The Principles of Product Development Flow. This is nuclear powered awesomeness.
The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development
Here's the book I used.
I'll see if I even have a PDF tonight. This book is old but the concepts never change. IF you read it thoroughly (don't be lazy and skim), it does a good job of holding your hand through the topics. I like it because it's written like toolbox you can use to solve problems. Amazon shows it at around $30, I highly recommend buying it since you said you're committed to a long term endeavor.
What the book does lack is modern overview of how OR is done with programming languages specific to OR, general use languages, and most importantly Excel. You can use Excel and free plugins to perform most of your linear programming needs (look up Solver for Excel). This is good because everyone has Excel and you'll be able to share your templates and solutions.
Mostly talking about what is written in this book :
Like estimating and calculating cost of delay, which is extremely useful for prioritization of both new features and improvements to existing system.
Or considering cycle time, queue sizes, work in progress and batch sizes and how they affect feedback. And understanding how significant value of early feedback is.
This is the textbook we used in my engineering program
Introduction to Mathematical Programming: Operations Research, Vol. 1 (Book & CD-ROM)
Agile-adjacent perhaps? I was introduced to this by a former boss, and describes the engineer process in a more agile way.
Just to vouch: I recently bought a used physical copy of Operations Research (10th ed.) for just under USD$50 on Abe. It was 200 on Amazon.
Looking for the following book will pay $6 for pdf or epub file
Well... radio communication systems are fairly complex and it's not like an Arduino kind of deal where you could bread board things and make it work. There are many system level, modulations type, hardware, and software considerations that need to be worked out. Modern RF transceivers are designed by a group of engineers each with a different specialty. For example one designs the oscillators, one designs the amplifier, another one does the system integration, a somebody is doing the digital interface and software work. Here is a decent book on receiver architecture. Here is a more circuit design related text. You can also search for a communications systems text books for a more thorough treatment.
Now if you just want to make something work like RC toys (for the lack of a better word), there are RF TX/RX IC's readily available that have the whole system integrated with a digital interface. I suggest searching for "RF Transceivers" on Texas Instruments, Analog Devices, MAXIM, Microchip, and Cypress. They typically have a demo board that has everything you need on a board to start.
I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you have more questions. I do RF and microwave circuit design for living.
Cool idea. If you go into business with multiple friends, you can look at the cake-cutting book for other ways to set up the contract.
Well, that is the name of the class dealing with linear programming I have to take. This is my book. What a nut buster of a senior class. The material isn't overly difficult, my teacher is just pretty crappy.
What kinda software do you use to do this in the real world? We use excel (I use open office but same deal). There has to be something better in the world than excel's solver. It is really the choke point in tests and the like. We get questions like, XYZ add agency has to make 57 ads. There are 3 stages, and each stage has a cost associated to it, a maximum amount of uses, and each stage has another cost associated with moving between the two. Formulate a model and determine the lowest cost. That and route max/min problems.