Ever thought about wearing a dosimeter just to see if they are telling the truth? I'd wear it in a way that is hidden though, as there have been stories of people getting fired for it, and the TSA's official stance is that they are not needed or allowed. Which begs the question: what are they afraid of?
Here's a geiger counter on amazon for under $100, OP.
Just saying...
Geiger counters aren't Universal. I have one of the Amazon ones but without a pancake sensor it will not detect Alpha radiation so it depends what you're trying to detect. (the more expensive ones do/have it as an option)
EDIT: Checked OP's post history, I think I know why, PM me if you want to borrow it. I have this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071JWB7TJ/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 in downtown DC
I used mine to see how much radiation we get on long haul flights for fun and don't use it much.
First the good news: You're not sitting still in a constant field since you're driving through it and you get moderate shielding from your cab.
Now the bad news: This isn't a medical x-ray it's a security X-ray used to penetrate metal, so it has a higher MeV than a normal x-ray. The TSA, the wonderful branch of government that they are, will not release any information concerning their x-ray equipment nor allow independent testing so nobody knows how high these things are really cranked up.
If it becomes a constant thing of passing through the scanners I would look into getting documentation of your exposure and start carrying a personal dosimeter to get a ballpark of what your dose is. Documentation wise, just anything that says, "Yes, driver X drove through a scanner."
For the dosimeter you can buy some fairly cheap wallet dosimeters on amazon. These are good for ballparking at best, but can be included in your medical records as a means to indicate potential precursors to cancer. There are others that you can reset yourself and reuse, but after a certain amount of time they are unreliable.
If I was getting X-rayed more than once a week I would ask my company to sign up for a dosimetry monitoring program. They will provide you with a more accurate film badge and cycle them out every quarter and give you quarterly dose reports and the documentation of exposure will be from an accredited monitoring program.
Yeah, I kind of agree. Why Amazon, and not your local CVS pharmacy selling homeopathy? Or the actual huge quackeroos like Mercola or Mike Adams in the US?
I also showed Julia the Brain Coat. I mean--hey, if we are taking people's money for BS.... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K0PX1KG/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_x_BdZZxbH1AW932
Here's a decent dosimeter that you can get off Amazon
Look for radiation meters on Amazon. Here is a good one to get you started. GQ GMC-500Plus Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Monitor Dosimeter, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071JWB7TJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_SM509HF0SQPRXJSQZEXV
When that's for the war I mean ww3...They forgot one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Triage-Personal-Radiation-Detector-Wallet/dp/B00W48WLVC Or better an eletric one but then you need batteries. Prevent cities and walk south
I am deeply dubious of the accuracy, but as long as it identifies that there is significant radiation, it'll tell us if we're getting hit with fallout or just smoke and dust.
Context is that we are downwind of a major city by about 50 miles. If there's an airburst, we could get a shit ton of smoke and even ash from the inevitable wildfires that would start and it might be hard to tell from fallout. We've gotten ashfall from fires as far as 50 miles away in the past.
If there's ground bursts, that shit coming out of the sky could be radioactive.
If the meter starts screaming about radiation, it's time to hole up for 2-3 weeks, but I wouldn't trust it to tell me if it was truly safe outside.
I can't afford a $500-$1000 properly calibrated meter.
These ($90)are fairly well regarded for the price. SE International makes some pretty good ones with pancake detectors. The Radiation Alert (~$450ish) does a fine job.
They don't detect and won't be sensitive to everything, and the response isn't linear. They're supremely useful tools but in uncontrolled environments shouldn't be taken as gospel. As for neutron detection I don't know of any "cheap" options.
Ah! Sorry! I got this one and it was great. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IN8TJYY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
contador geiger
Was crazy to see the levels initially then how they dropped
Fiestaware? I doubt that it is official Fiestaware, I've not seen that design. But lots of other companies used Uranium 238 in their glazes during that time to achieve that color. Are their markings on the bottom? The only way to be certain if it is radioactive is a Geiger counter, if its something you are interested in collecting - get yourself a nice cheap hobbiests meter like this! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ROHGWIQ/ref=cm\_sw\_em\_r\_mt\_dp\_JQXC5DVD337GQH92GW9F
Have had a ton of fun with this one: https://www.amazon.com/GQ-GMC300EPlus-Fulfill-Radiation-Detector/dp/B00IN8TJYY
It has a recurring alarm that starts beeping above 100cpm, but it can be turned off in settings. I've never come across uranium glass that really set it off. Detectable, but very low. However if you enjoy finding radioactive antiques in general, I highly recommend getting one.
On a side note, I'm curious to know what are some of the higher cpm readings everyone has come across from uranium glass.
I got 30mci, and my geek husband bought this radiation meter to get an idea of how radioactive I was: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IN8TJYY
On the first day (Friday) this meter was clicking like crazy if it got within 10 feet of me. The next day it was 6-8 feet and so on. The radioactive “bubble” around me kept shrinking each day. The doctor told me I could leave isolation on Monday, and by then my bubble was 1-2 feet so I came out of the bedroom and just kept my distance from everyone for a few more days. When I held the monitor close to my neck it clicked like crazy, so I knew there was uptake in my thyroid bed (which the whole body scan confirmed).
6 months later I took a 5mci tracer pill to prep for another whole body scan. I had to isolate for 1 day that time, and my bubble was smaller. The meter didn’t go crazy when I held it to my neck, and when I had the WBS nothing lit up there.
You guys seems know thing or two about radioactivity. What are your thoughts on portable gamma meter on amazon which cost below $100
Do you think such device be able to detect small amount of radiation? Let’s say if I want to measure that Fukushima grouper, would it detect anything at all?
Frequently bought with... smart meter guard for $80 with shipping
Right... Thats not going to work very well after they show up with a service bill, crowbar, and a bonus fee/fine.
I wish I knew how to invest in Brain Coats.
>Brain Coat | RF Shielding for your Mind FilterEMF https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K0PX1KG/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_WdbuDb4XBZCXK via @amazon
If I didn't have ethics, I could make a fortune on these nonsense peddlers....
See if you can purchase a cheep gygercounter on amazon.
I’ve carried one of these around for years, pretty useful.
RADTriage Model50 Personal Radiation Detector for Wallet or Pocket,Nuclear Radiation Detector,Electromagnetic Field Radiation Detector,Anti Radiation Dosimeter, Ready-to-Go Portable Radiation Detector https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00W48WLVC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fab_2eVBFb7B5RR8K
GQ GMC300EPlus Fulfill Digital Nuclear Radiation Detector Monitor Meter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IN8TJYY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_gwVtFbKS3P8FV
I’ve seen many good reviews on this one! A little dated looking but hey $75 ain’t bad!
I don't know if you know but..these hats go for about 58 dollar. They might actually break the microwave if they really have steel or copper woven into the fabric. There is literally a market for tin foil hats in 2020.
There's a lot of vendors selling people things--I swear to deity--like tin-foil hats. Brain Coat | RF Shielding for your Mind FilterEMF https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00K0PX1KG/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_uDqtBb176ETAV
But it's not just this. There are baby blankets, testicle covers for your laptop use...
Crazy stuff to separate the credulous from their money.
I have 2 of these GQ GMC-320-Plus Geiger Counters. I've done extensive testing with them (using dental x-ray machines), and have them logging and alerting me when they detect abnormalities. For how cheap they are, they are very accurate. My only concern has been durability, but so far I've owned mine for a few years now, and they've held up to my uses. For instance, I pack one in my GHB, which I literally toss around daily.