You’ll be just fine provided you don’t buy above your means. Your DTI ratio is great. Nice job.
Look into first time home buyer programs for both down payment assistance programs and low credit scores. The programs are designed to help in both situations.
If helpful, use this sources because it’s great at both helping you prepare and also get the grants.Book 1 of Real Estate Knowledge Series
Try to target areas that are within your means, along with getting down payment assistance. In most cases if you’re buying in an area where your income is below 80% of the median income of that area, you qualify for down payment assistance.
These programs can be a godsend for anyone lacking the finances or credit score.
I found this source very helpful at preparing and understanding how to get the grants. Book 1 of Real Estate Knowledge Series
There are helpful books that devote chapters to different aspects of becoming an adult -- budgeting, planning ahead for life goals, learning life skills, household tasks, etc. One such book that's helpful to have around to refer to is Adulting 101. It includes a section in the back devoted to survival and thriving in college.
The set of 4 books provided by GARP/FRM is meant to be used as reference. Each book is scattered with footnotes pointing to outside resources (aka. more references!). One of Michael Crouhy's books, The essentials of risk management 2nd edition, is mentioned a lot. (I use GARP's texts as starting point)
I've tried AnalystPrep and Bionic Turtle packages and realized these study materials reference the 4 books provided by GARP. I highly recommend reading the 4 books + the outside resources referred within each book.
I use AP for their question banks + quizes; and BT for their forum and question banks.
You’ll be okay. Stay positive. Target to buy by this time next year before interest rates go up (planned in 2023).
So you can plan accordingly, think of and learn about the programs available that can assist you while preparing for your purchase.
First time home buyer programs are created for those who need down payment assistance and/or have low credit scores.
Get this source because it teaches you very effectively and efficiently so you can get into action and not months reading. Book 1 of Real Estate Knowledge Series
Good luck. You got this!