Not sure if you’ve replaced all of the cooking surfaces, but since this looks like it could have been run on gasoline at a time where leaded gasoline was still available, might not hurt to use a lead test.
Will do! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
Edit: Just ordered a Lead Tester kit from Amazon,
Will keep everyone updated!
There are also fun/easy tests you can take to determine if you are one of those to be considered a 'Supertaster'.
Yes! Always!
I have this pack of super taster test strips at home:
Lead generally isn’t a problem unless inhaled or ingested. Be on the lookout for any chipped or peeling paint or other finishes (including bathtub glazing).
Lead dust doesn’t magically appear just because there’s lead paint.
As for the “I painted it with latex” comment - Encapsulation is a valid remediation. If lead products are completely covered and inaccessible, they pose little risk.
It’s a relatively low risk for a new born. Bigger deal for toddlers that may put their mouth on walls and trim.
Grab a couple of self tests off Amazon if you’re concerned. I’m sure you can have them shipped to Toronto. (Or head over the Michigan and get some at Home Depot). If you use these, be sure to scrape a small spot and test ALL LAYERS or paint, not just the surface.
Are you sure there’s no blood testing available? In the US it’s a standard test at age 2. Maybe ask your pediatrician if it’s something they can do upon request?
I used flip tops and these, these work perfectly fine for me. I don’t know what you’re doing.
Also Yes OP your caps are done for. You can get 2 maybe 3 usages before they go bad. But they’re pretty cheap on Amazon. Home Brew Ohio Stuff Midwest...
Also adding hot water to the bottles will make it easier to peal off the label.
I'd have a worry in the back of my head about someone using it to melt down lead.
I'd probably use something like this to give me peace of mind.
Can always buy a test kit and see what it comes up with. For here is what I found on Amazon, comes with 8 tests. Probably not a bad idea to have around if you are into buying vintage cast iron. 3M LeadCheck Swabs, 8-Pack
Before you do anything, I'd recommend purchasing and using a leaf test system. Lots of options out there like these swabs from Amazon.
LeadCheck LC-2SDC Disposable Non-Staining Lead Detection Swabs, 2 Per Pack
If you do have lead on the chest, I'd recommend removing the paint all together instead of painting or sealing over it. Obviously using a mask when you sand the old stuff of and using a collection system for the dust rather than letting it fall over your workspace.
Cleaning up lead paint is a task, and if you are inexperienced in the process you may consider taking it to a proffesional to have it completed. It would be a very cool project to hold onto for future generations. Good luck.
It looks like speckled clay, which is typically achieved with an addition of granular manganese. It could just be a larger piece of manganese that discolored the glaze.
If you're worried about it, you can buy lead test kits at most home improvement stores or even Amazon.
Summoning /u/dog22222 to see what he thinks.
I did not, but you can get the swabs here
Remember that lead is dangerous if you ingest it, so if the paint pattern is worn or chipping off while you use it, then you might accidentally ingest it. My parents had Corelle dishes growing up and ours held up really well, never had any paint chipping.
You are also probably much more likely to be exposed to lead via tap water than you are from dishes.
I recently bought this set on Amazon:
I don't know if anyone has a better suggestion. It's expensive, but I figured it was important enough to do right.
Most of mine still seal well. A few of them have been stripped. I bought some replacement caps on Amazon for $7.50 a dozen.
You could try a lead surface test, Amazon has this one for $17 and it’s got great reviews!
Scitus Lead Test Kit with 30 Testing Swabs Rapid Test Results in 30 Seconds Just Dip in White Vinegar to Use Lead Testing Kits for Home Use, Suitable for All Painted Surfaces
Does your grandmother know the history of this pan and what happened to it? If so, you should be fine to restore it. If not, you could get a lead test kit and know for sure. In my opinion, it is not very likely that someone used a #14 Griswold skillet to melt lead. Restored and undamaged, that's a $400+ pan.
yeah I would guess it's not lead based on the color, BUT if the color is coming off I would be concerned. That means it's not actually colored glass but paint.
You might want to try these strips to make sure or just not use it until all of the color is off. (Or if you got it from DHGate dispute it - you'll have to say the product isn't as described or something though)
I bought these:
And tested almost everything in my kitchen... All of my cute stuff has to go, which again, I haven’t used it much, but it makes me sad. I so love all of the colors!
You should be able to go to a hardware store and get some lead paint testing swabs (or try Amazon). Then it's a simple matter of using the swabs and observing whether they turn red or not.
I would highly recommend investing in a digital pH meter. I bought [](this one) from amazon and I pH the water to 6.4 before feeding. If you’re adding nutes make sure to pH the water after everything is added.
Generally it is good but nobody can give you a definitive answer for this.
I have used the following water test kit to ensure dinking water quality with great success. IMHO - it is worth the $25 for peace of mind.
This kit includes a lead test strip, which was my main concern.
There are several reasons why paint could scratch off easily. Most likely, it was a very light coat on top of another layer.
How old is the house? Does it peel off as well? Does it chip off? Is the layer underneath smooth and glossy?
The best way to prevent this is to sand off the surface and repaint, but you need to be sure none of the layers is leaded before you start doing anything. If the house was built before 1978, you should assume it does have lead paint. Go to your local big box hardware store and near the paint around the thinners and cleaners there should be a package of lead test kits. With a razor blade, cut into the paint until you feel like you've hit wood and scrape a small gash into the trim, then test that section.
If your tests come back negative, then all you need to do is roughly sand the trim and repaint it. If they come back positive for lead, then you'll need to do a bit more work or hire someone who specializes in lead abatement.
You buy a lead test kit, I used this one Scitus Lead Test Kit with 30... old pans might have been used to melt lead fishing weights so if an piece looks off it doesn’t hurt to check
I’ve used these in several rental properties and never had an issue with them. Gives clear obvious results.
Paint chips are a concern if there is indeed lead.
Encapsulated means just that, encapsulated. Chipped paint is not encapsulated - lead is exposed and the chips could be eaten by a child.
I wouldn’t count on encapsulation on high use, friction areas. It’s one thing on outside trim or crown moldings. I’d be fine with that.
On a door jam, I’d strip/remove all paint. Constant running and chipping is a risk. (Again, only if there’s any lead paint layer).
I have this one and it works well! 16 bucks too so I recommend this if you are looking to purchase one!
There are lead test kits you can get pretty cheap on Amazon. You'll get results within a minute
They've lasted me about 4 months on average. Hope yours make it longer. Mine started leaking/letting air out so had to toss them. I bought these replacement caps and they work really well, but they don't bubble up as much as the commercial caps. They still do show a bit though.
All late but these lead tests are pretty cheap and I used them when I used to live in an old home. Should work on the zippers, but I'm not too sure if it works on fabrics though.
My son and his wife have a well on their property in Tennessee. You can test the well water for a bunch of different pollutants with the same test the professionals generally use and save yourself some money.
My spouse bought these and they were really helpful and reassuring. We ended up finding one place in the house that had lead paint:
This is a fun test strip kit that lets you discover which of these substances you’re sensitive to :) I tested my whole family during thanksgiving, it was super fun