I strongly advise against this, you will destroy your IG account!
There are tons of ways to gain followers that won't hurt your account, be patient.
If you need detailed instructions you can check out my eBook where I explain the methods for growing an IG account
You can prevent it by changing your username, by doing this your profile link will change and the bots will not be able to find your page.
Unfortunately you will have to remove the existing bot followers manually
You are completely right with wanting to grow organically, bot accounts will destroy your chances of that. I have also written an eBook where I talk about organic growth and what bot followers do to an account.
Yeah promoted posts are useless for growing your account, iWiking had a good tip already. There are many things you can do, like shoutouts, giveaways etc.
If you really want to know more I'd suggest you this eBook it has a lot of useful information that helps grow an IG account packed together
The source for the original article from NY times this quote was taken from is Taubman's autobiography.
The exact quote is this :
Well, it turned out that customers preferred the taste of our fresh beef over traditional fast-food hockey pucks. Hands down, we had a better product. But there was a serious problem. More than half of the participants in the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. "Why," they asked, "should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us." Honestly. People thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound. After all, three is less than four!
There's no other source, data or anything besides the CEO's word that his massive marketing scheme was definitely not his fault and it was obviously just because americans are too stupid to do math.
It's possible folks back then were bad at math, but it's far more likely Taubman was passing blame, as is the tradition of CEO's everywhere since the beginning of time.
The best way to advertise is to have something people want to buy and a very clear one-line value proposition on how it will change someone's life for the better. Building a Story Brand is one of the most approachable and easily implementable books on creating marketing content, with great examples, and even a step-by-step guide to your home page.
Generally, beyond that, most "free" marketing actually means that you put effort into it. For example, content marketing where you gather a library of helpful resources that attract people, and occasionally advertise your product/service along with it. u/bawlerblog posted a comment in this thread where the offer free content marketing advice (For tech related niches). Even if that's not your niche, there will probably be other people offering a free content-marketing strategy session who are hoping to sell their services that way.
The other thing people do is create a free download to attract people who will sign up to your email list (and who you can then advertise to). The easiest way to create this is to create a free guide/tool/step-by-step exercise PDF that will make someone else's life easier. This adds an extra step in advertising, but it has the benefit of allowing you to offer something for free rather than immediately asking for something.
I'd create a brand messaging framework to reflect back to and re-wireframe your website with new copy. If you can't hire a conversion copywriter + designer, I highly recommend reading Building a StoryBrand. I work in this field and it's totally worth the investment of time and/or money–whichever you prefer. I use this method and so far, all but 1 of my marketing clients made their money back within the first 2 months. Copy is powerful!
A good advice I found reading the book Content Machine:
You can't have SEO traffic at the beginning, it takes several months. Just posting your links on LinkedIn, Facebook, Reddit won't bring you lot of traffic.
You need to post valuable content on external platforms. Share your knowledge! :)
I am still learning the promotion end myself. For starters I am trying to build a collection of listeners who become advocates. That means getting them involved. Asking their opinions. Shouting them out. Thanking them for listening. I try to use social media to create content for people - not just to ask them to listen. I primarily use Facebook, my show has it's own page, and Twitter.
Facebook is more intimate. I ask people their thoughts on the different shows and films that are out there. I engage them, etc. I use Twitter to try to build relationships with fellow podcasters and potential fans. I like to comment on and promote other peoples' shows -- stuff like that. You really have to give a lot, and you have to be genuine. People know if you're a snake trying to just promote yourself.
There is a book called, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook amazon link it was totally worth the time to read. It explains a lot of the mistakes that people make with social media.
As for the tech-side of things --- Adobe Audition. It sucks because it isn't cheap, but it is incredible and super intuitive. I actually pay monthly for it, but will just buy it straight out soon.
When I was on a Mac I used Garage Band, and then on PC I used Audacity. Audacity isn't bad at all - but I decided to just make the move early to Audition.
THANKS for the compliment BTW. Hope you enjoyed the show.
found this book on amazon...could help you out (not an affiliate...just making a suggestion..rather than downvoting your post like all these other douche bags):
There's literally a best-selling book on all this. I suggest you read it.
