You Can Start with Ilan Pappé the etnic cleaning of palestine
Or you can read Obstacles To Peace By Jermery R Hammond!
or anything By Norman Finkelstein
The records on these decisions are well-established and pretty uncontroversial. If you're looking for fringe accounts or "unconventional" interpretations, be careful - there's a good reason these accounts remain on the fringes, and it's not some conspiracy; they are unsubstantiated and poorly researched.
Having said that; this book is recent and spans the period you're looking at: American Foreign Relations: A New Diplomatic History
I already did in a previous reply. Here it is again.
Actually, read The Fourteenth Day....Kennedy was still using the exiles in another ploy to invade Cuba. And do you know what excuse he was going to use....make sure that Cuba gave up his weapons of mass destruction.
Another great look at life as a 20th century spook is in The Good Spy: The Life and Death of Robert Ames. It's a fantastic read about Ames' development as chief analyst in the Middle East DO, the history of conflict in the region, and the bombing of the US embassy in Beirut.