> write a book
Ah...but Melania already wrote a memoir...perhaps you missed it?.
Given his life experience, I'm sure that Trump has an ironclad "Do-Not-Say-Anything-Bad-About-Me" clause in his pre nup, which is surly keeping from Melania from publishing the book in one of 5 languages that she speaks...
Dude, hate to break it, but high school never ends.
Wait 'till you get in the workplace.
But MGTOW gives you power.
Also read 48 Laws of Power. Lots of good advice.
I swear Michelle is gearing up for a 2020 run. She's got nationwide name recognition, more degrees than Obama, and "experience" in the white house that was far from controversial.
Anyone looking to run in 2020 needs to get a book of their values and policy philosophy out in the next 6 months or so, and guess who's dropping some knowledge in November?
Tell me I'm wrong.
You can pick up an early copy already.
That's a Reader's Digest version where most people start and end. It's widely disseminated and talked about. I've never met a single person in my life who was interested in such things though who didn't have some underlying selfish drive for it. Not excluding myself from that at all. If you start practicing these things, it will accentuate and draw out those traits more and more. You should always keep in mind what is truly most important in life.
Maybe a copy of One L? Might be slightly old, you should probably skim it first. I read it at like 28 so sex/language/etc wouldn't have leapt out at me.
Greens's fairly popular Book 48 Laws of Power is better for instructional manual on how to be a ~~sociopath~~ organizational leader.
And Rules for Radicals and The Prince are both better summarized and made mainstream in The Dictator's Handbook.
Poverty of the mind is worse than poverty of the bank account
The best way is to understand that life isn't fair and that you need to fight for what you have in this world.
If you really have a novel idea (which I'd be surprised if you do), then you protect yourself from the legal side.
Make sure that you have good counsel and know how to fight for what is yours.
At the end of the day, if you cannot protect what is created and fight for ownership in a company you founded it never really belonged to you.
Ideas are a dime a dozen. Execution and luck are where it is at. And part of execution is retaining control while growing.
Now if you truly want to figure out how to be a political animal, here's something for you to read.
someone on this sub recommended this book: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Depression-Diary-Benjamin-Roth/dp/1586489011
literally one of the most interesting economic histories I've ever read, absolutely worth the time to read through it.
shit never changes. idiots (greedy fools and bad fiscal policy) blow bubbles, panic, then plunge us all into misery. over and over and over and over, we never learn.
this book is written from the perspective of a lawyer in youngstown ohio in his early 30s at the start of the depression. he keeps detailed records and describes the mood, news, stock prices, economic activity, and little anecdotes. it's fascinating to see how the political and economic issues experienced during that time are incredibly relevant to today.
the greediest and most highly leveraged people are about to go through so much pain, but it's looking increasingly like they will take a lot of us down with them. my main take away from the book is to basically keep a lot of cash despite inflation, and buy only large cap, preferred stocks with low P&E ratios and high dividends and/or federal government bonds. you won't get rich but you will stay OK.
Mean bear markets often last 1-3 years
US economy, food and oil inflation, over supply of dollar, and China supply chain issues are mega issues (i believe) responsible for this bear market/correction (whichever way you see fit)
Personally, i am ready for 3 years, worst case.... 5 (great depression bear market was 5 years)
You might enjoy reading this book (a daily from great depression)
The Great Depression: A Diary https://www.amazon.in/dp/1586489011/ref=
There is one about the Great Depression that I liked: The Great Depression: A Diary
The other one that might be more relevant to these times: Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations
May I recommend you read the 48 Laws of Power and then The 33 Strategies of War.
Please do. Had several friends in your position, ready to throw in the towel, and crawl under the bed...UNTIL....they read those books.
Read them and make notes. You'll come up ahead.
PS. Never tell ANYONE you are reading these books! No one! Not even your lawyer! This is a secret you take to your grave.
Good luck & Success.
You should have a list of diaries from bull and bear markets.
These are things these idiots actually believe.
The far right is dumb. The far left is no better.
You don't think people on the l left have any demonstrably insane ideas and beliefs?
Do you think the title of this book is accurate?
A 2006 poll showed that over half of democrats thought Bush let 9/11 happen.
Like you think only the right does this? What about this Rittenhouse shit? How many times have you read over the past few days, on this website, that the dude crossed state lines with a gun?
I started digging into Just Mercy yesterday on my bus ride home. Bryan Stephenson, the author, has now spent decades doing death penalty appeals and indigent defense. I particularly liked this paragraph:
>Proximity has taught me some basic and humbling truths, including this vital lesson: Each of us is more than the worst thing we've ever done. My work with the poor and the incarcerated has persuaded me that the opposite of poverty is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice. Finally, I've come to believe that the true measure of our commitment to justice, the character of our society, our commitment to the rule of law, fairness, and equality cannot be measured by how we treat the rich, the powerful, the privileged, and the respected among us. The true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavored, the accused, the incarcerated, and the condemned.
