You can still buy bluing agents separately. Fun to do to white clothes if you are around black lights at the club.
"Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing, Non Toxic Laundry Whitener, 8-ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)"
Laundry nerd chiming in here. Discoloration on sheets is probably from sweat, so you don't want to use chlorine bleach (which could react with the proteins and cause further yellowing, all credit for this knowledge to Jolie Kerr of Ask a Clean Person). Instead, look at oxygen bleach (e.g., OxiClean) and/or bluing.
Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing, Non Toxic Laundry Whitener, 8-ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)
You should look into bluing. Over a decade ago, Martha Stewart had a daytime show and she used bluing on white dress shirts that ended up looking fantastic. That said, I never tried it because: I didn’t want that level of perfection to become a normal laundry expectation for my fam; and it looks like it can go wrong and you end up more blue than white. If you try it, practice with t-shirts and then your swatches before going balls to the wall with your veil. Good luck and have fun getting ready for your wedding.
>I've also always worn my bras on their tightest hooks (I was told the others were for when the bra shrinks in the wash?)
You actually want to do the opposite. Fit them so they fit well on the loosest hook. Over time the elastic will stretch out and then you'll move to the next hook as the band starts to feel too loose.
And on that note, most people will suggest hand washing bras, and definitely don't pop them into the dryer, it can distort the shape of the bra.
I like to use this no rinse soap for my bras.
PBW will take it off very quickly. I soak my thermo-probes and their little stainless grill clips in a glass of water with half a tablespoon of PBW after each cook and they come out sparkling after about 10 minutes. If the part you want to clean is stainless, try this. PBW is kind of pricey, but you can find it on Amazon and it's useful around the house for other things. I run my dishwasher empty with PBW instead of detergent once a month and it really keeps things spiffy.
>Similar to (or exactly) red clay? OUT White Brite ( specifically mentions it on the bottle, doesn't contain bleach or oxy, but test it out before you use it. Most sites seem just recommend soaking overnight and using a toothbrush to work out the clay from the wool.
I think it IS exactly red clay. White Brite seems to be easier to get for me than the other products recommended.
Thanks for the detailed comment, I really appreciate it.
Similar to (or exactly) red clay? OUT White Brite ( specifically mentions it on the bottle, doesn't contain bleach or oxy, but test it out before you use it. Most sites seem just recommend soaking overnight and using a toothbrush to work out the clay from the wool.
>what I like about it is that it doesn’t “stick” into the garments; it it extremely effective at getting out any stains and dirt but leaves the dirt and detergent in the washing bin; not in the clothing/lingerie.
I'm not trying to express doubt, but how can you notice this?
Genuinely I'm quite intrigued in this! It seems to have rave reviews on Amazon. (sly link for the lazy inclusion 😆) I just wanted to learn if it was.... Possible to learn this power? to notice the dirt being left behind, not on the lingerie but in the basin.
When I work out I generally drench my clothes then they sit all day in my car trunk while I’m at work. They’re about as bad /smelly as they can get.
I tried many things and nothing worked until I came across Atsko Sport Wash on Amazon.
Here is my secret: I mix one serving of Atsko + one serving of my regular laundry detergent.
This combination works flawlessly and my clothes smell great.
This works really well.
You can also get acetone from your local hardware store, but it needs to be diluted before being dumped into your drain.
I use PBW to clean my glass and it works really well, for a bong sized like OP's I would put 2tsp of PBW into the bong then fill it with boiling water and shake to dissolve, then let it sit for ~20 minutes and then rinse/repeat if necessary. The grime usually will just lift off the glass and then you can rinse it out.
It can leave a permanent haze on the glass if you let it sit for a long time, like an overnight soak, so I usually set a 20 minute timer and then repeat if necessary to get all the shit off.
polymerized Lipids are tough. Try soaking in Five Star Brewery Wash. I've never seen anything it can't get off and do it without damaging anything
I agree with other comments here. I wouldn’t overthink it too much, but as someone who never takes that advice myself, I have some product recommendations lol.
Nature’s Miracle makes a laundry additive that is supposed to eliminate pet smells. They also make a great enzymatic cleaner specifically for the litter box - safer cleaning and it actually eliminates odor better than bleach.
Oxi clean is great, but for pets I recommend two things.
Put your things in the dryer prior to washing for 10 minutes. It loosens the hair and traps it in the lint trap before washing. Don't use heat at all.
Get Natures Miracle laundry Boost It will break down pet smells and stains on your laundry.
But the real pro tip if you're lazy like me is to eschew both black and white fabrics. No separate loads of laundry, fading issues are less obvious, etc.
I use Professional Brewer's Wash like I would any other powder cleanser. Works amazingly well. Wet the stainless, sprinkle, scour and then let sit for a minute or two. Rinse with hot water and appreciate the sparkle.
BTW - I'm not sure if its available in Europe or not.
