I would recommend not doing that. If I were you, and you really do want this cert, then Id suggest the "Courseware Only" option on their site. Then I would recommend throwing their course materials in the trash where it belongs and using Boson exam simulator and reading the All in One from Amazon cover to cover. That should prepare you for the exam. If you check my post history I also have some notes that I put on here, There are also much better notes from different redditors on this site, just check the top of all time posts on this subreddit.
I had to get this exam as part of a DoD 8570 Requirement and I have a lot of negative opinions towards the EC Council and the Cert.
This is just my personal opinion, but the two sources I linked will more than prepare you for the exam.
Good luck on your Journey!
I honestly have no idea between the differences of the two without looking it up. I took my Net+ back in 2007. The new test and objectives should be fun because it covers all the new things out there to include SCADA. Pretty good stuff.
From my experience doing certs, I really love the "All-In-One" series books. Mike Myers has been authoring the Network+ (and other books) for a while now and he has a book on Amazon for the n10-006 version. I would highly recommend getting that!
I really like Internet Routing Architectures and BGP Design and Implementation. Taken together, they provide a good overview of design/scaling considerations and provide some sample topologies that align closely with real-world networks. (Those Amazon links should be generic, non-referral ones.)
I'd be curious to see if others have other resources, though!
I strongly recommend the Comptia Network+ Exam Book. I've had it for a while now, and you will learn quite litterly everything there is to know about the backbone of networking and the internet. It's meant as a preparation for the CompTIA Network+ Certification, which certifies you are competent enough to work in a networking environment, and is very comprehensive (~ 600 pages). It was invaluable for my positions in cybersecurity.
Jeremy's IT Lab. He has the full CCNA certification course on YouTube and Teachable. YouTube is free, while the course on Teachable is $49, I think. Other than that, the only difference between the two is that any videos he uploads will be uploaded more quickly to the Teachable app rather than YouTube.
CBT Nuggets is also an excellent supplement to a certification guide. While I've not found Wendell Odom's OCG particularly helpful, I've found a CCNA book on Amazon that is really good.
The problem is that 008 just came out not too long ago, so all of the usual sources are still developing new materials. 007 hasn't been retired yet and has a boatload of materials, and a lot of the content creators are suggesting to take that instead (because it covers fewer things).
Anyway, Professor Messer has got about 4/5 of his videos out for 008 so far here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As6g6IXcVa4&list=PLG49S3nxzAnlCJiCrOYuRYb6cne864a7G. I like his videos as ways to review stuff I've learned through a textbook. I'm using Meyer's All-in-One book to study for 007 right now, which has been decent, except that the chapters cover a little too much for my tastes. His 008 book doesn't come out until January: https://www.amazon.com/CompTIA-Network-Certification-N10-008-Comptia/dp/1264269056
The book I would recommend is CompTIA Network+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, Seventh Edition (Exam N10-007) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1260122387/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_NHK2Z4SAZGVP6FC9XHZV
I have used a book like this when studying for other certs.
Feel free to ask questions here or DM me if you have something in particular. Happy to help.
You want your CISSP and your CEH next.
Even if you don't have any intentions of going into the offensive half of cyber, those certifications are more than worth the time and money you'll spend to get them in terms of the doors they'll open to you.
I've been looking for this as well. As you've said, pretty new so the main course material looks like it is that ridiculous $300 course from Cisco: great if your org will pay for it, not so great if you're trying to get an org in the first place.
Not a whole lot so far. There are a couple question/answer sheets available on Amazon's kindle marketplace. The "All-in-One" folks appear to be producing a CCT/CCNA book that will publish on December 11th. I've liked their stuff for CompTIA materials.
Udemy also has a few practice tests available for purchase, but they don't have a lot of ratings yet.
Beyond that, there are of course a whole slew of dubious question dump sites where you can download new and exciting viruses.
I will likely go for this cert in the future, and will use the All-in-One materials. Hope this helps!
