/u/BarBareek if you're going to keep posting pages of this book, could you comment source. It's the polite thing to do.
Source: https://www.amazon.de/100-Deadly-Skills-Operatives-Surviving/dp/147679605X
Online copy: http://index-of.es/Varios-2/100%20Deadly%20Skills.pdf
you make it sound as if I personally take some EU funds. And you have a really condescending attitude. "You take our money, we helped you, so you must listen as we tell you". From my perspective (I am Czech), it was Germany and Russia who fucked my country up 80 years ago. One side Nazis killing slavic people because they were untermenschen, on the other side fucking USSR. If it were not for these two countries, communism would not have decimated eastern Europe. You need some history lessons
and nowadays we see history repeating itself. Gemany is no more nazistic and imperialistic, but it is spineless and enabling another fascist Regime, which is current Russia. Russia is again threatening other countries
That's actually the name of the book that the film is based on. Not sure why it wouldn't have the correct name though.
Thanks! Snyder is a great writer. Bloodlands is definitely worth the read -- it's a look at the mass killings under the Hitler and Stalin regimes. If that sounds like both-sides-ism or something, it's more like 'political mass murder' is itself the center of the story, often told from the point of view of its victims.
I rarely see Frost take responsibility for the teams mistakes.
He needs to read this book:
I only heard this song once at bootcamp, as Money_breh said, during the capping ceremony.
My RDCs played an interview with David Goggins or an audiobook of Extreme Ownership on Sunday mornings.
PoeticalBliss is a hall of fame copypasta. You aren’t. That’s all that needs to be said. Nobody cares that you work with Ben, or whatever else you claim.
Your constant moaning about Bliss is getting in the way of the game, and it’s ridiculous hearing you double down on your art of copypasta BS. Length has nothing to do with the art in copypasta. Length gives you an advantage in the art of copypasta. That’s all it does. The art in copypasta is literally run-on sentences and controlling your thesaurus, and no amount of crap is ever going to change that.
Stop being a smug tool.
Short and sweet: during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan we were sending a shitload of weapons to the Afghanis through Pakistan. The paki isi(their cia) pretty much gave everything to the taliban. The northern alliance got shit. The pakis (isi)and the talis pretty much teamed up wrg to weapons/training/etc. To top it off the feds were so impressed with the paki/tali religious dedication and a lot of our cash funded madrassas which in turn radicalized a shit ton of people which lead us into the situation we’re in now. It’s fucking absolutely nuts. If you want to read an amazing account of that whole ordeal I highly recommend “Ghost Wars”. And the follow up “Directorate S”
We basically caused 9/11 the rise of the taliban, the shitshow going on now and pretty much every terrorist attack claimed by isis and a lot more. I can’t even find the words to describe how I felt after absorbing everything.
The audiobook is great and there’s so much crazy shit thst pops up your constantly like “WTF!!”
Your mentality just leads to an easy out of taking any responsibility for anything.
Sure we can use these extreme hypotheticals like a truck materializing out of nowhere and annihilating someone, but, when do you actually hear people taking about luck most often? It's in day to day life, about day to day things. People hate the idea that they're in control of their own lives and luck isn't a big factor, because it suggests that their shortcomings are their own fault and not some nebulous force they can offload all of the blame onto.
I strongly recommend this book: https://www.amazon.ca/Extreme-Ownership-U-S-Navy-SEALs/dp/1250067057
I would add Horse Soldiers to your list.
The book that these bullet points come from is called Bloodlands:Europe between Hitler and Stalin, and is extremely in depth and readable.
OP you should read Eric Haney's book, it's slightly dated now but still an amazing read.
> Complaining doesn't get shit done.
This video and the book kinda reflect that thinking. I won't lie and say I live like this, but it teaches you something. Well worth the read.
Eh, Israel would definitely lose this war. Arab militaries are mostly weak and poorly run (1, 2), but Turkey, Nigeria, and Indonesia all have fairly effective militaries. Also, Morocco and Egypt, the two most powerful and effective Arab militaries, would not be sitting this war out like they have more recent Arab-Jewish wars.
Of course, that disparity in military effectiveness sort of explains why this whole idea is laughable. This entire pseudo-state would effectively result in a few powerful cultures and militaries dominating everyone else, supposed brotherhood in Islam be damned. It would basically be a renewed Ottoman Empire, with Turks in the drivers' seat alongside Indonesians and a few other chosen peoples. I'm fairly certain the last time this happened there were one or two Arab revolts.
Check out Bloodlands if you want see just how bad it was in Eastern Europe and why Russia believes the Ukraine belongs to them.
It's hard to say, not knowing your friend or what she is doing.
I bought a whole case of these books to give to everyone in an office I was advising. The book sparked a lot of beneficial conversations.
>In the 1930's there were senior US Army officers saying we'd never stop using man's best friend, the horse because automobiles were too unreliable and tanks didn't have the ability to travel at distance.
