I bounce between several, but can definitely recommend Doctor's Best. I have not noticed a difference between all of the top brands on amazon.
Vitamin D enchances the absorption of calcium, so if someone eats a fair amount of dairy or spinach they should be fine. Magnesium should be the one people need to look out for. It's one of the most important minerals that we don't get enough of, PLUS it works in synergy with vitamin D! If you regularly eat almonds (or pumpkin seeds), avocados, dark green leafy vegetables and legumes then you're probably fine. If not then I'd definitely recommend you start including them in your diet if possible, and if not you can supplement.
Another critical micronutrient would be K2, which helps direct calcium to your bones and teeth and prevent calcification of your arteries (big no no!). If you're thinking of supplementing Vitamin D3, you can find those two vitamins together. They are fat soluble so make sure you eat them with your nuts/seeds and avocados! :)
As already mentioned, magnesium citrate doesn't get absorbed by the body very well. If it gets into the colon, it acts as a laxative. This brand uses a different form of magnesium and has good reviews. You can even get it as a cream so your body absorbs it without worrying about it being in your digestive tract!
Look into magnesium rich foods as well. Dark chocolate and black beans are good ones! I get a really bad upset stomach/bloating with most magnesium supplements. I don't react if it's labeled as "magnesium (as aspartate)" but mostly I prefer to get it through food.
The TYPE of Magnesium you take is key. You want one that has TRAACS (The Real Amino Acid Chelate System), on the label since that's a proprietary way of binding it that does NOT give you diarrhea. (If you have to have a colonoscopy they literally give you magnesium to clean you out.) I use this one: https://smile.amazon.com/Doctors-Best-Absorption-Magnesium-Glycinate/dp/B000BD0RT0/
I've gone through something similar, it was during major depression. Honestly what helped was reducing inflammation within my body/brain.
I'd suggest trying lithium orotate as a first line of action along with fish oil, magnesium glycinate and maybe turmeric with a source of black pepper.
I don't know which supplements you've tried in the past but I don't think you've permanently damaged your body. Depression can deplete and drain you completely especially any creative and positive thoughts. Start meditating even for a few minutes a day. Well-being is fostered not only with a good diet but a good mindset, there could be a lot of things draining you emotionally and physically you just need to figure out what those things are and try to correct them.
I hope you feel better soon, as someone who's been in your shoes it does get better.
Obligatory "I am not a doctor or medical professional", but this was the type of magnesium recommended to me by my therapist: Magnesium L Threonate Capsules. That specific one is the one I have been taking.
The only adverse effect I have noticed is intense grogginess, so I have not been taking it in the morning. Just two pills at night, about one hour before I plan to fall asleep. It has improved my sleep quality, and I am no longer waking up with TMJ pain.
It was explained to me that because it is a mineral, and not a drug, your body can not build a tolerance as one would to a drug (this was a worry of mine that I discussed in therapy!). But again, I am not a doctor, and she was not a pharmacist, so others may have a different interpretation.
And to respond to your other comment, yes I am! Been a subscriber to The Atlantic for a year now and recently found this subreddit. Big fan of the quality of commenters here.
Amazon link for Triple Calm There are other versions, but I can say I have had good results with this one. (I had ectopic heartbeats, and supplementing Mg helped alot. Triple calm was the first thing I went for, and it worked well.)
This is probably blogging, but I feel the need to share. Doctors best 100% chelated magnesium tablets are the best. Specially formulated to not give you the runs. Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, TRACCS, Not Buffered, Headaches, Sleep, Energy, Leg Cramps, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, 100 mg, 240 Tablets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BD0RT0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_cuiaGb0XDY6TY
I like Natural Calm for mag. You can also get mag from adding Epsom salt to a bath and soaking for a bit(great for sore muscles).
Sodium: broth/bouillon. Beef tastes better but chicken is more readily available. I'll put a TBSP into my 24oz coffee cup in the morning, drink it throughout the day, and that's about 2500mg of sodium. More if I counted the splash of Frank's Red Hot. Adding a TBSP of heavy cream really kicks it up a notch.
Potassium: No Salt (NOT Nu Salt or Lite Salt) as it provides 2600mg of potassium per TSP. Nu Salt contains more, if I'm not mistaken. I'll sneak 1/4 tsp of No Salt into that same coffee cup in the morning and usually split the remaining 3/4 tsp into two 28 oz bottles of water with a few squeezes of Mio water enhancer. Looks like Nu Salt might be easier for you to find, at least on amazon. Also, spinach.
Magnesium: two of these
I do and I take this magnesium. Some magnesiums absorb better than others, this one is supposed to have a very high absorbtion. Some magnesiums like magnesium oxide are not absorbed as much and so they are good for helping with constipation...not what you want for relaxing muscles.
I feel like it helped a lot when my pain wasn't as bad at the beginning, I still take it daily but as my muscles have gotten worse it only helps so much. Definitely worth a shot!
It's supposed to be a relaxant. I think of the muscles, mainly, but people also use it as a sleep aid like they would with melatonin. My anxiety is significantly lessened. Again, I don't know if it's a placebo, but I'm happy with what seems to be taking place.
I'm currently taking KAL magnesium tablets: https://www.amazon.com/KAL-Magnesium-Glycinate-Chelated-Servings/dp/B00013YZ1Q
There's a review freaking out about arsenic but I don't think I'm dead yet.
