firstenberg
Half of the 576pages are cited sources It is a profound read to say the least that should raise a handful of questions.
Book: Amazon Link
I also want to point out 5G is also the culprit. Go research thr danger of electromagnetic radiation. I highyly suggest you read " The INVISIBLE RAINBOW - A History of Electricity and Life " You could get this from on Amazon.
There's a great book about the Radium Girls, I'd highly recommend it.
I hear you, that test might tell me that it doesn't happen every time. But as long as it's not too time consuming, I just try and avoid additional exposure (I realize it's basically everywhere at this point, and will only get more intense).
This book may open a perspective on it for you "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life" https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Rainbow-History-Electricity-Life/dp/1645020096 But I acknowledge it's pervasiveness, similar to cigarette smoke before they banned indoor smoking. It was everywhere and almost pointless in trying to avoid it. It's crazy the amount of downvotes you get for even suggesting that it might pose a problem.
I usually go into airplane mode when sleeping.
I have no bluetooth devices. Neighbor's wifi is not detectable in my house (I've measured it). Yes, cell towers are strong sources, but they lessen with distance. I'm not close to one.
The RF issue is an inconvenient truth. No one wants to believe it's harmful, especially not the industry. The default attitude is "if it was harmful, then why would it be allowed." If you want to believe regulators and industry value your health over a global scale innovation, then go ahead.
Unfortunately the technology has become too important and enmeshed to consider its effects anymore. Most people will do a 15 minute search on this, find some articles on Forbes and proceed to say EHS isn't a real illness, RF isn't ionizing energy so it doesn't affect us, etc. All complete nonsense.
If you're interested, this book is an incredible look at electricity from its beginnings to now, including effects on all living things: "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life"
Worth noting that it started in 1917 but it went on for decades. One suit didn't even get settled until the late 30's. It was incredibly fucked up. As depressing as it is, the book about it was a great read.
This is a good book for ignorant people like you: The Invisible Rainbow
Trapped Under the Sea: One Engineering Marvel, Five Men, and a Disaster Ten Miles Into the Darkness https://www.amazon.com/dp/0307886727/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glc_fabc_AMNVZ53D9ATZ8KT6KVN0
Its not a trade book, but it's a good book about accountability, planning, and all the terrible things that can go wrong. Written by the same guy that wrote A Perfect Storm.
Read “The Invisible Rainbow” linked here all technological advancements have been detrimental to human health and safety
Fun fact: it's already a target.
Ted Koppel wrote a book years ago warning about it.
The only reason why our infrastructure hasn't been fucked with is because we'd be bombing the shit out of whatever country did it the next day. Even for this pipeline, it's quickly becoming clear that the hackers probably didn't realize how important of equipment they fucked up and now they are backtracking.
FWIW, this is good reason to always have some kind of backup plan. Whether it's already keeping some gas cans prefilled or a backup generator or whatever.
That reminds me of The Radium Girls. I don’t think I’ve ever taken so long to finish reading a book because I could only stomach reading a little at a time.