I mean... https://www.amazon.com/Horse-Soldiers-Extraordinary-Victory-Afghanistan/dp/1416580522
I struggled with imposter syndrome also - and still do sometimes. I think it’s a normal metal reaction that’s probably tied to a predisposition to the ‘flight’ response.
For me, I take my leadership style from Extreme Ownership. It’s not for everyone but it worked (and still does) for me.
I would recommend this book (assuming of course your not some disingenuous Marxist arguing in bad faith) it will explain the many reasons why you are wrong!
Related note, this is a very good study of Arab military ineffectiveness: https://www.amazon.com/Armies-Sand-Present-Military-Effectiveness/dp/0190906960
I've been recommended to read Armies of Sand to explain how Arab militaries consistently go to shit and lose wars they have no right losing; so maybe I'll be able to get some answers from that, since it takes a deep look into Arabic culture and the background of the various countries in the region.
Book doesn't come until Saturday though and it'll probably take me a few weeks to get through it if work is busy.
There was a cool author at your event, I think he wrote a book you might want to read.
I've joked before about how the ignorant Russian soldiers don't know what an indoor toilet is but here is a quote from a truly superb book I'm reading at present, Bloodlands - Europe between Hitler & Stalin. (can't RECOMMEND it highly enough!)
When Germany & Russia secretly agreed to 'share' Poland - in Russia's portion, they brought in Russian communist party persons to take charge of this area:
>"The Soviet Citizens who now ruled Eastern Poland were falling off bicycles, eating toothpaste, using toilets as sinks, wearing multiple watches, or bras as earmuffs , or lingerie as evening gowns."
I joked but the TRUTH is not far off - this is a quote from a truly superb book I'm reading at present, Bloodlands - Europe between Hitler & Stalin. (can't RECOMMEND it highly enough!)
When Germany & Russia secretly agreed to 'share' Poland - in Russia's portion, they brought in Russian communist party persons to take charge of this area:
>"The Soviet Citizens who now ruled Eastern Poland were falling off bicycles, eating toothpaste, using toilets as sinks, wearing multiple watches, or bras as earmuffs , or lingerie as evening gowns."
Funny thing is I made the joke before I read this portion of the book!
That is an incredibly simplistic and also largely incorrect assessment of what actually transpired. Contrary to popular opinion, the US did not support extremists in Afghanistan to counter the commies.
This is an amazing, amazing book that presents a very thorough recounting of the Soviet invasion and it’s aftermath by Steve Coll, a Pulitzer winner who’s currently the head of Columbia's school of journalism. I can’t recommend it enough.
Sounds like the typical communist mass murder psychosis driven propaganda against religion. If you must read something that stirs up your humanity, I recommend this book: Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder
>According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million. At least 106,300 Russian clergymen were executed between 1937 and 1941.
I have a couple of other reading suggestions for you. (Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy... https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250183863?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)[*Extreme Ownership*, by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin], and (The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0735211736?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)[*The Daily Stoic*, by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman].
Extreme Ownership talks about personal accountability and will empower you to take control of your life by “owning” everything in your life, hence “extreme” ownership. The Daily Stoic is formatted to be read one page a day for a year, though it’s perfectly fine to read it however you like. Each page is dedicated to one or two quotes from the classical Stoics, such as Marcus Aurelius and Seneca, and then discusses the application of the concept of that quote in modern life. Stoicism is, essentially, the philosophy of finding peace through learning how to let things go.
For instance, my opinion given the story you’ve told here, is that you should let go of your parents, and let go of the desire to have better parents growing up. You can’t change the past, so focusing on it does you no good. Let the past be the past. Focus instead on what you have now, what you can control now. One thing you have control over is who you allow into your life, which means you can keep your parents out of your life. Frankly, I think that you should. You don’t need people like them. I’ve completely cut myself off from my own family, so I’m speaking from experience. I don’t need them. I have what I need, and anything that I don’t have, I have the agency to acquire it for myself. My family is unwanted and unnecessary, and so they will remain disconnected from my life. Not their choice. Mine.
2001 they were used.
they used horses that were born and bred in the region and learned fast from the local who had generations of knowledge on using horses in that area.
we even built a statue. https://www.911memorial.org/connect/blog/horse-soldier-statue-dedicated-liberty-park
10 years or so prior i happend to work with one of the guys on that team the book is about. He had never rode a horse before that deployment. they figured it out on the fly and used the locals for care and feeding of the horses. helped that the horses are easy to replace so if one goes down two more are around to replace it with.
The best book on leadership I ever read or I guess I should say the one that resonated with me and my personality the most is Extreme Ownership. It basically teaches the leadership style of there's no bad teams, only bad leaders and has you as the leader adapt the mentality that everything is your fault, even when it isn't.
I won't lie at times it's exhausting having this mentality but it definitely is effective.