Ugh, the Apex uniform. Great gear but the fabric is infuriatingly stubborn when it gets stained, no matter what the stain is. I own 2 sets for 5+ years now and here’s what I’ve learned:
For your particular problem, I’d start with soaking it in Stewart’s and whatever regular detergent you use for at least 10 minutes, then wash. If that doesn’t work, same process but with Oxi-Clean. Last resort: make a paste with bleach mixed with some baking soda and scrub the individual spots with a toothbrush. Let sit for 5-10 then wash.
Sadly there’s no silver bullet, but the above method does work out the best for me, even if the results are often mixed. Good luck!
Im probably too late on this one but I can't believe I didnt see anyone post sport wash. I'm a fitness instructor that teaches classes in heated rooms. This works.
Fill arm & hammer detergent to the normal line. Top off with sport wash to the max line. Run on cold with an extra rinse.
IMPORTANT SCENT FREE IS NOT FRAGRANCE FREE. Scent free uses chemicals to mask the smells. Fragrance free has no fragrances.
I use a sport wash which I get at Amazon and the the link is below. Borax is a great additive it helps the soap do the job. As others mentioned use vinegar instead of fabric softener.
Hand wash or delicate machine wash on COLD and air dry preferably on a towel or hang dry.
Here’s the gentle soap i use to clean my mohair and tees.
Soak 12oz, Scentless
Here are some alternatives:
Add PBW cleaner to water, make sure the piece is submerged, microwave for 4 or 5 minute.
Believe it or not I've brought worse than that to life.
Use PBW cleaner.
Add to water, use more than instructions say to by double, put the banger in the water, boil for 5 minutes in the microwave and it will be brand new. Removes chaz and all.
Forever New Powdered Detergent Women owned. Est. 1970s. USA. Hypoallergenic. Biodegradable. Bottle can be recycled.
Synthetics and blends grab and hold oils and odors. You could try washing with Sportwash. You don’t have to use a lot and it takes odors out of fabrics (like those synthetic wicking athletic fabrics). It’s completely unscented. Hunters use it to get the human smell off of their clothes (I’ve read, I’m not a hunter). You can wash down with it, too. I use this on some of my own laundry, but it might be pricey to be doing loads of sheets with it.
I only have 100% cotton sheets. I have gotten them from The Company Store, closeout colors (any pastels, dark colors show stains easier). They sell flat & fitted separately, so you can buy only what you need. 200-300TC is best (they have more stiffness, not so silky and clingy, like higher TC). I’ve also stocked up on a bunch of flannel (100% cotton) from MW, or sometimes you can find deals at the club stores (Costco, SAMs). You can sometimes find good close out deals on 100% cotton at BB&B, + stacking your coupons. My sheets have lasted for years and years with hot wash & dry (no bleach, no scents, no fabric softener, I err on the side of hypoallergenic as possible). I have a laundry service and they cater to these requests.
I mainly use Biotone dual-purpose and Soothing Touch nut-free massage oil (it is “water dispersable” & washes out of sheets). I also don’t use much oil or cream with my style of bodywork. I like to get just enough glide and just enough grip to move the tissue. My clients don’t feel like they have to rush home to shower afterwards (I’ve gotten many compliments over the years about this).
It could be your sheets (the make-up of the fabric), it could be your laundering, it could be what you use to massage with, or any combination of the three.
HEY! Hope I get your attention :) You are getting a ton of good advice, but I STRONGLY recommend adding an enzyme detergent to the laundry!
My 13 year old cat has done this a handful of times…usually if I go too long without cleaning her litter box properly, which will cause her to pee on my clothes. Once that happens, it is extremely hard to get the urine smell out of the clothes (even if you can’t smell it, it clings and the CAT can smell it). This caused them to urinate over and over on the same clothing piles, because now it smells like bathroom to them.
I suggest getting an enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle Laundry Boost (often in stores like Petco or Pet Smart, but can order on Amazon also). Let your laundry soak with the enzyme cleaner mixed in (like start the wash and then let it just soak in the full washer for a bit), then wash as normal. It helps a TON.
Nature's Miracle Laundry Boost 32 Ounces
Heard about using PBW yesterday.
They said to mix with water in a bucket or other container and to throw your stainless steel grates/basket in there overnight and rinse off the next day.
My local lingerie shop sells this. You mix like 1 capful per 1 gallon of water, soak the bra and the let dry. No need to rinse. I’m a fan cause it’s easy but less risk of the bras getting damaged. And I think there are other scents too
I have the Rebecca that I also bought at the same time. I will say it’s one of my easiest wool pieces to wash, since it’s only about 55% wool and the rest cotton. I’ve washed it like three times so far and there’s been no shrinkage or damage.
I use soak. It’s a hand washing detergent for delicates. Bonus is it’s no rinse so you avoid the kind of motions and handling that ruin wool sweaters when washing. Honestly don’t know what I did before I discovered it.
It really is that easy I swear! You spend like a minute of actual active time mostly just gently squeezing the water out.
Run across this a few times, especially with beer tanks. Check this stuff out:
Five Star PBW - 1 lbs - Non-Caustic Alkaline Cleaner, White - pbw1
I used a chemical called Blueing. For real.
Mrs. Stewart's Concentrated Liquid Bluing, Non Toxic Laundry Whitener, 8-ounce Bottle (Pack of 2)