Thanks 🙂
The only book I jave used is this and its highly recommendend 🙂 AIO
I think this book will shape your knowledge more than the exam 😃
CompTIA press is waaay too pricey. Amazon usually has great discounts on the Mike Meyers All-in-One book. Yeah, 48% off today. We can't sell the book for any less:
Just get a book to study from on Amazon (like this one), maybe watch some Professor Messer training videos on YouTube if you want, and then sign up to take the exams.
It would help if you told us which book you were using, I believe in using a minimum of two different sources, have you looked over the Prof Messer vids on utube ?
Here's one on sale, maybe you have it ...
It's called out pretty clearly in the description, but it should be version 4. The Boson questions are definitely closer to the exam, and the practice questions at the end of each chapter of the AIO are good as well.
It's certainly worth a go. I'd read through a guide, such as this:
Then email EC-Council and explain that you have been working in IT security for 3 years (ok, so you might need to exaggerate a bit here), and that you'd simply like to take the exam, as you feel you already know the information contained in their syllabus.
You might get a few back and forths, but if they are playing hardball, say that your manager has only given you enough in the training budget for one cert this year, and you've chosen the CEH exam, but can't get the funds for the whole course. I expect they'd rather you pend the money on taking their exam, than went elsewhere.
To be honest though, you're probably better off buying the book to study anyway, then taking the OSCP cert from OffSec
Anyone have? $5. I had the PDF from a friend but hes away until tomorrow and I could use it today
I got this one from Amazon. But N10-006 is retiring in about a week, so you would want N10-007. The price is about the same.
I used Mike Meyers' Book exclusively and passed.
I took the Net+ in November before I enrolled at WGU. I read through the Mike Myers Network+ Passport book and passed the exam no problem YMMV
Thanks a lot! Did you have prior networking experience before getting certified?
What books/resources did you use to learn and prepare for the CCNA (I assume routing & switching) and Security+? I currently have this book which I'm using to learn networking fundamentals.
u/ricosiphone is right about the day one books. For tips and tricks, there are a couple of Day One Cookbooks on Juniper's site. You could also try the book from O'Reilly : https://www.amazon.com/JUNOS-Cookbook-Time-Saving-Techniques-Configuration/dp/0596100140
CompTIA Network+ Great book as an introduction all around view of the subject.
Forget what I have turned on, followed pretty much what was in one of these books, can't remember which: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/0596100140
They are both pretty good reads for learning juniper stuff. Good for best practices etc.
So, that is one of the more unstructured parts of the test. https://www.amazon.com/CompTIA-Network-Guide-Sixth-N10-006/dp/0071848223/ref=pd_sim_14_10?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0071848223&pd_rd_r=QSX1FVN4EZYPJ15V106F&pd_rd_w=1058E&pd_rd_wg=m3GMP&psc=1&refRID=QSX1FVN4EZYPJ15V106F Meyers questions in their books often are very close and prepare people for the real deal. I used A+ and Sec+ by them.
I can tell you the Professor Messer videos are good, but in my opinion nowhere near enough to pass the Network+. I recommend the Mike Myers book and Darril Gibson's practice questions . Good luck!
No. It's a lot of unnecessary work. Study for them, sure; do the Skillport modules , even though they aren't super helpful. If anything it'll knock out some busy work for you during the course. I'd recommend buying Passport books for both Net+ and Sec+ (Net+ passport book) and using those as your main study material. If you hit that hard before you go and for the month that you're here before you take the certs I'm 90% sure you'll pass.
If we are talking about which class to take, I would say take the programming class.
I say this not because its more valuable, but because programming can be harder to properly learn on your own. If you have a good instructor he will stress things such as the importance of commenting your code and writing it so that its modular and therefore easier to reuse in other applications you may write later. These are concepts that many people who are self taught struggle with in the beginning.
For the networking part, I would simply pick up book such as the Mikey Meyers Network+ study guide and read it in your spare time. It shouldn't take you more than a month or so of studying to get to the point you will be able to pass that exam.