Here's an excerpt on Amazon's successful predatory pricing.
It really depends, there are a lot of ways of how you can work on your engagement rate and "save" your account again.
I would suggest that you try to resurrect your account but if you notice that it is hopeless just start over.
You need to know that a lot of people are facing a lower engagement on Instagram in general and this is due to one of their newer updates.
If you notice that things are hopeless you can just start over, check out this eBook about Instagram Growth to make sure that you keep a healthy account
There are a lot of things you can do to increase your engagement, I'll list some below
These are things that can help you out a lot, if you want more detailed information I would highly recommend you to read my eBook about Instagram marketing
I started one my account last month and got it to 1.1k followers. The first few stages are rough but once you got an engaging audience the growth becomes easier and faster.
I used the methods described in this eBook
Once you know what you need to do it's not as hard anymore
There are many methods for growing your account.
Use of Hashtags, Shoutouts, Engagement Groups, Engaging with other people on IG etc.
If you are really into growing your account you should check out this eBook it contains all you need.
Create your own, this is the best and easiest way =)
if you are interested in more you could check out my recently published eBook which contains engagement groups and how to start one successfully
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If you are really interested - this book tells the whole story
He went through so much hard work setting the Amazon up, it's a fascinating read.
Given that I am trying to bring the audience to speed quickly on something they would unfamiliar with, I would apply the principles outlined by something like Story Brand.
In the ad I would want to:
Identify how this product addresses a felt need, enables the person to achieve an aspirational perspective of themselves, concluding how your company could guide them and how your product accomplishes that goal. I think of the way apple interacted with the budding portable music player market.
Read The Everything Store and first hand accounts – Amazon is known for paying below market rates, having shit benefits, doesn't have any of the perks of companies like Google or Facebook, requires soul-crushing overtime and yearly reviews make it difficult for anyone outside of the top performers to actually stay long enough (usually 4 years) to vest their stock options.
Amazon HQ2 will bring more jobs, but they will not be desirable jobs for people already in the tech industry.
There are better ways to learn than from a book, but this one is good to get a sense of the fundamentals
- But to really learn well I would suggest you either try and implement what you read by promoting your own website/blog. Thats the best way to learn. You'll see traffic coming into the website, your rankings improving, you'll learn how to 'ask' people to promote you.
DO try this on your own blog/website.
Good luck!
i certainly will This reminds of a very famous book about, how people that give free information usually win more business than people trying hard to win business
I definitely agree - it's a long term strategy that I figure the quicker I start, the quicker I see results. I've recently read this book and was inspired to get traffic without spending on advertising, definitely a great a read if you haven't checked it out!
Well, this reply is buried, but the TIL is sourced from a book written by a former A&W franchisee who hired Yankelovich, Skelly and White, a well-known marketing research firm to figure out why they weren't selling. The relevant passage from the book:
> Well, it turned out that customers preferred the taste of our fresh beef over traditional fast-food hockey pucks. Hands down, we had a better product. But there was a serious problem. More than half of the participants in the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. "Why," they asked, "should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us." Honestly. People thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound. After all, three is less than four!
A&W eventually renamed their burger since the 1/3 pound label confused people.
Social media is absolutely NOT dead in the least! It's not over saturated. The problem is most people use it wrong. Big brands tend to have teams of people to work on their social media, therefore they're often better at it. Check out Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk!
Also a great podcast is Marketing Smarts on Itunes.
I would show your friend how to use twitter search to find conversations she'll be interested to get involved in and contribute. The important thing here is to be natural, conversational and reflect her own personality.
Twitter is a cocktail party, have fun with it, work the room.
I cannot recommend Gary Vaynerchuk's Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook enough. There are case studies on success stories for every major social network.
He also does a youtube q&a which has anything between 5 and 1 episodes a week.
Not sure on the content/goals for the twitter account but if your friend is in fashion then instagram & pinterest should be high on the list as well.
I'll have to disagree with /u/Mikey118, don't schedule tweets. Remember how I said to be natural & conversational? Scheduled tweets can be spotted a mile away and like banner ads we have a natural filter for this now. Everything else Mikey recommends is bang on the money.