It’s called a knitting thimble! It keeps your strands straight and makes it easier to pick up each color. I got mine “free” (plus shipping) on Wish, looks like Amazon has them, too
I was recently gifted the Amour Crochet Hook Set and it is amazing! The hooks glide right through the stitches and I can crochet for hours without my hands cramping/getting sore. I highly recommend!
As already mentioned, a yarn winder could be helpful too if she doesn’t have one! And I know it’s not considered personal, but I love getting gift cards – I usually always have a yarn on deck that I want to buy so most of the time, I’d rather get a gift card so I can pick what I what!
Edit: the hook set is available on amazon for $36
I bought one of these and always thought it was kinda nifty. Unfortunately it's just the pendant, and not a chain. In my opinion, having a yarn cutter around my neck is pretty handy!
Yes to Clover hooks. Someone posted the other day that they were on sale for around $33 on amazon
Seconding this. Unless we’re making something for someone else and they’ve picked the yarn for themselves, it’s easier to let us choose our own. You mentioned a yarn ball winder, those are great if you haven’t done it already. Additionally if she doesn’t have a travel kit or something to stash her projects in I would recommend a crafting bag like this. It comes in different sizes and colors. My husband got this for me a few years ago and I love it.
Looks like the Clover set is just under $32 on Amazon.
Honestly I've stood in Michael's so many times thinking I was about to get an amazing deal, only to do some Googling (on their very convenient free wifi) and realize that even with the coupon I was just getting the going rate. Which might sometimes still be worth it if I'm there already, but isn't as exciting as thinking I won the crafting lottery.
I like to keep my ends kind of long, and then I use a finishing needle to weave them in, first along the row and then a little into the same color work, just to keep it secure.
This is a pretty good tutorial using a regular yarn needle
I have also been able to weave in with short ends like that, you basically just want to pull those down into the work so they are hidden and secure.
Clover amour these are going to be most peoples recommendations, they are a good middle of the road crochet hook, not super fancy like furls, not bargain basement offbrand boye, currently on sale even. my friend that uses these swears by them, to the point of cursing herself for not getting them earlier than she did
If you knit or crochet, they're also used for blocking things after they're washed so that they will become and remain the right shape. These pins are much stronger than straight pins and they're pushed into blocking boards that are much like cushy play carpet squares for children.
I stretched a friend's wool sweater that she'd accidentally thrown in the dryer and shrunk into a size small back into a large by letting it soak in Eucalan and cool water overnight and then rolling it into a fresh towel to get the excess water out, and then stretching the hell out of with the help of T-pins and welding TIG-rods that I sanded the points off (way cheaper than blocking wires.)
These are the blocks I like best Once it dried, it was wearable once again.
I can second that that set has nice big easy to grip handles, and you can usually find it a few dollars cheaper at walmart (at least in mine its 23 and some change) I ended up passing mine on as I prefer inline heads but other than a minor issue with one of the handles slipping off (which I mostly blame on me being rough on things like that and a few drops of superglu fixed right up) they served my poor abused wrists well for a year.
if something slightly larger is needed this guy works well for a older lady I know and can be used with susan bates hooks too, though they are slightly shorter so leave less working space at the end.
'fancy' and 'high quality' kind of vary by what you want to do, the most like luxurious ones are furls hooks, but if you do a lot of tiny work with thread those are no good, not enough small sizes. Another higher end option is checking etsy for interchangeable crochet handle sets, the turned ones are lovely but I warn you with them that the sizes are off, things will turn out looser, which isn't always a bad thing, just something to keep in mind.
are your current metal ones boye or susan bates, should be on the little thumb rest place with size information and I really only ask because if you learned on one switching to the other can have a bit of a learning curve, neither is better than the other, the tools are just a conduit for creativity, after all.
Clover Amour are a good set of hooks, a lot of people swear by them, and you can get them in every size from 'trying to crochet with a nylon thread' to ' I didn't know yarn came in rope sizes' pretty easily.
I personally have a set of Susan Bates silvalume soft ergonomics, sadly can't buy them as a set but shipping was pretty fast and they aren't terribly priced.
Other brands I've heard good things about but never had the pleasure of using would be Prym and Tulip Etimo.
Found it on Amazon! Storage bag
Join us in the woods on Samhain for spooky spells and...yarn winding...