Trust no one at the job no matter how much they smile and seem friendly. Be cordial and professional nothing more nothing less. Have a game plan while you are working for the man, be working on your plan to have multiple streams of income so you can have some "fuck you" I quit money stacked somewhere and you can pivot. It's crazy how you have to think like a prepper in this day and time but these skillsets that my father taught me have helped me navigate.
Develop relationships with peers so you can have others like you across fields that can be your sounding board. Always look for jobs that aline with what you doing because sometimes once you really get into the thick of it you may want to change avenues of how you are developing your career.
Also, not all skin folk are kinfolk. Some have an " I wanna be favorite complex."
Find something that brings you joy and happiness that you can level you out when you just need to decompress. Take personal trips and always look to elevate your game. If you seem like you are on the move to always better yourself you will show those around you that you value yourself and you will also discover more possible opportunities and knowledge.
Read the 48 Laws of Power to really become a Jedi.
I think the best place to start would be learning how to identify manipulative behaviors in others, most of them are extremely subtle and you need to pay close attention to notice. A book I'd recommend is The 48 Laws of Power.
It’s not a project management book but one I would strongly suggest is ‘The 48 Laws of Power’ by Robert Greene.
The 48 Laws of Power https://www.amazon.com/dp/0140280197/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JM7RWECFTBMFJTEA9H0V
And of course, ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu
The Art Of War https://www.amazon.com/dp/1599869772/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WQPE4C99PGPE8E79CXV6
As a PM, your biggest challenges in the workplace will most likely not be related to scholastic project management quandaries. If a charter isn’t laid out perfectly or your project plan is missing tasks it’s not a not a big deal. You’ll have to think on your feet and adapt.
As a PM, you need to wield power and influence over decision makers and resources to lead and guide the project in a proper direction. Most likely you will have little actual authority to command others to do so. Understanding others’ motivations, gaining their trust and respect, and using influence will be your greatest superpower. It will also help you buy time to figure things out if you need to collect more data or background.
Project management requires an intense amount of emotional intelligence to succeed. Focus on developing those skills first. The rest will follow much easier.
No problem. The crime thriller writer, Scott Turow, wrote a great book about his first year of law school, called “One L”, which does a fantastic job outlining what law school is like:
Also, an old movie from the 70’s called, “The Paper Chase”, shows what law school life can be like:
However, take the book and movie with a grain of salt. Not all of law school is terrifying and being a lawyer can be one of the most satisfying career choices you can make.
This is a very complex question having to do with identity and much more underlying issues. I would recommend watching any of the TED Talks concerning the successful psychopath. Or for a quick treat I'd recommend doing the audiobook or written version of the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.
Experience with these people with deeply broken foundations, they won't stop, until all their systems have broken down. If you want to have some fun on some real insight to these personalities speak to a divorce lawyer or therapist who deals with these personality types.
>Most people didn’t even know who RGB was until she died
Aaaaand, no. You’ve been living under a rock, and you’re assuming everyone else has as well.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has become a pop culture sensation for liberals. She’s been extremely and vocally beloved by the center-to-left, especially women, since at least 2015. Once Trump got into office and the Women’s Marches became a thing, the hero worship of RBG got even louder.
In summation: you’re totally wrong here, and it’s not far-fetched at all that a girl this age would admire RBG.
That's interesting to hear re: the depression and low crime rates. The one contemporary source I've read from the depression indicated the opposite- that muggings and murders increased markedly during the early years of the 1930s in Ohio.
I wonder if that was a local phenomena, if it was an exaggeration, or if the govt's record keeping slipped during those years.
It's from a book that's been out for 5 years https://smile.amazon.com/Notorious-RBG-Times-Bader-Ginsburg/dp/0062415832?sa-no-redirect=1 and it's a nickname that's quite common https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=notorious%20rbg
That's been out for a while. You can order it here
I highly recommend that everybody read the book [Just Mercy](https://www.amazon.com/Just-Mercy-Story-Justice-Redemption/dp/081298496X) (link to amazon provided, but please consider borrowing it from your local library).
It is the memoir of a man who started a law clinic for folks in Alabama on death row. The stories he tells are incredibly harrowing, and will grant you a new and deeper perspective about the American justice system.
American Desperado: My Life--From Mafia Soldier to Cocaine Cowboy to Secret Government Asset https://www.amazon.com/dp/0307450430/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TDaECbMW3RP4W
This is about Escobar's Miami guy during the 70s/80s. Fucking incredible read and I flew through it
American Desperado: My Life--From Mafia Soldier to Cocaine Cowboy to Secret Government Asset https://www.amazon.com/dp/0307450430/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3bwDCbY9KKADF
Amazing book. Dude lives an insane life
Hi! Would you like to join the 0L book club? In December we are reading One L and Anonymous Lawyer and discussing them in January :) We have a lot of awesome books on the calendar. If you want to join, just let me know. You can always just lurk and read when you feel like you like book!