hello, thank you for the advice and i have researched better options for Charlie and i think https://www.amazon.com/Koller-Products-Panaview-5-Gallon-Aquarium/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=nav_ya_signin?keywords=5+gallon+fish+tank&qid=1566959690&s=gateway&sr=8-3& this might work, please let me know if this is ok
Honestly, that tank you're looking at is still super small, and I really wouldn't recommend it for a betta (or any fish) long-term. Minimum tank size is 5 gallons, with larger always being preferable when possible. It's really dumb and unfortunate that they even sell "fish tanks" as small as the one you linked, because they're really not appropriate for fish at all. But the market is pretty much completely unregulated, so here we are.
I'd recommend buying a tank in-store or used, that'll be normally cheaper than the ones available online. If you're in the US, then Pet Co, Pet Smart, and Pet Supplies Plus all sell plain 10 gallon tanks for like $13-14 (5 gallon tanks are around the same price). Or at low at $10 during the dollar-per-gallon sales. 5 gallon tanks are usually around the same $13-14 price range, but don't apply to the sale.
Walmart also sells a 10 gallon aquarium kit for $30, including light and filter. You'll need to baffle the filter though with a sponge or something, the intakes on internal filters can be too strong for bettas sometimes.
If you're set on ordering off Amazon, this 5 gallon is only $30
noise...meaning a whole bunch of stuff that junks up the view, like this one.
an aerator stone helps dissolv i (oxygen) in the aquarium
hiya, can you please remove the affiliate tag from the link? (it's the tag= bit, but safest option is to post a clean link, like this: https://www.amazon.com/AquaView-2-5-Gallon-Lighting-Power-Filter/dp/B0083S5PI8/).
(affiliate amazon links are links where if someone buys the product via that link, the affiliated user get's some money. They're often used by content creators or influences, but we don't want random people profiting off of our users)
This is the one I was gifted. It’s not the best but not the worse. I’ve had it for a year and the filter still works fine. Heater is separate. I’m sure there’s better kits out there but it works for now.
Petco price match their online sales. Gravel substrate, water conditioner, tanks, decor, etc can be price matched. I have two java ferns and driftwood with Anubis(super easy plants) in my tank with silk flowers. Silk flowers are better for their fins than plastic flowers. I got everything at petco. Lots of fellow betta owners recommend not purchasing plants from petco or big box pet store but it’s what I have nearby. There’s way better plants online. I match the gravel substrate 1 gallon= 1 pound.
Koller Products PanaView 5-Gallon Aquarium Kit - Power Filter - LED Lighting with Multiple Colors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0ZHQZ01YWKXNH01VAFWK
I was thinking this tank
but I'm going to replace the filter with this 3 gallon one since it's slower.
I have my betta fish in a 1/5 gallon container right now that I keep spik and span, but for Christmas, I am planning to buy a 5-gallon tank from Amazon. I feel bad for my little dude, but I can't put him in my 1-gallon bowl because it has been infected with ick! Here is the link to the tank I'll get in case anyone wants to look at it. I need to get him a bigger tank before then, though.
Hey guys, so this is my new fish friend Carrie Fisher. Right now she's in a vase that's about a 2 gal capacity. I know this isn't big enough for her as she's a very active fish. Is this tank on Amazon appropriate? Should I trust the built in filter?
I bought a 5.5 gallon on amazon from Koller products. It has some unusual dimensions. Just posting in case it works for you, it had everything but the heater.
Koller Products Panaview 5-Gallon Aquarium Kit with LED Lighting and Power Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_fnYICbQ5W6ZD5
Check FB Marketplace, Nextdoor and Craigslist. Often I see people selling tanks AND the accompanying supplies and decor for cheap... and you can pick it up in person instead of waiting for shipping.
If you'd prefer online, Amazon has this 5 gallon acrylic tank for under just over $35: https://www.amazon.com/Koller-Products-Panaview-5-Gallon-Aquarium/dp/B00KIRR8BY/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?keywords=5+gallon+acrylic+aquarium&qid=1568651263&sprefix=5+gallon+acry&sr=8-4
Are you able to upgrade your beautiful betta into an actual tank? Unfortunately he will not be happy/survive in a bowl without a filter and heater and where you're just learning and starting out there's so much you can do for him to make him so happy and healthy!
He really needs some of the proper gear that bettas require and you can simply get this stuff from your pet store or even Amazon. Most tanks come with a filter so that's a plus.
Here are some tanks on Amazon or your pet store should have similar ones. 5 gallons is suggested as the minimum, but even 3 gallons would be a lot better!
Amazon -
Thanks! It’s almost exactly this 3.5 gal tank although I think I have a slightly older model (LED and filter looks a little different). I’m hoping to transfer him to a 10gal I have once I find the room for it but he seems pretty happy for now.
This is the case: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KIRR8BY/?coliid=I8UKVXQXTALRP&colid=1ACVEE7AZ1YGO&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
And this was the oil I used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00VNI1JI0/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1527816191&sr=1&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=6840225482829252734&pd_rd_wg=JBdCv&pf_rd_r=ASVC4FKXXRAMFC3JSGC7&pf_rd_s=mobile-sx-top-slot&pf_...
This one's what I'm currently looking at, but of course, my decision isn't final yet. And I'll look for that next time I'm in Walmart.
Cool. I decided to get a 5 Gallon and the heater you suggested. Picked up the kit also. Should be in around Thursday. Thanks again. I'll try to add some pics once I get home.