I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I made a post about it but no one seems to have read it.
Edit to add link to post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/kmvyj0/example_of_at_home_ipl/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
It works, just takes a while. Like most things worth having, there is no such thing as instant results.
I just started using a home laser device.
I have only just started using it on my shaft but I already see a difference. I plan on moving to the under region in a couple of weeks. It says it works better with a lighter skin / darker hair folicle combo.
Not the op, but I went with this one during a black-friday sale: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PZ5PLB8
Note that this is IPL (flashes of light), and not technically laser. Home units are lower powered, and non-permanent.
After a month it had visible results on facial hair. I no longer needed the tinted concealer! I could just shave and go straight to foundation without a blue tint.
I stopped because I was worried it might interfere with laser hair removal... after a month it started growing back just like before (possibly darker? The concealer seems to be having a harder time... though maybe it's just dysphoria is more acute). Since I'm not going to get facial hair removed during COVID (I'll get the rest removed while wearing a mask), I started back up on the home-administered IPL.
Finally, note that this covers a very small area. It takes me over 20 minutes to do my face, following the instructions (4x in alternating patterns). I wouldn't want to do this over larger body areas.
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137 with Venus Swirl Razor FDA Cleared Permanent Reduction in Hair Regrowth for Body Face Corded, Gold/White, 1 Count(Packaging May Vary) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WYY6KKC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_B7HAWZMRDMTA09FV427C?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I made that above "blurb" months ago and still believe in it. I still have and grow hair...
Now I'm almost 5 months on HRT and definitely the IPL and HRT mean less body hair is happening. But the face 👀 ugh. I do IPL and plucking with tweezers. Sadly, there's a lot of gray in my beard area. The IPL doesn't touch it.
I probably pluck 30 minutes in the morning and up to an hour before going to bed. I was hoping it would help my whiskers grow back less. If it is lessening, the progress is far slower than my arms and legs for sure. I'll be paying for electrolysis soon enough...
It's basically laser hair removal at home. I needed a lot of treatments and the professional service was $50 a pop for q tiny area, now I can treat as much as I want, whenever I want. They don't sell the device model I use anymore but it's something like this https://www.amazon.com/At-Home-Removal-Permanent-removal-Painless/dp/B0828JD1WF. I can vouch for the Silkn brand working on me, but their cheapest model is up to $300 (I bought the older model for $150) so maybe tbe other one is a better choice now. It works best on fairer skin and dark hair, like regular laser hair removal. I learned about it from a trans sub. My leg hair is now so thin and clear that I only shave if I want the smooth feeling of having no hair at all. You have to shave before using it, so I haven't done much in my pubic area because I hate shaving there but I should just get it over with. You only have to do it every two weeks. It took 2-3 months on my legs to get great results, but since pubic hair is thicker it might take longer.
I got one from Bosidin off of Amazon but I didn't do a whole lot of research beyond one or two reviews. Overall I'm happy with it.
I bought a cheaper IPL device from Amazon. I’ve also owned the Tria x4 (which is an actual laser device) & it works well. I used it on my face. The reason I recently bought the IPL device is because actual laser hair removal, in my case the Tria, has a smaller, more targeted head. This means it has a smaller area of efficacy with each zap, but it will work “stronger” if that makes sense. The IPL uses a broad light spectrum, meaning it will cover more surface area per zap. So, I use the IPL for the rest of my body (arms, legs, etc.) If I could go back in time I would have just purchased the IPL because it’s a lot cheaper and I’ve been getting great results from it. I’m not done with my treatments since I only bought it a couple months ago, but so far I’ve had about 75% hair reduction and the hair that does grow is super soft and thin. Here’s the link! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PZ5PLB8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I use this at home IPL and it's helping my hair grow back less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
I'm pretty sure it works. Obviously nothing is fast enough! But when plucking my face, sometimes hair just falls out. Big scary guitar string looking mo-fos, too. Sometimes, the zaps really really suck and other times I can smell burnt hair.
On auto mode, it zaps every 3 seconds. It's counter goes down from 500,000. I've used 10,000 zaps and use it everywhere below my eyes. Every week, I try to spend a couple hours over two days zapping everything I can. When we did a road trip, I took an inverter and a blanket and zapped in the passenger seat.
I bought an older verison of a Braun Silk Expert. I really like it. It fluctuates Hella in price though. It was like $150 when I bough it. I have a couple friends that bought some no name brands in Amazon for like $99 and they all seem to be the same. Hope it helps! Here's a link to the (overpriced) new model of what I bought.
It's strong enough to hurt in some places. I shave and then will zap the area then and for a couple days. It's sharp enough to be kinda scary around my mouth.
Edit to add: seems like the face will take forever to make a difference.
I have this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828JD1WF
And it definitely reduces the not-gray hair regrowth. I would go as far as to say it probably could completely eliminate hair if used a lot.
