Las fuentes son sus amigos y personajes más allegados, hay abundante material, pero así en una rápida búsqueda te salen a vuelapluma:
Lee Lockwood. Castro's Cuba (
Cualquiera que se desviara del "hombre nuevo" era visto como un "contrarrevolucionario". Tal era el caso de los homosexuales, a los que Guevara se refería como "pervertidos sexuales". Tanto Guevara como Castro consideraban la homosexualidad como una decadencia burguesa. En una entrevista en 1965, Castro explicó que "una desviación de esa naturaleza choca con el concepto que tenemos de lo que un militante comunista debe ser".
El Che Guevara también ayudó a establecer el primer campo de concentración cubano en Guanahacabibes en 1960. Este campo fue el primero de muchos. De los Nazis, el gobierno cubano también adoptó el lema de Auschwitz “El trabajo te libera”, cambiándolo por “El trabajo los hará hombres”. Según Álvaro Vargas Llosa, los homosexuales, los Testigos de Jehová, los sacerdotes afrocubanos y otros que se creía que habían cometido un delito en contra de la moral revolucionaria, eran forzados a trabajar en estos campos para corregir su “comportamiento antisocial”. Muchos de ellos murieron; otros fueron torturados o violados.
"Mi primo, El Che", Alberto Benegas Lynch describe cómo el Che Guevara disfrutaba torturar animales —rasgo común en los asesinos en serie. Su historial de asesinatos y torturas es extenso. Investigadores han documentado 216 víctimas del Che Guevara en Cuba desde 1957 a 1959. La sospecha era todo lo que se necesitaba para poner fin a una vida. No había necesidad de un juicio porque para él, la Revolución no podía detenerse a "conducir una investigación; tiene la obligación de triunfar ".
Do yourself a favor and get some guide books, like this one.
Reddit can be good for getting tips, but if you're looking for help to plan the details of your 14-day itinerary, that's asking a lot, frankly.
Oh definitely. I made a zine from a trip to Norway that I took with a group of friends a few years back and now they expect the same every time we go away!
Yes, I explicitly stated I was referencing the comment, I wasn't stealing. And what makes me a Tankie in any respect? Is asking for a source suddenly controversial when your claims don't have much in the way of historical support?
Your primary source is from a right wing ultraconservative fox news clone, authored almost exclusively by Nicolaz Marquez. Notably, Márquez is a collaborator of the Hispanic American Center for Economic Research (HACER), in Washington, whose objective is the defense of "freedom and the free market." So, a Washington backed right wing news pundit is using anti-communist rhetoric for personal gain and to further American and anti-Cuban relations. Never heard that one before. He's also a repeat sexual abuser, just in case you need any more color to his character.
>There is the account of Fidel Castro even saying " “A deviation of that nature clashes with the concept we have of what a militant communist should be.”
I didn't ask about Castro, I asked about Che's apparent history of blatant homophobia.
>[Also look for Guanahacabibes}(
Again, this is talking about Castro, not Che.
Regardless, I don't see our conversation as fruitful if these are the (non)sources you're bringing up, so I think it's best to leave the conversation here.
Rugged Norwegian sweaters:
Not my own preference or style, but her books have been a raving success here in the past few years, and contributed to the ongoing popularity of pure Icelandic and Norwegian wool.
these books are also very good
for photos and short hikes
for longer hikes
did you ever ask the right guy - I used to work the desk at one of the big five parks - Buy this book it runs from Zion to Moab and down to Cedar Mesa
Hello! My name is Blake Smith and I'm a former finance professional that is now traveling the world.
I have a free Kindle book available now until December 17th.
Book Title: Destination Instagram: Five Incredible Experiences Perfect for Mobile Photography
Description: Take the world by storm. A guide to the top five travel destinations and experiences that are guaranteed to inspire you travel more and become a better photographer. Explore sandy beaches, the depths of the jungle and the cliffs of a European gem. Find your true wonderlust.
Any review left on Amazon Kindle would be greatly appreciated. I am also open to constructive criticism, so I can create better books in the future. Thanks!
Hello! My name is Blake Smith and I'm a former finance professional. I now am traveling the world while writing.
I have a FREE Kindle book available now until December 17th.
Book Title: Destination Instagram: Five Incredible Experiences Perfect for Mobile Photography
Description: Take the world by storm. A guide to the top five travel destinations and experiences that are guaranteed to inspire you travel more and become a better photographer. Explore sandy beaches, the depths of the jungle and the cliffs of a European gem. Find your true wonderlust.
Any reviews left on Amazon Kindle would be greatly appreciated. I am also open to constructive criticism. I hope to continuously improve. Thanks!
Destination Instagram: Five Incredible Experiences Perfect for Mobile Photography
Take the world by storm. A guide to the top five travel destinations and experiences that are guaranteed to inspire you to travel more and become a better photographer. Explore sandy beaches, the depths of the jungle and the cliffs of a European gem. Find your true wonderlust.
Free Until August 27
My pleasure! Always a joy to relive the trip I took a few years ago. Here's the route I took as a loop from LV, camping the whole way:
As a fellow hiker/photographer this may be a good starting point. With your timeframe, I'd skip the detour to DV, and you only need 2 nights at GC if you're not doing a backcountry overnight (which is incredible but requires a permit and a fair bit of preparation). You could also cut a day from Moab/Sedona if you want a night in LV/VOF, or a flex day to try for Wave permits, etc. Sedona is a hiker's paradise and would make a lovely end to the trip if you do the loop the other way.
Travelling at a more relaxed pace, you'll have time for more offbeat gems like the Wave or nearby slot canyons, Canyonlands Needles, the Burr Trail to Strike Valley Overlook and just generally everything between Bryce and Moab. The national parks websites are a fantastic resource, and this book is great both for discovering hidden spots and for detailed tips for better-known points of interest.
Destination Instagram: Five Incredible Experiences Perfect for Mobile Photograph
Description: A guide on how to capture the moment at five destinations ranging from sandy beaches to jungles and more.
“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.”
-Bill Bryson
Take the world by storm. A guide to the top five travel destinations and experiences that are guaranteed to inspire you to travel more and become a better photographer. Explore sandy beaches, the depths of the jungle and the cliffs of a European gem. Find your true wonderlust.
I've been loving telephoto landscapes lately, especially the 100-200 (FF equiv) range but go as long as you can if necessary! Agree with makinbacon42 - haven't been to Tetons/WY yet but the photos I've seen look like a lot of distant peaks without strong wide-angle foreground interest, especially if the scene is just an expansive blanket of snow.
Also a fan of using reputable photography books as travel guides. Photographing the Southwest carried me through Utah a couple years ago.
Not sure a second body is necessary unless you're expecting sudden wildlife or you really hate changing lenses in the field.
/u/211logos is right that you shouldn't limit yourself to national parks. There are lots of great places to visit in that area that aren't national parks, including Dinosaur National Monument, Goblin Valley State Park, Monument Valley, Red Canyon, and BLM sites in the Moab area like Fisher Towers and Corona Arch.
If you're in southeast Utah, don't forget about Colorado - Mesa Verde NP and Colorado National Monument - and Arizona's Monument Valley.
Here are some of my photos from favorite parks and hikes in Utah.
Since you're into photography, I'd recommend this book.
Check out Overview: A New Perspective of Earth.
I brought it to a gift exchange last week and kinda wish I’d kept it. It’s a collection of beautiful satellite photos that reveal a perspective from which our landscapes and human-made objects become abstract patterns.
Amazon link:
Here’s their Instagram: