This wonderful little book was put out by John Oliver and Jill Twiss with the help of Last Week Tonight. The episode where they unveiled the book is a gem. Check it out if you want!
EDIT: you can buy it here if you’re interested.
Link to the book's amazon page:
Seriously, children need early exposure to homosexual love.
It's actually the #1 best seller on Amazon at the moment. Which is both hilarious and great, since it has probably earned a great deal of money for the Trevor Project and AIDS United.
You might enjoy Motel of the Mysteries.
>It is the year 4022; all of the ancient country of Usa has been buried under many feet of detritus from a catastrophe that occurred back in 1985. Imagine, then, the excitement that Howard Carson, an amateur archeologist at best, experienced when in crossing the perimeter of an abandoned excavation site he felt the ground give way beneath him and found himself at the bottom of a shaft, which, judging from the DO NOT DISTURB sign hanging from an archaic doorknob, was clearly the entrance to a still-sealed burial chamber. Carson's incredible discoveries, including the remains of two bodies, one of then on a ceremonial bed facing an altar that appeared to be a means of communicating with the Gods and the other lying in a porcelain sarcophagus in the Inner Chamber, permitted him to piece together the whole fabric of that extraordinary civilization.
I ordered it too!
If anyone is interested, all proceeds go to The Trevor Project and AIDS United.
Link to book
Passive Aggressive Panda, eh? I can work with that.
For that matter, it doesn't need to necessarily be a children's book, that's just a style. Plenty of coffee-table books that are meant as comedy.
>Psychologists have analyzed the relationship between a Type A personality, an adolescence in the closet, and a need for perfection. Taking their cue from Andrew Tobias’ bestselling memoir, they have developed a theory of the “the Best Boy in the World,” which essentially means that in order to deflect attention away from their closeted sexuality, some gay men have overcompensated in their career or in other arenas that award success. Growing up in the Midwest, Buttigieg has explained, made him think that he had to choose between being an elected politician or an out gay person. Unfortunately, unlike me, he never got to meet a summer house full of gay men who didn’t view their gay identity in opposition with their commitment to politics and public life.
>Critics of Mayor Pete’s demeanor don’t recognize that his persona reflects the consequence of living in the closet, or “packing away his feelings,” as he put it to The Daily. Despite eventually coming out, getting married, and being the first openly gay man on the Democratic presidential primary stage, the coping mechanisms that he developed from being in the closet did not immediately vanish. When people criticize him for being calculated or robotic, I see the familiar traits of a gay man who had desperately tried to live in both worlds.
Obligatory plug for the John Oliver's absolutely amazing book A day in the life of Marlon Bundo.
Maybe the best political troll of all time
100% of the proceeds from the John Oliver books go to charities according to the Amazon Ad
I guess you didn't look then. Retail is 18.99
Amazon is selling it for 11.39 40% off
Barnes and Noble is selling it for 21% off -
> "Just say it had some kind of ritual function."
Motel of the Mysteries is a really fun book kinda lampooning this.
Future archaeologists excavate a modern-day motel (well, a late-70s motel, given when this was written), and completely misinterpret almost everything about the place.
Makes you think about what we're getting completely wrong about the things we're finding from our ancestors.
Ever read Motel of the Mysteries? It the account of archaeologists in 4022 digging up a 1970s motel, and their “interpretations” of the objects they found (like a toilet seat being a shamanistic headdress worn during a ceremony, there the wearer would chat “Sanitized for your protection!”, and other such nonsense).
It fits exactly with what you’re saying here, and is a humorous look at the assumptions we make about the past, and the people who lived in it.
I recently subscribed to Audible, as listening to Perth based call-back (even on the ABC) was doing my head-in.
Audio books and/or courses count?
If not, I'm very much enjoying the Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. Quite remarkable retelling of the Illiad (sort of...). Which is kind of ironic, as I'm reading/listening to Homer's original version at the same time. (Translated original that is... unfortunately I can't read ancient Greek!)
Go reserve <em>Motel of the Mysteries</em> by David Macaulay from your local library. It's a tongue-in-cheek picture book about this very premise, it's a fast read, and it's really quite good. (4.5 stars on Amazon.)
Read "After the Ball" by Marshall Kirk
> To overcome Americans' deep-rooted aversion to gay men and women, psychologist Kirk and ad man Madsen propose a massive media campaign designed to correct stereotypes and neutralize anti-gay prejudice.
Yes this belongs on my shelf. Right next to "Go the F*ck to Sleep" and "You have to F*cking Eat"
It's a oversight to not have A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo on the list. It's actually a sweet story, and probably the first gay-related children's book most straight families have owned. The only other one I have is And Tango Makes Three, which I found at a yard sale.
Edit: > Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #279 in Books
>Number 1 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Animals
>Number 1 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Family Life > Marriage & Divorce
>Number 3 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Rabbits
That other Marlon Bundo book:
>Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #19,972 in Books
>Number 12 in Books > Children's Books > Biographies > United States
>Number 49 in Books > Children's Books > Animals > Rabbits
>Number 119 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > United States
You may like "Motel of the Mysteries" by David Macaulay. ( I haven't read it in a long time but the general premise is that a catastrophe occurs in the 80s burying the world and a few thousand years later archaeologists discover a preserved hotel (or something) and try to figure out what everything is and what it's used for.
There's a whole book 'Go the f**k to sleep'
Its a thing. Its OK to be stressed out and fucking tired. I really wouldn't be that freaked out OP. We've *ALL* been there.
TBLITW. The Best Little Boy in the World syndrome.
No, I definitely got the idea that >!Sam cared more than Jodi did about it.!< He just comes across as so sweet and caring. I didn't actually see anything that suggests that she would angry with him >!if she found out!< , even though I guess his little mischievous streak concerns her some.
>!There's a bit of "best little boy in the world" in a lot of gay men my age though. I guess I project that onto the gay version of Sam in my head!<
There is a satirical book called the Motel of the Mysteries that is written from the perspective of some future archaeologist who is excavating a cheap motel that was buried like the ruins of Pompeii. They try to assign some kind of deep significance to nearly everything they find. My favorite illustration is of a toilet seat that they thought was religious headgear of some kind.
One book that to mind is "A day in the life of Marlon Bundo" by Jill Twiss, issued by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
Not sure if the link is allowed, but it's readily available on sites like amazon.
I have a whole book of lesbian nun testimonials… If they could find 50 lesbian nuns to interview back in 1985, then I really do wonder just how many more are quietly carrying on with it today.
Yep, this.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo (Better Bundo Book, LGBT Children’s Book)
If anyone one, parents/teachers/et al, is looking helpful ways to communicate love to kids (and even many adults) … I highly suggest this book: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Presents A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo (Better Bundo Book, LGBT Children’s Book)
here is a link to an Amazon page for it, but I found it at a used bookstore for like half the price. Incredible book, highly recommended.