I press it into my skin so that it's kind of stretching my skin and pointing up the hair. It can really suck in some spots, too! I've used it everywhere below my eyes.
On my face, the dark hair comes back thinner. Less hair is coming back on my arms and legs. I don't know how it compares to professional laser. I shave and then try to zap everywhere over the two days after a shave. The device I bought has a counter that goes down with each zap. It started at 500,000 and I've done about 5000 zaps with it this far.
I bought a Remington one off Amazon [Here] and I've used it for about 3 months now.
I've seen a significant reduction in hair. It says it removes about 60% after 3 uses and 2 weeks in between since hair grows in cycles. I've done my legs, body, and face on the highest setting and while it felt like a quick pinch the first couple of times the legs and body didn't hurt after. My face though... was hard to get through.
I think the last time I looked into this I decided to get a laser device, this one specifically link. Mainly because electrolysis is painful and at home solutions don't seem super common.
I had some electrolysis done and I was very surprised at how slow it was, I had 10 or so sessions done and it barely made a dent in my armpit hair, and considering the cost I was pretty disappointed. This thing I'm already noticing effects after a week or so. Ofc this is just my experience, could be different for other people
It’s quite expensive but worth the money. Been using since May and it worked wonders for me. Don’t need to shave, wax or do anything at all for weeks and the hair doesn’t grow anymore in most places anyway.
The link someone posted is the premium product Braun is pushing that comes with a storage pouch, extra head attachments, and a razor. If you’re comfortable buying on Amazon they have this one that’s cheaper at $350!
I agree, any laser hair removal will work either you go for a procedure or do it at home. Here is a hair removal laser that will not break bank: https://www.amazon.com/Removal-Upgraded-Permanent-Painless-Adjustable/dp/B08D3R4JRH
Ouch, sounds painful, I used to shave a lot myself, but then I tried hair removal laser and it slowed my hair growth 2-3 times. I only have to shave once every 2 weeks and that is rare for me. You can get those hair removal lasers fairly cheap nowadays. I am using Innza laser. Check it out here : https://www.amazon.com/Removal-Upgraded-Permanent-Painless-Adjustable/dp/B08D3R4JRH
I bought one of these https://www.amazon.com/Braun-Removal-Permanent-Reduction-Regrowth/dp/B07WYY6KKC but had mixed results so far. I'm still quite patchy, and without significant improvements. Did you see a specialist? I don't really have the money, but it might be the solution I need.
I bought the at-home laser remover and it was a great investment! I got the BRAUN off of Amazon and use it weekly. My hair growth is down a lot and the skin doesn't have as many red marks. I have very sensitive skin and am pale with dark hair. It has done a wonder on all three "regions" When I remember I also use HoneyMoon Glow at bedtime (it's very sticky) to chemically exfoliate my legs. No more red ashy looking legs from too much shaving. I did try the braun epilator thing as well but it takes forever and doesn't do a great job - the laser is a way better investment if you have the $$.
You can get decent at-home IPL hair removal devices for a couple hundred dollars now! I have one by Braun and it's well worth it if you can fit it in your budget. It's done a bang-up job on my stupid dark chin hairs that are just being jerks and hanging out for no reason. Bonus is that it's great for body hair too. :)
I bought a remington IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) machine for about $600. I think it's 700 now. Took about a year of doing it once a month. But now I'm glad I did it.
Laser Spas won't do men in the intimate regions. so I got my own. It was NOT easy reaching into those back areas.
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WYY6KKC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It's pricey, but I asked for it for Christmas. Also, it beats having to buy shaving tools and then a million creams and lotions to deal with the damage that shaving causes.
Seconding the home laser option! I bought mine off Amazon Braun IPL Silk 3. I have fair skin but DARK body hair and the reduction in hair regrowth just this summer is fantastic. I shave once every 2 weeks, use the laser, and it seems to work really well!
Just want to say I have that too. Make sure you exfoliate a lot because I was getting ingrowns and hair stuck under the skin. I got some removed with electrolysis, and now doing at-home IPL on the rest. I use the Braun IPL which doesn't get rid of everything completely, but drastically reduces hair.
Hair Spray Bottle, Uervoton Continuous Water Mister Spray Bottle Empty, Aerosol Fine Mist Curly Hair Spray Bottle for Taming Hair in Morning, Hairstyling, Plants, Pets, Cleaning-5.4oz/160ml (Black) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07XYNJ6X7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7JPZJVW2MTHSBSXRZ9S7
Braun IPL Hair Removal for Women and Men, Silk Expert Pro 5 PL5137 with Venus Swirl Razor, FDA Cleared, Permanent Reduction in Hair Regrowth for Body & Face, Corded (Packaging May Vary) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WYY6KKC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_X7H47G84MMV18QBNT9SX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got it a year ago and my facial and body hair is slower growing, much much finer and the dark chin hairs are completely gone (weirdly replaced with coarse blonde hair but I'll take that any day!)