I had alot of leg pain and started taking magnesium 100mg a night. it seems to help.
Get the Calm powder so you can easily control the dose. You can buy it on Amazon and Whole Foods. Natural Vitality Calm #1 Selling Magnesium Citrate Supplement, Anti-Stress Magnesium Supplement Drink Mix Powder - Original Flavor, Vegan, Gluten Free and Non-GMO (Package May Vary), 16oz 113 Servings https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000OQ2DL4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6ZSC5PK6BZAYF1E380Y6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It’s spendy but it helps and once you get the hang of how much works for you - you can look for the generic brands or larger contianers.
For me personally, magnesium really helps slow my palpitations. I take this magnesium because it’s the type/brand I saw most frequently recommended online and it’s the form of magnesium that’s not a laxative. Worth a shot if you haven’t tried it already!
I found that Natural Calm helped the most with bloating. I like to drink it with warm water and lemon after dinner. (I like the flavors better - but since they contain stevia, the unflavored is the only one that is W30 compliant) https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Vitality-Anti-Stress-Supplement-Raspberry/dp/B00BPUY3W0
I was getting horrendous daily headaches at the start of my second trimester (26 weeks now) and am not Pre-e. My midwife and doula both suggested taking Magnesium. So I ordered some off of Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Vitality-Magnesium-Organic-Raspberry/dp/B00BPUY3W0?th=1)
No idea if its placebo or not, but it seems to have done WONDERS. I rarely if ever wake up with a headache anymore (unless I forget to take some). Might be worth looking into?
Google Morton "Lite Salt" for potassium supplementation. Cheap at Walmart.
I supplement magnesium glycinate found at Amazon.
KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | 90 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00013YZ1Q/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_g7ovBb83KCC2K
> recommended daily dosages on every bottle of magnesium threonate
Are you 100% this isn't just the dose? Because there isn't a recommended daily dose for threonate, there's just one for elemental magnesium (which is indeed around 400 mg).
Btw the first threonate on Amazon even lists 'Daily value not established'. So to even confirm your
> Why are all of the
can you at least link the ones you observed to have that indication?
If you're in the US, there's Bulk Supplements on Amazon.
It's the type of magnesium! Comes in two (iirc) forms, ones a laxative and one isn't! My mom researches vitamins ALL the time, so I just listened to her advice but I remember a few Google searches backed up what she said. I ended up getting this one from Amazon two weeks ago to try and help get better sleep. No issues with so far!
I use magnesium glycinate lysinate chelate. I’ll put the link below. I take 200mg in the morning and 200mg in the evening. Today I’m going to try 400mg tonight. It helps me sleep and makes me have pretty vivid dreams so I’m interested to see what doing the 400mg tonight will do.
Doctor's Best High Absorption... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BD0RT0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I have a fasting friendly magnesium supplement I found on amazon! It doesn’t taste great (I usually just mixed a teaspoon with water and chug), a little chalky and doesn’t mix with cold beverages really well, but it helps a ton with sleeping (relaxes muscles) and I’ve heard it helps a lot with muscle cramps. I have a friend who gets cramps in his legs due to an auto-immune disorder, he takes 1/4 teaspoon in the morning to help with it. I definitely suggest it!
BulkSupplements Pure Magnesium... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GW5NX8I?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
It’s a huge bag so it’ll last forever. I like this because melatonin makes me feel groggy the next morning :)
Magnesium!! I had horrible palpitations and then I started taking a magnesium supplement twice a day. I haven’t had them since.
I take these: Natural Rhythm Triple Calm... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GW4V7MC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
After 3 doses, my palpitations disappeared.
Someone suggested this one because it has Magnesium Taurate, Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Malate and I really like it: https://www.amazon.com/Triple-Calm-Magnesium-Glycinate-Relaxation/dp/B01GW4V7MC/ref=sr\_1\_4\_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=magnesium+calm&qid=1626629977&sr=8-4-spons&psc=1&smid=A2TH4LXU50WW0P&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNkVS...
Am I missing something. The ones Im looking at are 2000mg or so for a few pills. The one they actually showed is 2000mg for 4 pills.
So far, what's been working very well is taking 0.25mg of clonazepam at night before bed if I get a hotspot, and it eliminates it after a day or two. Then every day I take 200mg of magnesium in the morning and before bed, melatonin before bed, and that keeps things at bay. I've tried half a dozen different brands of mag and this one seeeems to actually work, surprisingly: https://www.amazon.com/Doctors-Best-Absorption-Magnesium-Glycinate/dp/B000BD0RT0
Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate, 100% Chelated, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten & Soy Free, 100 mg, 240 Tablets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BD0RT0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HB6D5BBPECB8V0W7GKBH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I take these regularly, 1.5 pills a day split morning/night. when I get a lot of PACs I up the dose to 1 in the morning and 2 at night, so 3 pills total.
If they get out of control, like hundreds a day/night, I take metoprolol tartrate (beta blocker) and it calms them down. But I reserve those for worst case scenario.
Ok I just checked, magnesium citrate is what I was told is ok. Here is the link to the specific brand they recommended. Natural Vitality Calm #1 Selling Magnesium Citrate Supplement, Anti-Stress Magnesium Supplement Drink Mix Powder- Raspberry Lemon, Vegan, Gluten Free and Non-GMO (Package May Vary), 16 oz 113 Servings https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BPUY3W0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9FAJ4F7ZMHQ4QGZ3Z381