Seriously though, I thought the giant windmill set up in the back of my LYS was some kind of hocus pocus too until I invested in my own. Basic winder from Michaels I think with a coupon? Then splurged more for this style of swift. It comes apart and stores as basically a long plank that I can tuck away easily.
It was game changer for me to start winding and making my own cakes. Perfect pulls nearly every time now.
Heres how I started this video:
I suggest these hooks from Amazon;
They come with stitch markers, a few sewing needles and amazing crochet hooks all for 10 dollars.
After that all you need is yarn and time.
I highly recommend watching the above video then trying to do each part piece by piece. Like making the chain, watch her do it, then rewind it and try it yourself. Its much easier with a video imo.
Ok so I hear you on this. Technically Google could answer, but when I decided to start blocking some of my work, I wanted to know what actual people were using. So I completely get it. 🙂 Here’s what I use to pin my work down- you do this to kind of ~encourage~ some of your work into the final shape that you want it to be:
And to wet my work once it’s been pinned down, I use one of these little spray bottles (I use warm water because I find it tightens fibers up a bit more, but that’s just my personal opinion):
You don’t need to block all of your work- I tend to only block my work if I’ve used higher end yarn (such as Sheepjes) or natural fibers, like cotton, which do respond really well to blocking. Blocking will help straighten out wonky edges in pieces like shawls or cardigans, where you do tend to want to have nice crisp edges. For things like hats and amigurumi, I don’t block.
I’m so excited for you!! You’re going to have so much fun, and you’re going to be absolutely shocked how far along you’ll be in just a month! 🙂
I agree, I made the exact same transition. Much more comfortable. Here they are on Amazon.
A subscription yarn club would be fun! I've never used one, but this one sounds awesome. (Maybe give as a gift card so she can have the fun of filling out her preferences? Unless those can be changed later.) The reason this one sounds cool is that it has more than just yarn, you get some input into the colors & weights of yarn you like, it doesn't cater specifically to knitters as some do, and it includes a surprise!
Retractable measuring tape, a yarn needle, a pen, and ALWAYS my Clover yarn cutter pendant (which I bought at Michaels rather than amazon, but that was the first link that came up). When I don't have this in my project bag, I always regret it.
Amazon! KnitIQ Blocking Mats for Knitting are a a square foot each. I actually need to buy another set or two for bigger projects .
I'm seconding the Clover Armor hooks. If you're in the US they aren't too expensive on Amazon. For the larger sizes, the best deal I found was to just use a 50% off coupon at Joann's and get one at a time.
The clover amour hooks are popular. They glide through the yarn really well, and have ergonomic handles that help with wrist strain. I like mine a lot. Link on amazon:
I bought a pendant thread cutter for £5 on amazon and it's been brilliant for flying! I hooked yarn through the eye and wear it as a bracelet so I don't lose it and don't have to take it off when I need to cut thread. I also second the suggestion of ziplocs, especially if you're taking a few projects. I've just got back from holiday and I just sorted floss, linen and a printed copy of any patterns into a ziploc for each project and I managed to take three with very little space taken up! Nothing better than stitching on a plane to make the time disappear :D
Also, not packing, but I downloaded episodes of stitch & bitch podcast which was so fun :)
Link to something similar to the pendant on Amazon - i took a punt on US amazon :p
These are my favorite needles for securing short little ends. You should be able to weave most of them back in and pull tight.
I got these 14 Sizes Crochet Hooks Set,2mm(B)-10mm(N) Ergonomic Crochet Hooks with Case for Arthritic Hands,Extra Long Crochet Needles These I found are so affordable I’ve bought them for friends who crochet as gifts. :)
I use this bag crochet bag/ organizer
I got this set from amazon, it was good quality and affordable.
He recommended ones with grips so I scooped these off of Amazon! I even got a set for my mom with rheumatoid arthritis! They are so comfortable to use. My wrist stopped hurting. Total game chargers for me. I love them.
Yes! I came here to add a swift link. I see those umbrella style blow up ones and am always so impressed by how much nicer mine is. Stanwood Needlecraft Tabletop Amish Style Wooden Yarn Swift 2.5-6 feet
I haven't tried any splints or braces yet, but I recently bought a hook handle that is such a game changer! It's interchangable for most of the hooks you would use the most often, and it just makes it so much easier to hold rather than needing a death grip.
This. They sell plastic ones at the craft store for less than $6 a pack of various sizes. It's the only reliable way I've found of doing short ends like that.
Link to needles on Amazon: