If it's just 1 child, maybe getting one of these https://www.amazon.com/followme-FollowmeTandemkupplung-FollowMe-Drawbar-Bicycles/dp/B007ABVE4I?th=1 to tow them behind you until you get to the safer road.
Haven't tried it myself, but considering a similar solution.
I installed a FollowMe Tandem - Parent-Child Bicycle Coupling https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007ABVE4I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WAJ02XX6G9ZEYFQ3X8BR on my Larry vs Harry cargo bike. My elder daughter is now 10 and has been riding a 26” two wheeler for a few years but her stamina is still building for anything more than 6 miles. I love the FollowMe because it keeps her pedaling if she wants, and also it takes only a minute to take on and off. We use it for morning bike to school every morning as well.
You should consider one of these balance bikes. It is a lot easier for a kid to learn to ride and then the transition to a pedal bike is easy.
My 2.5 yr Old rides the 14" and his bigger 5yr Old brother has the 16". 12" would be too small.
RoyalBaby BMX Freestyle Kids Bike, Boy's Bikes and Girl's Bikes with training wheels, Gifts for children, 14 inch wheels, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HXGSBXC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_X.AbAb4XK0NR2
Balance bikes will ride like regular bikes and don’t get stuck on uneven surfaces, easily gliding over rocks, dirt, curbs and even jumps. Kids ride them all on their own with the balance bike. I used to have a no pedal bike for my nephew’s third birthday. It comes with ring bell awesome that makes it looks like a real bicycle. Set chair can be adjusted which depends on how tall your kid is. What I most likely is that it is so light that you can just lifted in just one hand.
Pedal bikes are also much heavier than balance bikes, making them more difficult to learn to balance. For kids aged 5 and up, removing the pedals is an option, but is unpractical for toddlers and preschoolers. While balance bikes something like these are prepared for kids to ride a bike, they also offer years of fun and independence before they are tall enough to fit on the smallest pedal bike.
Balance bikes are not one-size-fits-all, they come in many sizes – the smallest bikes fit toddlers in 18-months clothes while the largest are actually designed for adults. Typically, toddlers and kids enjoy balance bikes from ages 18 months to 5 years old. Just like reddit! bike that made to fit from ages 2 to 5 years old, Kids can fit on a balance bike whose minimum seat height is an inch less than their inseam (measured crotch to floor).
How old is he/she? We gave this to our son at age 3, and within a summer he was balancing just fine. He used it till he was 5 1/2 (yesterday) when we got him the big boy bike, and we never put training wheels on it. Just told him to ride like it was his balance bike, except he could peddle. Now my youngest uses it and has already moved from walking the bike forward to picking his feet up.
The only downside to the balance bikes is that they get too small really fast. We really should have gotten him a real bike last year, based on size....
I would borrow a balance bike and see if that works for her. I wish I had put my kiddo on one when he was little. He also doesn't have the best balance.
Something like this. I'd look on CL though.
They actually make pedal-less bikes now! But it seems like you were ahead of the curve!
It's really cool that you taught your brother how to ride.
I'm was just waking by the bikes, not looking to teach, but I appreciate the luck anyhow (:
Its the new thing in teaching kids to ride bikes. They start with a push bike, and supposedly will never need training wheels. Since they don´t have to worry about pedalling, its easier to work on their balance, and on steering.
Basically whenever we leave the house for a walk, my 2 and half year old is riding his (though its not quite as nice as OPs). He can´t/wont keep with us walking, but put him on the bike and its hard to keep up with him. He can do a few kms that way too.