Many years ago (in the mid 1990s, at the dawn of the modern internet) I read a book called "Orwell's Revenge."
It was about how Orwell was wrong, how the internet was going to usher in a new age of freedom, how the authorities couldn't control the new networks. It was pretty much the essence of "Can't stop the signal, Mal."
But what the author failed to understand was that the system COULD be used to create exactly what Orwell dreaded, and in fact could become more intrusive than Orwell even believed was possible. Winston Smith in "1984" thinks that one never knew when the telescreen was being monitored. There might be a member of the Thought Police looking in on you, there might not be, so best to behave. But software doesn't sleep, and we carry our telescreens with us. Those cameras in China are always looking, and the systems behind them are getting better and better at spotting anything untoward. China is just doing what many in power in the West wish they could do. It's a way of ensuring that there's never another threat to their power.
Per il secondo punto forse questo: ?
I was talking about computers with my electrical engineer husband. I'm in IT and I get computers once we get to the OS level but it just blows my mind that electrons "know" what'd going on in logic gates. He tried to explain it but had some trouble and we looked for a better source.
We both got a good laugh when we stumbled on a book titled "But How Do It Know?" Highly recommend, this book is awesome.
Entirely unrelated to this post, but you made me think of it :-)
Highly suggest either of these books if you like to read they will take you from the simple concept of binary to how a computer works on a low level, and are written in a very beginner-friendly way (no prior CS knowledge). I've read both and my overall understanding of comp. arch. feels much broader and developed.
I love all the pictures nformation people have nowadays. It's awesome but can be a bit overwhelming. I started as a kid in the 80s when every pc came with basic. Basic ( not to confuse with visual basic) was procedural and made you think like a computer thinks. (like c). You wanted to learn more you bought a book or read magazines with code on them.
If you want a holistic overview of code and how computers work, I suggest the book Code by Charles pet old. It's a very fun read that starts with Morse code and ends up in binary/hex and how memory works
If you just want to grasp c#, try a head first book. Learn about classes And how to structure them.
It's a huge topic and I can answer any questions
Recently started learning. Taking the CS50x course offered by Harvard online. Bought this book and am going through it. Also looking at this document to guide me through resources. Basically doing whatever I can to get on the right track. Made a game with scratch and it seems like my CS50 course is moving on to C++ now.
Think I wanna be a back end dev but not 100% sure yet still exploring my options. I got really excited about Pen Testing actually but was told that was basically out of the question for anyone self-studying.
With a new-born + pandemic it's not easy, but it's worth it to be happy and give her a better life.
Also check out this book!
This one teaches you cpu and memory architecture on the lowest level possible in a wonderfully intuitive way.
Understanding enough to write an OS is awesome but please don't get discouraged if you aren't ready in the next 5 years.
Based on your post, i have one of the best books to recommend to you
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software 1, Charles, Petzold, eBook -
This is a very well written book and eases you into concepts. It covers everything from morse code from braille, to building circuits. This is one of my favorite books of all time and can be picked up from any skill level. It's not about OS development but gives you an extremely solid foundation to learn from. OS dev books/tutorials will be a lot easier to read after this.
But how do it know By J. Clark Scott I recommend that book to everyone that asks that question, because that book is what made everything "Click" for me when I was studying computer engineering. It started from the very basic and you get to built a CPU!
Charles Petzold's book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Softwareis a good one for grasping how computers work at a low level. It's casual enough that you can read it without being at a computer.
There's also Algorithms Unlocked, which is written by a co-writer of MIT's algorithms book. I haven't read this one but it looks like another good casual text.
Congrats on your book! Here's a link if anyone is interested. Don't see the option to 'look inside' but will check it out from the kindle sample.
R is pretty academic leaning I would say. Python is more main stream. I’d recommend going through a Kaggle dataset and practice cleaning, processing, organizing, and visualizing data. Maybe build a machine learning model. SQL is always a good idea, applicable no matter what you do since database is usually central. This is a book recommended to me:
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Petzold's Code is a nice armchair book. More about how software and hardware works rather than the development process. Give the Amazon synopsis a look.
reading the amazon page for the book it would seem it go into detail on explaining what software code is the details and everything. It doesn't seem like it delves into actual teaching of a language, but seems like it's worth $16 price tag.
No problem! Also, if you can spare $10 is recommend picking up a copy of Machine Learning for the Absolute Beginner, it's how I got started
Sure! One of the main areas I got a lot of my early knowledge from is just watching YouTube videos. My personal favorite is LinusTechTips (they provide a good mix of both server/workstation videos and more consumer oriented builds) but there are tons of great YouTubers out there. If you watch some of LTT's videos where they actually build PCs or work on their servers/workstations you can get a lot of knowledge.
As for reading, reddit is obviously a great place. I'm not sure how low-level you are looking to get, but if you want a great book about how computers and operating systems run on a hardware level, this book is great: It's a bit more about operating system code and binary and whatnot but it taught me a lot about computer science theory and was definitely very interesting.
Being fond of problem solving is a good indicator. Problem solving and executing a solution is essentially what programming is all about in the end. Pretty much any engineering degree for that matter. The good news is most STEM courseware is pretty much the same the first couple of years of college so you won't really have to commit straight away. Your classes will apply to multiple degree paths and having a few intro compsci courses under your belt will help in literally any major.
A computer science degree is (should be) geared to problem solving more than learning to write code. Writing code is the easy bit and the tech changes so quickly it is something best learned on the fly. You will be taking tons of math, studying algorithms, data structures, learning to play well with others -- that sort of thing.
Being fond of computers alone can lead one astray. The classic example is that liking listening to music doesn't necessarily lead to liking making music.
The Harvard cs50x extension course will give you a straight up taste of what an intro to CS class will be like in university. The pace is fast so fair warning.
A good armchair book is CODE. Nice overview of how computers compute.
It's a great career choice IMO. I've been at it for a long long (long) time with zero regrets. Along side getting to play with all the shiny bits, you can get a constant supply of feel good moments when you see your work actually doing something in the wild and seeing your work impact peoples lives in a positive way.
If you really want to understand how a processor works I recommend Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software. This is a great book that works its way through the history of the development of processors and the code that runs them, easy read and so well written!
Anyone interested in this topic should read Code by Charles Petzold. It's an accessible look at what a "code" is, how it can be digitized, and how computers can be built to interpret that code.
Not exactly what you are looking for, but it provides a great explanation of how computers work from a low-level (but not overly specific or technical).
Thanks so much!
Where do hobbies and interests go? Below Education somewhere? Sample stuff I could add:
I had sort of planned to put all this stuff in my personal website - write ups of personal projects, a good reads feed, an "About me" section, and maybe a page of my sewing/knitting creations.
I'll certainly look into adding some more personality into the resume design, it is currently the result of a google template, which is pretty blah.
Again, Thanks so much for your feedback! It's been really helpful!
If you want a good, understandable explanation of this, read <em>Code</em> by Charles Petzold. He basically walks you through building a CPU from the ground up.
It's an excellent laypersons explanation of how computers work at a very fundamental level. How you can use relays (and transistors, their analog) to read 1's and 0's and make decisions based on that. From there you get to machine language (physically encoded into the chip), and everything above that is basically abstraction.